Topic: DUH's Insurrection & Subversion CAFE #6

As we enter the new millennium with George W., Britney Spears, and
(((ugh))) the MAN show, I hope we can all keep a good sense of humor about
things. What can we say about a society that lets this kind of thread survive to
its six incarnation? I shudder to think...

As always diabetic chat is strictly forboden or I'll blow chunks. Keep the
conversation lively, loosely connected, and interesting; posting links to your
own crap 40 or 50 times is a no-no; cranky cynics are honored here, and most
importantly, don't be an inflamed, monkey's butt. We get enough of those
dropping in when the momentum of their social lives and what's left of their
sensibilities evaporate like so much hog sweat. Otherwise, have fun. Stay
tuned for very occasional sermon from the Rev. Duh, kook patrols, and the
marshmellow roasts over the embers of some poor slob we flamed.

If you have picture of yourself or someone near and dear to you (human or
otherwise), send one in and honor them on the picture pages. We will keep
them up until somebody sues me and I have to take them down.


Replete with verbose disclaimer:

Emailing images to DUH for the use in the picture pages implies full consent for
use and waives any and all copyright claims or rights to said images. Images will
be altered or edit for color, fit, cropping, etc. as DUH sees fit, for display on the
pictures pages. All requests for removal, editing, or changes of the picture pages
or images should be directed to DUH, and all decisions on such request will be
made by DUH and are final. Furthermore, all submitted images become the
property of DUH. DUH is not responsible for the use or misuse of any images
submitted for display, once posted, outside this forum. Thank you and have a
nice day.

A special addition to the pages, plus the usual fair - my site, the RANT, and,
where the results of the occassional kook patrol are immortalized, THE LINKS

Here we love good Macintosh talk, we adore Adobe, and we WORSHIP DAVE...

Send links, pictures and hate mail to:

And remember, "If you can't say anything nice about someone, come over and
sit by me..." Never more true is this saying, than here in the lair of the EVIL
CLOWN. Muuhhhaaahhaaahhhaa....

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 03:24am Dec 17, 2000 EST (#1 of

(brought over from the other place)

I'm been all over the AMtrak web site. I got one of the student traveling card things. I don't
know how much your paying for your choo
choo, WD, but the Amtrak lady I talk to said that I could get a round trip "Explore America"
thing - here-SF-Seattle-here for about
$300 with my student discount. I may talk to a travel agent too, but on the website, they have
a discounted ticket from SF to Seattle for
$70 bucks. I think I'm going on the most southern route to SF and maybe take the route
through Montana home - I want to go through
Iowa though, but I don't know if that really northern route goes through Iowa. We'll see. I'll
end up disappointing somebody, I just
know it.

For the San Francisco pathfinder get-together, I propose the the Boulevard Restaurant, The
Magnolia, the Menara or Dipuccios...

"History will snicker at both of them..." [Noel1] - 06:08am Dec 17, 2000 EST (#2 of 1012)

Have you taken the train before, Duh? If not, you might be in for the "trip of your life"...

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 06:34am Dec 17, 2000 EST (#3 of

Never did the choo choo before. All I know is there is booze and its cheaper than flying....
"trip of my life???" ooo your scaring me

"History will snicker at both of them..." [Noel1] - 06:38am Dec 17, 2000 EST (#4 of 1012)

I actually like the train, but you've got to accept a few things.

You won't get there on time. Wherever you're going, you won't get there on time.

You will meet some interesting people, and I mean "interesting" in the Charles Manson

There will be a magician on board.

Every AmTrak train breaks down in the desert. I don't care if you're going from Chicago to
Milwaukee, the train will break down in
the desert.

Oh, the smells you'll smell!

"History will snicker at both of them..." [Noel1] - 06:39am Dec 17, 2000 EST (#5 of 1012)

In all seriousness, two words: sleeper compartment.

You'll thank me.

Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 08:16am Dec 17, 2000 EST (#6 of 1012)

Trains are cool. That's how I traveled when I went on leave in the AF. People would usually
buy me drinks. *G*

Trying a case in Florida,? Get valium Rx refill [wardaddy] - 09:26am Dec 17, 2000 EST (#7 of


I'm going through Denver to spend a couple of days with my cousin and his wife in Boulder.

I leave Memphis late in the evening and get to Chicago the next morning. Leave there for
Denver that afternoon and get in to Denver the
next morning, spend two days then off to Emeryville. I'll get there at around 6:50PM on the
10th and leave on the 12th. Seattle the
next morning. Leave there on the 18th for Chicago on the Empire Builder through Montana.

If you go bsck through Montana, you'll get to see the only tree in Nebraska. (You can't miss it
- there'll be dogs lined up for miles in
every direction. Just look for them and see which way they're facing.)

As Noel said, sleeper compartment all the way, so I'll be forward of the diner.

BTW, snow on the ground this morning in north Mississippi.

"History will snicker at both of them..." [Noel1] - 07:13pm Dec 17, 2000 EST (#8 of 1012)

You actually have the brass to claim your arrival time down to theminute?

That's rich, wardaddy:-)

[Rosco] - 07:16pm Dec 17, 2000 EST (#9 of 1012)

The Sound of Music, Julie Andrews, must reach control, strength fading, BP low, must
change to football.......

uuuugh.....too late
Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 10:36pm Dec 17, 2000 EST (#10 of

Well, Noel, last year I went Southwest which was like a cattle car in the sky. Thank god for the
booze. Didn't give me any food, but gave
me all the heiny beers I wanted. I have a half day lee way for any departures and arrivals. I'm
wondering if I'm going throught the
north how much longer that will make my trip. Whahizface says they'll be booze on the train.
So, if I can eat and drink.... or, maybe if
I could just drink, most of my trip will just be peachy. Ironically, when most people travel, the
Charlie Manson type they describe is
usually the description they use for me. On the 12th, since that is Friday (I think) that's when
they discount the crap at MacWorld
and start giving crap away because they don't want to lug it back - so I want to stay for most
of that - although I'm hoping there's a
choo choo leaving that night, or I'll just be getting drunkywunky in the train station bar (if
there is such a beast.)

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 10:05pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#11 of

Whatcha guys think of this? I’m thinking of a putting live webcam thingy on my site of me or
the guinea pigs or sumptin...

Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 10:06pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#12 of


Whatcha guys think of this? I’m thinking of a putting live webcam thingy on my site
of me or the guinea pigs or

Not gonna go there... Not gonna do it... Must be good... good...good...

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 10:35pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#13 of

I’m actually REALLY rethinking the webcam thing considering what happen last time that only
four or five of you know about....

Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 10:37pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#14 of

I’m actually REALLY rethinking the webcam thing considering what happen last time
that only four or five of you
know about....

Oh, to be in the loop... </wistful>

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 10:51pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#15 of

Be afraid. Be very afraid, Guy. It was a bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, nekkid, bad, bad, bad thing
that happened...

Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 10:54pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#16 of


Be afraid. Be very afraid, Guy. It was a bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, nekkid, bad, bad,
bad thing that happened...

Afraid of missing it, I s'pose...

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 10:55pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#17 of

Trust me. You’ll respect me in the morning easier if you didn’t know.

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:56pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#18 of

forget the webcam thing. just plain forget it.

don't do it!

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 10:59pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#19 of

.... hehe he - last time was worse than the time I was 12 and shaved off my eyebrows...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:59pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#20 of

well, yeah....

cold your way?

got your Christmas decorations up? I do. woo hoo.

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 11:06pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#21 of

five degrees. Over on the RR thread I froze my boobies off. We have a decorated Christmas
tree in a box in the garage...

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 11:08pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#22 of

Guy: lets just say if I were more coherent that night and had less Tauca, there would be a lot
more of me on the internet these days...
not that I don’t know that there isn’t now....

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 11:08pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#23 of

I have on 2 layers now... getting ready for bed, and I'm sure several cats will be joining us to
keep us warm.... or do we keep them

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 11:10pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#24 of

Well, I got overweight dogs, and we have discovered they put out some heat, man.

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:11pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#25 of

I clicked next in the middle of Duh's post that was talking about what she shaved. LOL

When I hit back, it turned out to be eyebrows. Whew.

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:13pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#26 of



God's honest truth. LOL

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 11:13pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#27 of

YOu know what I could do? Little live webcam shave.... I could shave whahizfaces’ eyebrows
while he sleeps - you all watching have to
be very quiet tho....

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:14pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#28 of

Do it, do it , do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it.


Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 11:16pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#29 of

that would be worth watching.... does he have a mustache???

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 11:19pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#30 of

No. But I’ve always threaten that I would put him on the internet while he’s sleeping.... I could
shave one of the dogs or sumptin.

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 11:22pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#31 of

I think shaving what's his face is far more reasonable than shaving the dogs... they might get
cold, ya know?

I'm off to bed, my butt is getting cold.

[Hobo] - 11:22pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#32 of 1012)

Trains are the only way to travel, just ask me. I've been everywhere, and once in a while, I did
ride a passenger train. Warm water,
showers, good food, good drink, and good conversation make for a great way to travel.
Boxcars go more places and better routes, but you
don't want to travel through the Sierras or the Rockies at this time of the year. Enjoy your trip.

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:27pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#33 of

I rode a train from London to Paris.

It was way cool.

Bar car was in demand.

Don't know about Amtrak though.

Does it go under water?

GW is My President [SV_Doug] - 11:56pm Dec 18, 2000 EST (#34 of 1012)

I like to travel by train. I have been on the all fast trains such as the Shinkensen in Japan,
the TGV in France, and the ICE in Germany.
The most memorable was I took the overnight train from Munich to Rome with a bunch of
Italians going home for Christmas.

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 12:06am Dec 19, 2000 EST (#35 of

I took the bullet train from Venice to Bologna. It was only a few hours, but it was cool.

Americans looked at us like we were crazy, but the Italians gave us the thumbs up and the
nod of approval.

We had our own wine, cheese and meats.

The earth is already overcrowded - go home! [wardaddy] - 01:06am Dec 19, 2000 EST (#36
of 1012)


I gave the time of arrival from the schedule. On my other trips, we usually were witnin a few
minutes of the scheduled arrival.

OK, have the schedule, now. Arriving in Emeryville on the California Zephyr on 10 January at
around 6:10PM, leaving from Emeryville
on 12 January at 9:58PM on the Coast Starlight. ETA Seattle on 13 January at 8:25PM.
Leave Seattle on 18 January at 4:45PM on the
Empire Builder.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:57pm Dec 19, 2000
EST (#37 of 1012)

Duh... Webcam?? Uh... Maybe a bad idea...

If you do decide to shave something of whatizface's I won't tell you about the time I *Naired*
barber stripes in a former boyfriend's
legs as he lay passed out on the bed in a motel in Florida after being an ass in public...

Whatizface might get mad if I told you how well the stripes of blonde hair showed on that
tanned skin ...

And how I was away from the scene when he woke up took a shower and had nice smooth
(in places) legs...and it took him a while to
figure out what happened...

And he was the first and last blonde for me..LOL

I'm a human cannonball, not a doctor [wilycat] - 01:14pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#38 of 1012)

Does it go under water?

Occasionally, but not intentionally.

GW........... [Mr. Buckeye] - 01:21pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#39 of 1012)

When are you going to add a picture of DaveGin to the Picture Gallery?
Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 07:23pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#40 of

GW........... [Mr. Buckeye] - 01:21pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#39 of 39)

When are you going to add a picture of DaveGin to the Picture Gallery?

When he sends me one with his clothes on...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 07:39pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#41 of

that photo is probably worth your train tickie.

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 07:42pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#42 of

heh heh....

Highest bidder needs to send a cashier’s check, auction ends Jan 1...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 07:52pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#43 of

Well, what did you say your train ticket is costing you???

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 08:00pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#44 of

Hey now, a bunch of you said DAVE was on CNN a while ago? Or Larry King, I’m not sure....
wonder if his picture would be in storage

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 08:01pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#45 of

I think the choo choo is $300 for the round trip...

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 08:18pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#46 of

One reason why trains are safer!

Fifteen minutes into the flight from Kansas City to Toronto, the captain announced, "Ladies
and gentlemen, one of our engines has
failed. There is nothing to worry about. Our flight will take an hour longer than scheduled, but
we still have three engines left."

Thirty minutes later the captain announced, "One more engine has failed and the flight will
take an additional two hours. But don't
worry ... we can fly just fine on two engines."

An hour later the captain announced, "One more engine has failed and our arrival will be
delayed another three hours. But don't
worry ... we still have one engine left."

A young blonde passenger turned to the man in the next seat and remarked, "If we lose one
more engine, we'll be up here all day!"

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 08:30pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#47 of

I think the choo choo is $300 for the round trip...

He better have the bod of Adonis, if I'm to fork over $300.00.

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 08:37pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#48 of

Dave says he looks like Harrison Ford. That was enough to send me running to the car. And
if whahizface woulda gave me the keys, it
would have been ROAD TRIP TIME....

The earth is already overcrowded - go home! [wardaddy] - 08:41pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#49
of 1012)

Well, hell...I've been compared to Tyrone Power - taller, though.

Bigger feet, too.

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 08:42pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#50 of

Dave says he looks like Harrison Ford.

sheeeeit............ hmmm. I might have to come get ya, and we can have a meal on Dave.......

wonder if he could deal with 2 Korean women?

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 08:44pm Dec 19, 2000
EST (#51 of 1012)

he he he, Char...

and who's Tyrone Power?

The earth is already overcrowded - go home! [wardaddy] - 08:45pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#52
of 1012)

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh....

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 08:48pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#53 of


Hell to get old ain't it. At 26 I was built like a Greek God, but at 66 it's more like a Goddamned
Greek. *G*

surferchicklet - 08:44pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#51 of 52)

and who's Tyrone Power?

Youngster! LMAO

The earth is already overcrowded - go home! [wardaddy] - 08:49pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#54
of 1012)



A blond, but, hey, I'm getting light-colored hair.

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 08:49pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#55 of


Tyrone Power, isn’t he like that Valentino guy?

The earth is already overcrowded - go home! [wardaddy] - 08:52pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#56
of 1012)

Better Valentino than Tarentino (sp).

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 08:55pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#57 of

Tyrone Power was a very sexy man in his day.

then again, in his day... I wasn't interested in sexy men. I was only 2 when he checked out.

Tyrone Power

Holy cow, lookie at the address to that site... cowkisses???? oh man.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 08:58pm Dec 19, 2000
EST (#58 of 1012)


Only Shane I know knew was IRL and he was not blonde...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:01pm Dec 19, 2000
EST (#59 of 1012)

Ahh... The Mark of Zorro I think I have seen long ago... He'd make a good one I bet...

And I wasn't born yet when he died...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:04pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#60 of

Used to have a bull we called Tyrone.

He was quite the breeder.

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 09:07pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#61 of

heh heh heh heh-heh heh heh heh heh-heh heh heh heh heh-heh heh...

She said breeder.....

heh heh heh-heh heh heh heh heh-heh heh

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:08pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#62 of

He was... screwed anything that mooooved.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:13pm Dec 19, 2000
EST (#63 of 1012)


(behaving myself for a change)

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:16pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#64 of

Then, he got a little too possessive, if ya know what I mean.... got to be unpredictable.

He was promptly loaded up and taken to town.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:17pm Dec 19, 2000
EST (#65 of 1012)

Yum yum?

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:19pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#66 of

dog food.

and they ate him

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:50pm Dec 19, 2000 EST (#67 of

God, Tyrone was georgeous.

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 12:10am Dec 20, 2000 EST (#68 of

Page loads slow, but it's good for a laugh I thought. *G*

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 01:09pm Dec 21, 2000
EST (#69 of 1012)

Excellent *rant* Duh...

Btw... Chicklita saw a pic of Brit brat in a mag at the market yesterday and her comment was
*Jeez... she needs to put some clothes on.*

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 02:22pm Dec 21, 2000 EST (#70 of

An Amish woman was traveling down the road one day in a buggy when a state trooper
pulled her over.

Walking up to the buggy, the trooper said to the woman, "Ma'am, I can see that you do not
have a slow-moving vehicle emblem on the
back of this buggy, and I am going to have to issue you a citation for that."

As he takes out his pen to write, he notices that one of the reins is tied around the horse's
testicles. The trooper gets very upset about
this, and tells the woman that he will have to issue a citation for animal cruelty, also. He
hands the tickets to the woman and she
proceeds home.

At home, her husband asks how her day went, and she begins to tell him about the tickets.
"He gave me this one because that orange
triangle fell off the back of the buggy."

The husband replies that he can fix that, and then asks what the second piece of paper is

The wife says, "I don't know, he was so upset, but it seemed to have something to do with
the emergency brake."

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 07:03pm Dec 21, 2000 EST (#71 of

Oh, that was very, very good!

I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch. [SherrieG] - 11:48pm Dec 21, 2000 EST (#72 of

Bill Russell told Duffy that he looked like that actor named Gibson.

Duffy thought he meant Mel.

The rest of us knew he meant Hoot.

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 12:33am Dec 22, 2000 EST (#73 of


Hoot Gibson? or Mel Hoot? Gibson Hoot?

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 01:55am Dec 22, 2000 EST (#74 of

BTW. I got a raise today.... tenkque... tenkque...

Kiss my shiny metal aaaaaahhhhcchhoooo... [Duh_] - 10:10pm Dec 23, 2000 EST (#75 of


Merry Christmas



Sometimes stuff just needs to be said...

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:19am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#76
of 1012)

AHA!! Found one of my xmas presents!!! Whahizface hides them cause he thinks I'm going to
open them before Christmas. I got this (its
a three pack)...

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 06:56am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#77
of 1012)

A new xmas rant...

But. I do want to write something about the ones I love. It's a little family that I have chosen,
and that I cherish more than my own life.

I looked at whahizface a little bit ago, and I am amazed. I am amazed that I have someone
who loves me deeply, who does almost
anything for me, and who is satisfied with the package of neurosis and irratic impulses that is
me. He sees me as beautiful and
vibrant, and puts up with all the facets of me, from the screaming neurotic, the whiney nag,
the loving child, the lusty broad, the
scared girl, and the raging wild woman. He's kind, and intelligent, strong and able and I don't
know if I tell him enough, but I am
thankful and grateful that one such as him would be willing to be with one such as me. And if
that weren't enough, he was willing to
take a back seat to my devotion to my best friends, my reasons for continuing on this earth,
my fountains of unconditional love, Kodak
and Afga. He's never been jealous nor resentful for my irrational love for my dogs. Moreover,
he has grown to love them as I do. I would
like to wish my little family, Kenny, Afga, Kodak, and Stupid, I mean Milo, the best of the
season, and all my love. It really makes me
feel I that I have gotten more than I ever could hope for, and that in there eyes I am the
person that I strive to be.

Happy Holidays to all... [sjscruby] - 08:36am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#78 of 1012)

Nice tribute, duh...hope you let whahizface see it. ;)

Find any more presents?? (it IS kinda hard to hide ice cream---LOL)

And congrats on the raise!

Don't have time to read the whole rant right now...have to run over to Mom's to see my bro,
SIL and nephew from CA before I go to work.
Our family gathering is today, but I'll be working.

Hope you have a good one!!!

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 09:23am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#79 of

Dusty, darlin, you are the daughter I wish I had had.

You email him a link to that page this very second.

Love and Merry Christmas and see ya in a couple of weeks!


Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:25am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#80 of

Merry Christmas Sherrie!

the winter of our discontent... [Rocket Man 57] - 09:26am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#81 of 1012)

God I'm jealous of Duh.

She gets to meet Sherrie?


NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 09:34am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#82 of

(((((((( Rocket ))))))))))

I love you to pieces, too.

And a bully new year, Char!!!!

Does Bush want the country to heal?...or heel? [The mighty Red] - 09:34am Dec 24, 2000
EST (#83 of 1012)

Who the hell is Hoot Gibson???

It's Christmas! <i>Vini, vida, VISA!</I> [wardaddy] - 09:36am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#84 of

Lovely rant, Dduh.

Now, you do lie Sherrie says and show it to him.

Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukkah to all!

Good night, Ms Calabash, wherever you are.

Happy Holidays to all... [sjscruby] - 10:20pm Dec 24, 2000 EST (#85 of 1012)

Happy Holidays to ALL!!!!

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:46pm Dec 24, 2000
EST (#86 of 1012)

Excellent rant Duh.... and I like the new look...

Poor Milo...*G*

So... Did Whatizface see the page yet?

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:14pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#87
of 1012)

GOOD GOD IM BACK!!!!! Internet was down, so it was quality time for me and whahizface.
He couldn’t see what I did, but he showered
me with presents. YEY! I wuv pwesents.... And of course, I’ll get him something, just as soon
as I have some money. Saving up for the
trip you know.... besides, he has the bounty that is me, what more could he ask for....

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 08:24pm Dec 26, 2000
EST (#88 of 1012)

There ya are... So... did you have fun?

I know... Send me a pic of something he'd like drawn and I'll do it...

You HAVE to get Tae-Bo... It rocks...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 08:45pm Dec 26, 2000
EST (#89 of 1012)

Hey... Chicklita wanted a copy of The Mummy for Christmas..... It is a pretty good movie...
parts are gross, but the mummy fighting
thing near the end is hysterical...*S*

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:38pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#90
of 1012)

Tae-bo. Isn’t that some sort of exercise? HAHAHAHA. No, seriously. An exercise, right? I gots
somes exacto knifes for christmas too.
Took off the tip of my thumb, some fingernail too. it barely grazed the tippy top of the bone...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:02pm Dec 26, 2000
EST (#91 of 1012)

Yeah... Tae-Bo is exercise... It's cool... Like Kickboxing/boxing/aerobics... Comes from Tae-
Kwhon-Do (sp?) and boxing I suppose...
And some Ti-Chi too...

Chicklita and I did 20 minutes this am, and she did another 20 this evening... I did 45... you
kind of get on a roll... and it's also kind
of a form of self defense...

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:09pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#92
of 1012)


I did some this weekend. I felt on my ass off the porch, but did some piroettes, and
somersaults before I hit the ground... I’m good for
the year...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:17pm Dec 26, 2000
EST (#93 of 1012)

Ouch.... Did you hurt yourself?

Exercise is a good thing... We haven't left the house (cold here ... odd for this time of year...
hasn't been above freezing in days) and I
start feeling bad if i can't walk or something... Tae-Bo is good... I just have a couple tapes...
Think I'll get the rest.

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:24pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#94
of 1012)

Ouch.... Did you hurt yourself?

No, I always bleed a pint of blood and whimper like a puppy when I’m having a good time...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:29pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#95 of

well, if you have back pain tomorrow, go back to where you did that, do it again, and you'll
put yourself back into place.

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:33pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#96
of 1012)

heh.... I wish I could find the tip of my thumb tho. sure could use it...

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:38pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#97
of 1012)

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 09:23am Dec 24, 2000 EST (#79 of

Dusty, darlin, you are the daughter I wish I had had.

You email him a link to that page this very second.

Love and Merry Christmas and see ya in a couple of weeks!


And you are the sister that I’ve always wanted, but never got to have. Mebbe next lifetime,

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:40pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#98
of 1012)

Did I tell you all that I’ve decided to believe in reincarnation? I think that is the coolest way,
cause this "only go around once" trip I
think would be a waste....

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:41pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#99 of

tip of your thumb? what in God's name did you do?

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:46pm Dec 26, 2000
EST (#100 of 1012)

Blood?? Thumb?? I echo Char... What the hell'd you do Duh?

And I believe in reincarnation... Have for years actually... That's why there are old souls and
young ones...

Now... WHat'd you do?

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:54pm Dec 26, 2000 EST (#101
of 1012)

post #90, girls. I got new exacto knifes for christmas and sliced off my thumb tip and some

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:47pm Dec 26, 2000
EST (#102 of 1012)

I gots somes exacto knifes for christmas too. Took off the tip of my thumb, some
fingernail too. it barely grazed the
tippy top of the bone...

Ok... that's what I get for doing 3 things at once....

You were serious about this??

Jeez Duh.

You did go have stitches, right?

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:06am Dec 27, 2000 EST (#103
of 1012)

Nope. I just sucked on it for about ten minutes...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:14am Dec 27, 2000
EST (#104 of 1012)

Vampira... *S* Did it stop bleeding? (Well... I guess it would have had to by now... ) They
prolly wouldn't stitch that (I have had some
experience with stitches..*G*) but you should go and have it looked at... Or at least make
sure your tetnus shot is up to date.

Is it numb or does it hurt?

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:16am Dec 27, 2000
EST (#105 of 1012)

Hey... the good news is you do not need to get cleaning stuff, soap and so on in it... and you
shouldn't have it in water for long... so...
Dishes need to be done by Whatizname for a while..*S*

BTW... What were you cutting? Just playing with the new knives?

I got blood all over a perfectly good piece of mat board a time or two that way...

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:33am Dec 27, 2000 EST (#106
of 1012)

I was making christmas cards. I pretty much did 4 and cut myself about a hundred times
culminating in the big slice, so after that
most everybody else got cyber cards.

[BillCostley] - 12:44am Dec 27, 2000 EST (#107 of 1012)

I only got 1 cyberc@rd this yr. - from my d@ughter M@y@ in Prescott AZ.

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 12:52am Dec 27, 2000 EST (#108 of

I got a really cool card from a poster... interactive and very, very nice.

Got some other nice ones too.

I snail mailed the usual ones, but about half on my list got cyber cards.

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 01:10am Dec 27, 2000 EST (#109 of 1012)

Cybercards. GRRRRRRRRR...

Yahoo's are OK, but Blue Mountain's make me crazy. Blue Mountain's take forever plus an
age to download. Then, despite the fact that
I'm listening to lovely music I selected over my stereo, Blue Mountain thinks I need to have
their slowly-loading card overlaid with
some tinny piece of crap they call music. And then, when the thing finally downloads but
leaves a big gray space in the middle, it
tells me that if I can't see the graphic I need to go someplace else and download that, too.
Hah! Like hell!


He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:16am Dec 27, 2000 EST (#110
of 1012)

Apple cards are too cool. they come as email so there is no load time... I think I sent you one

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 01:35am Dec 27, 2000 EST (#111 of

I don't like Blue Mountain at all, very cheesy cards.

Cooter send out a great one this year... what a guy!

If ya wanna see it, lemme know, it's an attachment about 450kbs, and it's scanned and

nite all, and I hope your thumb feels better soon, Duh... owie.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 02:39pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#112 of 1012)

The apple cards are way cool Duh, thanks..*G*

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 07:28pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#113
of 1012)

I accidentally sent them three or four times.... whoooooopssyyy....

[Ringo] - 07:33pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#114 of 1012)

WHO the heck am I?

While still a teen, I was contributing jokes to newspaper columnists, then became a standup
comic. 65, I still write and direct.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 07:43pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#115 of 1012)

3 or 4 times... Oh.. never noticed, nope not me.

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:26pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#116
of 1012)

[Ringo] - 07:33pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#114 of 115)

WHO the heck am I?

While still a teen, I was contributing jokes to newspaper columnists, then became a standup
comic. 65, I still
write and direct.

Somebody asked?

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 08:42pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#117 of

WHO the heck am I?

I give up, who the heck are ya?

He who laughs last, probably thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:58pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#118
of 1012)

Welllll.... he’s 65.....

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:05pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#119 of 1012)

Maybe he meant to hit the intro thread?

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 10:39pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#120 of

or the society board...

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:40pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#121 of 1012)

....or flirt with the wild women....

[Oregon_Jim] - 10:41pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#122 of 1012)

Wild women?


He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:43pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#123 of 1012)

US, dude....

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:44pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#124 of 1012)


Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:44pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#125 of 1012)

Someone called?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:49pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#126 of 1012)

Yup. Slurpy, show your boobs to OJ to prove we are wild women...

Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 10:56pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#127
of 1012)

I want pictures. Lots of pictures.

Streaming video is good, too...

[Oregon_Jim] - 11:12pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#128 of 1012)

Adobe LiveMotion is a killer application.

Adobe GoLive 5.0 rules.

Adobe Photoshop 6.0 is as good as one could ever wish.

God I love Adobe Systems!!


Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:14pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#129 of 1012)


FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:17pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#130 of

WHO the heck am I?

Yeah, I've asked that very question a time or two myself.

BTW, I think the metaphysical thread is what you want and it's two threads down, on your left.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:32pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#131 of 1012)

Or is it, Lara?

On one plane it might be two threads down on the left, but in another plane are with all not
part of the same "thread" of lfe?

If you cut a thread in the spiritual sense does it not bleed?

Until we know what "Threads" tie us and bind us can any of us really know who we are?

If a butter fly flaps it's wings in Peking does....

Uh, sorry... whole different theory there...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:33pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#132 of 1012)

Or is it not all part of the whole?

Hmmmmmm? I must ponder this... talk amongst yourselves...

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 11:36pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#133 of

Oh quick, somebody smack the shit outta her.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:38pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#134 of 1012)


Now do you see why I can understand the SuckyBuickGuy?

Glad to see you guys... How was Christmas?

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 11:40pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#135 of

SPLENDID. I got a mailstation, a palm pilot, and a new speaker system for my computer.

I feel so, so, so...YUPPIE...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 11:41pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#136 of

sounds like Santa was good to you!!!

I got a huge cow... still on the back of the couch. The cats are scared to death of it!

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:45pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#137 of

There is no part of a whole unless the parts are whole, or unless the hole is parted . . .
hummm, this is beginning to remind me of
college where, with the able assistance of drugs of choice, one could attempt to reach new,
never before explored, depths in pursuit of
the perfect thought. This, we believed, could be achieved all in a single weekend by
declaring sobriety to be the evil work of satan and
excess the target plane of a higher existence. Of course if you didn't accomplish the set goal,
there was always next weekend, or
tomorrow and as everyone knows, practice makes perfect.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:45pm Dec 27, 2000
EST (#138 of 1012)

Cool toys Sher....

Uh... Char... they are farm cats..?

[Oregon_Jim] - 11:46pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#139 of 1012)

I've personally never recommended drugs or alcohol to anyone - but it's always worked for

Just a thought.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 11:46pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#140 of

Geeze all of a sudden I have the strangest urge to go download "Truckin'" from Napster...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 11:46pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#141 of

farm stock, inside cats.

need any cats???

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:47pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#142 of

Your cats are afraid of your couch cow?

My cats are laughin' their asses off, right now.

[Oregon_Jim] - 11:49pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#143 of 1012)

My cats are eating the 'trim' from my last crop.

You think catnip is a cool thing?


FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:51pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#144 of

Naw, catnip sucks. I tried smoking it once and nothing.

I think cats pretend it's cool just to make us jealous that they can get off on something we
can't even smell.

Weird creatures, cats. You never know if they are putting you on or not. Prolly why I like em
so much.

[Oregon_Jim] - 11:52pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#145 of 1012)

Weird creatures, cats

To say the least.

FLORIDA: Home of electile dysfunction [lara croft] - 11:52pm Dec 27, 2000 EST (#146 of

Bedtime just smacked me in the kisser.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:03am Dec 28, 2000
EST (#147 of 1012)

Glad to see ya back, Lar... check yer mail later?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:56am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#148 of 1012)

Shoot-a-monga... I leave for just a while, and 42 posts pile up....

BTW... Live motion is a HELLUVA lot easier to use than Flash, but I can't find if there is a way
to do a motion path thingy like you can
in Flash.

In the Savage Nation [SV_Doug] - 01:35am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#149 of 1012)

Hi Duh,

Have you decided upon a place for the 12th?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:38am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#150 of 1012)

I'm at the Penwick (Pickwick?) but I was thinking of Italian for dinner - Wardad probably is
going to postpone his trip. What are you
doing for MacWorld, Doug? Are you going?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:13am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#151 of 1012) of my favorites..........

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:14am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#152 of 1012)

Day after day
I will walk and I will play
But the day after today
I will stop
and I will start

Why can't I get just one kiss?
Why can't I get just one kiss?
Believe me there's some things that I wouldn't miss
But I look at your pants and <gasp> I need a kiss!

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:15am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#153 of 1012)

Why can't I get just one screw?
Why can't I get just one screw?
Believe me I know what to do!
But something won't let me make love to you.

Why can't I get just one fuck?
Why can't I get just one fuck?
I guess it's got something to do with luck!
But I waited my whole life for just one...

Day after day
I get angry
And I will say
That the day
Is in my sight
When I'll take a bow
and say goodnight.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:16am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#154 of 1012)

Oh my my mymymy mo mo mum
Have you kept your eye, your eye on your son?
I know you've had problems
You're not the only one
When your sugar left, he left you on the run.

Oh my my mymymy mo mo mum
Take a look now at what your boy has done
He's walkin' around like he's #1
He went downtown and he got him a gun.

So don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me
Don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me
You know you've got my sympathy
But don't shoot shoot shoot that thing at me

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:17am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#155 of 1012)

Broken down kitchen at the top of the stairs
Can I mix in with your affairs?
Share a smoke, make a joke
Grasp and reach for a leg of hope.

Words to memorize
Words hypnotize
Words make my mouth exercise
Words all fail the magic prize
Nothin' I can say when
I'm in your thighs

Mo my my mymymy mo my mother
I would love to love you, lover
City is restless, it's ready to pounce
Here in your bedroom, ounce for ounce

I'm givin' you decision to make Things to lose, things to take
Just as he's about ready to cut it up
She said,
"Wait a minute, honey, I'm gonna
Add it up."

[Oregon_Jim] - 03:18am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#156 of 1012)

"My religion is to live - and die - without regret" - Dalhi Lama

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:25am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#157 of 1012)

"I got the pistol So I get the Pesos That seems fair .." -

In the Savage Nation [SV_Doug] - 03:39am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#158 of 1012)

Duh, I will be in SF that night and Italian near Union Square?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:48am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#159 of 1012)

I have no idea where Italian is - there was some Cajun restaurants I looked up - those looked
good too. Unless your up to go to this
little piano bar next door to the Handerly - I had big fun there last year...

Are you going to go see a little of MacWorld while your in town? Just wondering.

In the Savage Nation [SV_Doug] - 04:01am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#160 of 1012)

Yes I will. There are Italian resturants but most of them are Tuscan in sytle IOW bland.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 04:06am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#161 of 1012)

I like spicy.

Also, I have NO idea who is all going to be up there in SF. Wanna go to the show with me? I
promise to be a good girl, not make many
scenes and keep my hands to myself.

In the Savage Nation [SV_Doug] - 04:16am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#162 of 1012)

That would be fun and I will see what I can work out. I need to get my SF info which is at my

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 04:21am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#163 of 1012)

Kay-O... email me and we'll make tentative plans.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 04:45am Dec 28, 2000
EST (#164 of 1012)

I told you Doug...

Spicy food and alcohol... lots of both... *G*

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 04:46am Dec 28, 2000
EST (#165 of 1012)

Night folks!

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 11:47am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#166
of 1012)

Cancel my trip? Did he say "Cancel his trip"?

Yeah, well, I went in to see the doctor last week. Thought that I had bronchitis or walking
pneumonia. Doctor saw something on my
right lung (Hell, I saw it all the way across the room - about ten feet away - when the Xray
tech held it up to see if he'd gotten a good

Doctor sent me in for a CAT Scan on Tuesday of last week and he got the results yesterday
(after I read him the riot act). Seems that
the thing on my left lung is a prominent artery (the aorta), but the walnut sized shadow on my
left lung needs to be looked at. That
said, I'm going in for a high resolution CAT Scan in Oxford this afternoon. This thing is 3cm x
1.8cm. or about half the size of a
walnut. Doctor says that when they find something on a lung, it's usually the size of a

It could be lymph glands or a big nasty, don't know. If it's something to be worried about, it's
early. Shouldn't be too much trouble to

Anyway, I won't have any results before Tuesday at the earliest, I'm sure, so I'll probably
have to cank out on my trip to San
Francisco. If it turns out to be nothing, I still need the time to get it excised if need be and I'm
not waiting around. Either way, I'm not
waiting around.

Didn't get any e-cards out this year, sorry, but this waiting has made for a miserable

Got to get into the Rain Room and then get my guitar ready for the trip to the guitar doctor in

BTW, son Brett has been calling me almost every day from either Austria or Garmish,
Deutchsland. My eldest son Trully spilled the

Later, troops. I'm setting out to live up to my nick.


Emailing my bird breeder friend most riki tik.

Nollaig Shona Duit agus Slainte! [Nessus2] - 11:49am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#167 of 1012)


Hope it's nothing. Best wishes and prayers on your behalf.

Have a great New Year.


The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 11:51am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#168
of 1012)

Thanks, Nessus. And a great New Year to you and to all of my friends here on PF.

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 11:57am Dec 28, 2000 EST (#169
of 1012)


I emailed Lisa. She's in eastern North Carolina, so she's within safe air shipping range of you.
If I remember correctly, she's in New
Bern which is just to the north of Camp Lejeune (Jacksonville).

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:01pm Dec 28, 2000
EST (#170 of 1012)

Air shipping?

Heck that's just an excuse to go for a drive, Wardaddy..*S*

I have a couple friends down that way...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:03pm Dec 28, 2000
EST (#171 of 1012)

BTW... The cockatoo is not friendly... I'm afraid he'll take Chicklita's fingers off...

He hasn't been handled much in the last few years..

[Philly] - 06:18pm Dec 28, 2000 EST (#172 of 1012)



He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:26pm Dec 28, 2000 EST (#173 of 1012)

I am SOOO disappointed that Wardad can’t be in SF, but his health and well being is
UTMOST important. Right now, I’m crossing my
fingers and toes that I’ll be able to afford SF. It looks like if I don’t eat, or buy anything, I’ll be
able to go... let‘s hope whahizface gots
some extra cabbage fo’ his baby....

((((Duh spent a BUNCH of money she shouldn’t have...))))

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:50pm Dec 28, 2000 EST (#174 of

Wardaddy, I HOPE everything turns out to be okay. I'll be thinking of you!

Oopsie, Duh.... went a bit overboard, eh???

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:52pm Dec 28, 2000 EST (#175 of 1012)

Major appliances.... egads... the promise of clean clothes and a oven cooked meals could
seduce anyone... and I have the iron will of

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 10:59pm Dec 28, 2000 EST (#176 of

Woody Allen.

Just what we need, another pedophile.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:15pm Dec 28, 2000
EST (#177 of 1012)

LOL Sher...

Moving is a drain, huh, Duh?

[Par5] - 12:27am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#178 of 1012)


ROFL - Nobody here is adopting Woody. Looks like it was just a guessing game.

And since Ringo started it, I have one for him.

I've played a caveman, a miniature train conductor, and the drums. My percussion talents
began in the hospital, where I spent much of
my childhood. Who am I?

[Ringo] - 01:17am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#179 of 1012)


You are correct. Ole Woody. And, SHERRIE, Par is also correct. We aren't planning to bring
Woody into the mix. Relax.

PAR, hahahahaha, made it too easy for me bud. It's THE Ringo.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:45am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#180 of 1012)


((((don't make me have to say that three or four more times)))

[poster name withheld] needs to be slapped repeatedly until it jars a brain cell loose from the
marshmellow fluff that fills her brain
cavity - I thought this should be posted in public, it felt so good to write it, donchaknow...

Jim, I heard you work(ed) in glass? Here's a related cool site.... Not really glass for art, but
glass for manufacturing uses, I would

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:46am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#181 of 1012)

never mind... ***sigh***

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 01:51am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#182 of 1012)

Duh: [poster name withheld] needs to be slapped repeatedly until it jars a brain cell loose
from the marshmellow fluff that fills her
brain cavity - I thought this should be posted in public, it felt so good to write it,

I do not!

*whine* Sherrrrrrrrrrrie! Duh's picking on me!

Oh wait. It's Duh's thread. Maybe she gets to pick on me.

[Cleve] - 01:52am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#183 of 1012)


Wishing you the best of luck on that high res CAT.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:55am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#184 of 1012)

Say it ain't so!!! Robs??!!!

You become afflicted with fluff brain???


Well... its off to the 100s board with you....

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 01:56am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#185 of 1012)

Duh, I was born senile. It got worse from there.

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 01:58am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#186 of 1012)

Oh no, not the 100s Board! Please, I'll take a class... do mental exercises... anything but the
100s Board!

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:59am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#187 of 1012)

Wellllllllllll.... Okay, you may stay and be banished to cyber-Elba.....

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 02:53am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#188 of 1012)

Able was I ere I saw Elba.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:09am Dec 29, 2000 EST (#189 of 1012)

hyuk, hyuk....

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 08:30pm Dec 29, 2000 EST (#190 of

They ought to change the name of it to the 10's board.

To reflect the IQ's of selected participants.

[Oregon_Jim] - 11:07pm Dec 29, 2000 EST (#191 of 1012)


Here's a little "Flash" piece I'm working on currently.

Let me know what you think.


P.S. Requires Flash Plug-In for Flash 4.x

Created in Adobe Photoshop 6.0/ImageReady 3.0, Adobe Illustrator 9.0 and Adobe
LiveMotion 1.0

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:26pm Dec 29, 2000
EST (#192 of 1012)

LOL... You guys are great.

[Oregon_Jim] - 12:32am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#193 of 1012)

Thanks for the praise, SC!


He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:57am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#194 of 1012)

Too cool Jim. But, I wouldn't put purple on black - does funny things to my eyes. I actually
saw a site today where she had a whole
page of neon purple text on a black background. EEEEESSSSHH...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:58am Dec 30, 2000
EST (#195 of 1012)

Purple on black? only with a black light and big ole bag..*S*

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:00am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#196 of 1012)

(original series)....

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:02am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#197 of 1012)

Also: my Pathfinder Database Reference Bank...

I need the "COSMOS" video series. Everywhere I check they say its out of production, and
not being put out. I would like a copy of this
series. WHERE CAN I GET IT??

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 01:39am Dec 30, 2000
EST (#198 of 1012)

Carl Sagan?

This is all I found...

DVD is cool... Maybe they'll get it cleared up soon?

I hate to say eBay...

(go to the dr)

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 01:40am Dec 30, 2000
EST (#199 of 1012)

Going beddie bye...


[Oregon_Jim] - 01:41am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#200 of 1012)

BTW - I'm now the proud owner of a Nikon Cool-Pix 990 Digital Camera.

Eat your hearts out!!!


Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 01:45am Dec 30, 2000
EST (#201 of 1012)

:^P OJ...

Hey Duh... 'bout the Faith boards...

You know... if you're in the mood for a good argument religion is about as good as politics...

Of course the people start frothing at the mouth a little sooner... but it is still entertaining..*S*

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:47am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#202 of 1012)

I'm not a religious debater. Because I think, "hey, whatever gets you through the night."

[Oregon_Jim] - 01:48am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#203 of 1012)

Because I think, "hey, whatever gets you through the night."

Or "Whatever blows your hair back" - my personal favorite.

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 10:09am Dec 30, 2000 EST (#204
of 1012)

"There no atheists in foxholes," - my personal favorite.


Afraid the trip is off. I won't get the results from the high-res C-Scan until Wednesday and I
have to let Amtrak know that I'm canking
by 6:00AM Thursday or I forfeit my money.

Susan [sjscruby] - 10:08pm Dec 30, 2000 EST (#205 of 1012)

Hate that you will have to miss your trip, Ray, but your health is MUCH more important!!!!

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:36pm Dec 30, 2000 EST (#206 of 1012)

Ditto. Double Ditto...

[oldvet] - 10:42pm Dec 30, 2000 EST (#207 of 1012)

OJ, I got a 990 a couple of weeks ago. The macro sold me on it. Going to take a while to get
used everything the camera can do though.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:20am Dec 31, 2000
EST (#208 of 1012)

I don't care what religion someone else is. I do get a kick out of arguing with the ones who
seem to think they have a wrap on god tho...

Did you have the thumb checked out? I asked a friend and she said exposed bone is a bad
bad thing....

[lara croft] - 12:34am Dec 31, 2000 EST (#209 of 1012)

Depends on the context of the exposed bone.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 04:03am Dec 31, 2000 EST (#210 of

Seems Kenny had a moment of madness and bought Dusty exacto knives for christmas.

She has apparently attempted to amputate a couple fingers.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 06:08am Dec 31, 2000 EST (#211 of 1012)

ACCIDENTALLY.... I ACCIDENTALLY..... cut nearly the tip of my thumb off. It's really not that
bad, I scanned it on the DAVE thread
and it just looks worse than it really is...

[lara croft] - 01:50pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#212 of 1012)

Watch out DUH, next thing you know they'll be trying to keep all sharp object away from you.

Is it infected yet?

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 02:22pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#213
of 1012)

Nah. She let the dog lick it clean.

[lara croft] - 06:08pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#214 of 1012)

Ohhhhhhh, well then, why didn't you say so. That'll heal up, then, in no time at all. LOL cat
and dog licking is like neosporin and duct
tape, magic.

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 06:33pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#215
of 1012)


Hoping things'll be good with the exam.

To everyone else, have a safe'n fun "Amateur Night." Questions? Sherrie'll know what I
mean. *G*

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:11pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#216 of 1012) was hacked earlier this week, their site is closed temporarily for repairs, but
this is what it looked like hacked...

[lara croft] - 08:31pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#217 of 1012)

Who says hackers have to be literate, eh? LOL

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:57pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#218 of 1012)

Most aren't.... LOL

"....I'm all for fun & games, but this isn't funny at all. Whoever got in deleted everything.
Would you find it funny if someone had
deleted everything on your hard drive? I don't. If they had just inserted a message on the
front page, I'd laugh it off, but this is
serious. I'm getting the authorities involved, since they also deleted the store files. " -Russ
from (off the Macaddict

A) Don't run wintel...

B) Always BACKUP.....

[lara croft] - 11:09pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#219 of 1012)

Yeah, I don't think it's funny either. To me it's the same as coming into someone's home or
business and trashing the place, destroying
things, and then changing the locks so you can't get in to clean up and assess.

Not funny, at all.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 11:30pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#220 of 1012)

((((ooo... I think its funny))))

Oh, but its not right.

[lara croft] - 11:42pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#221 of 1012)

Hummm, see, I don't think it's funny, any funnier than if I walked into my house and found it

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 11:47pm Dec 31, 2000 EST (#222 of 1012)

((((((sorry. ido thinks its funny...)))))))))

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:47pm Dec 31, 2000
EST (#223 of 1012)

Duh thinks it's funny cause it's a mac/Windoze thing, Lara...

The opening page thing would have been funny, but messing with the hard drive was a little

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:23am Jan 1, 2001 EST (#224 of 1012)

its wrong of course... but still think its funny.... something can be wrong and still be funny. ....
wrong tho... wrong wrong wrong......

Although - one lesson to be learned ... BACKYOURSHITUP>...

Watch this space for clever comments [Noel1] - 12:30am Jan 1, 2001 EST (#225 of 1012)

Some people just lack the gene to understand that wrong can still be funny.

Or maybe some people lack the gene to understand that wrong isn't funny.

I'm still trying to figure it out.

But that was pretty damned funny.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:33am Jan 1, 2001 EST (#226 of 1012)

im weak. i thought itwas funny.

[Bobbyc] - 12:34am Jan 1, 2001 EST (#227 of 1012)



Good advice for the New Year!

So is cleaning up your desk (When is the last time you look behind your monitor or behind the
computer :-)

I just did :-(

Happy New Year

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:36am Jan 1, 2001 EST (#228 of 1012)

thats funny too.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:38am Jan 1, 2001
EST (#229 of 1012)


Yeah... Noel, you might appreciate this.

A guy at the prison where I worked promised to come and see me when he got out... I went
to look up what he did, and see if I should be
concerned... he liked me he said..

So I look... And he lives several hours away...

He was there cause he robbed people he knew 2 times while stoned... He was of course
caught...had the house arrest thingy on his leg,
and called in a pizza after burning a blunt... robbed the pizza guy.

And was surprised when the cops found him sitting in his LR eating pizza and holding the
gun and the money bag in his lap... until
they pointed out the address on the pizza box.

I figured Maybe, just maybe, if I gave him a map to my house and put up signs he'd find me...
other than that. No worries.

so. that was wrong but funny. and maybe it's mean to laugh at him, but hey...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:40am Jan 1, 2001
EST (#230 of 1012)

So is cleaning up your desk (When is the last time you look behind your monitor or
behind the computer :-)

I just did :-(

Jimmy Hoffa?

Happy New Year to you too...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 12:54am Jan 1, 2001
EST (#231 of 1012)

I think the hamsters will be taking their nap anytime now...

Good night folks!

Susan [sjscruby] - 05:34am Jan 1, 2001 EST (#232 of 1012)

Happy New Year!!!

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 03:41pm Jan 1, 2001
EST (#233 of 1012)

Jeez Susan... You're up early...*S*

Happy New Year for all those with hangovers..LOL

Susan [sjscruby] - 07:50pm Jan 1, 2001 EST (#234 of 1012)

LOL, I know, SC---I went back to bed for a bit before I had to go to work. LOL

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 04:39pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#235
of 1012)

Got the report from the CAT Scan that I had last week. The two spots appear to be scarring,
not tumors. They gave me a clean bill of
health, but recommended that I come back for another one in three months just to make sure
that there isn't any change.

Now they tell me - after I cancelled the trip to SF.

Susan [sjscruby] - 07:15pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#236 of 1012)

DARN---any chance you can re-schedule it??

And GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 07:19pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#237 of

YAY Wardaddy....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah, like Susan said... reschedule.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:37pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#238 of 1012)

You all that I sent that number to via email. That's my new ICQ number. Forgot to all. Mea

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:24pm Jan 2, 2001
EST (#239 of 1012)

You did say what it was... Already had it tho, 'member?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:29pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#240 of 1012)

oh. That's why they call me Duh...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:08pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#241 of

me too.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:16pm Jan 2, 2001
EST (#242 of 1012)

And we love ya for it.

Uh, me too...

BTW, I told the bro about your thumb insident and the porch thing and he laughed at me...
said we were a pair..LOL

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:21pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#243 of 1012)

Did I tell you guys that the purple part dried up and fell off? It did.

Happy New Year, Amigos! [TacoBellDog] - 10:23pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#244 of 1012)

I ate it.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:24pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#245 of 1012)

Youse a nasty little doggie, aren't you...

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:33pm Jan 2, 2001
EST (#246 of 1012)

LOL.. Well, they eat their own uke too...

So... what about the rest of the thumb?

Happy New Year, Amigos! [TacoBellDog] - 10:33pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#247 of 1012)

No, I'm not a nasty dog at all.

It was kind of chewy, though.

Can I lick your hand now?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:34pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#248 of 1012)

******scratching doggie's ear******

Happy New Year, Amigos! [TacoBellDog] - 10:45pm Jan 2, 2001 EST (#249 of 1012)

(((((curling up in Duh's lap))))))

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:05am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#250 of 1012)

****offering little doggie some carmel corn***

***rubbing doggie' stummy***

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:41am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#251 of 1012)

Well, the links page is updated...

And a new format for the KOOK patrol. All in one post. So you can skip it or look at it without
trudging through post after post....

In honor of our new president...

Too much time, too care-beary an attitude...

I swear I've seen this guy in "Phantasm II"

The adventures of Mr. Wiggles...

Yes, Virgina, there are really people like this out there..

Don't worry, its not in the water.... at least I hope not...

A Tour of Toyoko toilets, what a vacation...

Profane but entertaining..

We wish you a merry anti-xmas..


He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 04:04am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#252 of 1012)

Yes. I am up and I am bored.

Also. PBS's Frontline is one the best show on the telly. Really.

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 04:16am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#253 of 1012)

I'm up too, Duh. I just baked some shortbread cookies; I get a real craving for those

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 04:20am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#254 of 1012)

OOOOO.... I love shortbread cookies. Why, again are you always up so late? I fo'got...

Hour of the WOLF, halfway done....

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 04:25am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#255 of 1012)

Duh, I'm up late because I'm a night owl. Some people are larks, some people are owls. I'm
an owl.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to shape up pretty soon because I have some consulting
work to do, and most people seem to want to do
work in the daytime. I don't understand it, myself.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 04:35am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#256 of 1012)

The guy who coin the term RAPTURE was a guy named JOHN DARBY... ooooo. Got to tell
Glen that. Frontline's show on Apocolyptical
literature is on and is one of the best things I've seen.

I too am a night owl. I liked the 5 day holiday vacation I had, and have been up every night
till about 7 or 8 in the morning. Although
tomorrow I have to go back to work.... eeeeps. I wish I had a night-night gig.

I didn't vote for his daddy, either. [MsRobbie] - 04:38am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#257 of 1012)

Welp, I think I should probably start getting with the program and go to bed. See you
tomorrow, Duh!

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 04:41am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#258 of 1012)


Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 08:57am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#259 of 1012)

Consider me told! I like Frontline too but I forgot to tape it. Sounds like I missed an interesting

Susan [sjscruby] - 10:52am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#260 of 1012)

I'm NOT a night-owl, but once in a while I act like one (when I go to bed early and wake up in
the middle of the night). I am, basically,
a morning person. Have NEVER been able to sleep late in the morning---even if I am up all
night, don't think I have ever slept past 8
or 8:30. Since I operate best on 7-8 hours, I HAVE to go to bed early to be able to function.

They're selling postcards of the hanging... [DaveGin] - 11:03am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#261 of

Would it be possible for the Phantasm guy to meet one of the bearded ladies?

I don't facial hair was on his list of important female criteria.

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 11:34am Jan 3, 2001 EST (#262
of 1012)

There's a virus hoax making the rounds through email. I got one this morning and checked it
out at the Norton site. I confirmed that it
is a hoax.

It come as a "Bad virus" email and warns against any email entitled "Upgrade Internet 2."
Claims that here is a virus named
"perrin.exe" embedded in it. Both "Upgrade Internet 2" and "perrin.exe" are identified as
hoaxes by Norton. The link to the virus
hoax information on the Norton site is in the thread header of my thread, Internet Virus
Hoax." (Shameless ppormotion.)

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:04pm Jan 3, 2001 EST (#263 of 1012)


It was iffy there for a while, but I’m HEADING FOR SAN FRANCISCO!!!! I’ll even have a big
wad o’ cash to buy stuff, and eat with!!!

Susan [sjscruby] - 08:08pm Jan 3, 2001 EST (#264 of 1012)

CONGRATS, Duh...give everyone HUGE hugs for those of us who can NOT be there. *ggg*

They're selling postcards of the hanging... [DaveGin] - 08:28pm Jan 3, 2001 EST (#265 of

We expect a full accounting of the gathering. All the dirt. All the wretched excess. Leave out
no detail.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:35pm Jan 3, 2001 EST (#266 of 1012)

I promise, cross my heart, will tell every detail that I can consciously remember from the trip.....

They're selling postcards of the hanging... [DaveGin] - 08:41pm Jan 3, 2001 EST (#267 of

Uh, we might want to do a little better than what you can consciously remember.

Streaming video would be nice...

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:02pm Jan 3, 2001 EST (#268 of 1012)

Raw streaming video? HAHAHAHA. No seriously....

Letsee. For the first leg of my trip Darby has promised to party me hardy in LA. The Queen of
the Goths was going to take me to a Goth
Club or something? I dunno. It might be fun. Haven’t had barbecued Goth in a long time.
Then I’ll be heading up to Sherrie, and if
Babbling is still willing to lug me around on a wine tasting thing and get me happy on
fermented grapes, I can do that. Hopefully I’ll
hit SF on the 10th or 11th - go to dinner or whatever with Dougie, then back home - if I go
the northern route, and hit some weird
little station in Montana, I’ll be able to see Jim O. and FreeIndividy... WEEEEEEE.....

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:17pm Jan 3, 2001
EST (#269 of 1012)

Have a great time Duh!

And we can get details from the fellow partiers... You guys have to stay semi straight now...
(not you Duh)

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:16pm Jan 3, 2001
(#270 of 1012)


Ya know... the Big Eyed site set off my zone alert like 7 times...

And EEEEEEEEEEE is right...

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:30am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#271 of 1012)

And Iowa, I canÕt forget Iowa. If the CHooCHoo goes through IOWA on the way home I CAN

[lara croft] - 12:48am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#272 of 1012)

Big Eyed site?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:56am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#273 of 1012)

[lara croft] - 12:48am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#272 of 272)

Big Eyed site?

Oh, now I know who reads the kook patrols...

Go here, and clik on ÒToo much time, too care-beary an attitudeÒ... link....

[lara croft] - 12:59am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#274 of 1012)

LOL sorry. Most of the time I barely have enough time to cruise and potshot answers to my
biggest fans. LOL

One of these days I'm going to take a real vacation.

A REAL vacation is defined as a vacation where one doesn't go anywhere but stays home,
drinks, sleeps, eats,
(smokes cool shit, occasionally) and reads DUH's kook patrol. LOL

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:00am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#275 of 1012)


Hey, Lara, want me to visit you on ÒDuhÕs Love Brother Love Traveling Pathfinder Salvation

[lara croft] - 01:01am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#276 of 1012)

You bet.

Can you handle five cats sleeping with you?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:08am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#277 of 1012)

Or we could just go to lunch...

[lara croft] - 01:18am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#278 of 1012)

LOL okay, do you like Iams or Fancy Feast?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:37am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#279 of 1012)

Feline alaÕorange with cherry sauce.... cat must be roasted till crispy...

[lara croft] - 01:39am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#280 of 1012)

And served over a bed of dog?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:46am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#281 of 1012)

Only if it Chihauhau.... I do love my Mexican...

[lara croft] - 01:51am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#282 of 1012)

I said dog. No way a chihughahugha could be considered a dog.

Some dogs, just should be called cats.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 05:25am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#283 of 1012)

Hey OJ, if you're out there. I have an animation piece I did in Livemotion, but my motion is
choppy. Is there
a way to smooth it out?

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 09:18am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#284 of

Methinks you should polish up the lear and drag ass out here so we can entertain Dusty
together. In our own
inimitable fashion, LOLOL!

Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 09:22am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#285 of

Now I definitely want pictures...

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 10:00am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#286


Check your mail. I just remembered how much money a travel agency saved me on my first
trip to Seattle.
They have discounts that the Amtrak ticket people don't know about and saved me over
$400.00 over what
Amtrak quoted me for my tickets. I went through the agency so that I could pick my ticket up
having to drive to Memphis and go into what was then a war zone, so I discovered this on a
fluke. Since then,
I've gone through an agency.

My ticket agent volunteered to cancel my tickets for me and thank God I let her. Took her all
day long to get
it done.

Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 10:45am Jan 4, 2001 EST (#287 of 1012)

Sherrie never has sent me the nekkid pics of Lara that she promised, so I'm not expecting
anything juicy out
of this tripe, either.

Of course with Dusty involved, that could change. *G*

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 07:44pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#288 of 1012)

You know, I may surprise everyone in that you guys may meet me and find me rather mild
mannered and

Susan [sjscruby] - 08:32pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#289 of 1012)


He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:38pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#290 of 1012)


Word of Advice....


I thought there would be NOBODY going on the choo choo so I didn’t. BOY, did fares go

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 08:41pm Jan 4, 2001
(#291 of 1012)

Up how high, hon?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:51pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#292 of 1012)

Fares went up and availability is NILL, even if I wanted to pay the big fares...


Still cheaper than the airplane tho....

In the Savage Nation [SV_Doug] - 08:52pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#293 of 1012)

Hi Duh,

Check your mac mail.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:59pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#294 of 1012)


Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 09:00pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#295 of

What's wrong, Duh?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:02pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#296 of 1012)


Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 09:03pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#297 of

Now why would you say a thing like that?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:15pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#298 of 1012)

Oh, GUY, if you only knew....

Sherrie EMAIL ME and tell me how far you are away from LA - I don’t think I’ll be choo
chooing it to where
you are but I bet I could bamboozle a ride up to you from LA. I think...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:27pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#299 of

what, ya gonna land in Bakersfield, CA or something???
Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:31pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#300 of

had to do it, 300!

Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 09:33pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#301 of

[shaking head]

You can take the girl out of the 100s, but you can't take the 100s out of the girl...


Susan [sjscruby] - 09:34pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#302 of 1012)


Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 09:34pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#303 of

You can take the girl out of the 100s, but you can't take the 100s out of the girl...


Newly self-proclaimed PF resident crank... [guy montag] - 09:35pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#304 of

That's MR. Butthead to you...

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:38pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#305 of 1012)

OH GOD... Okay. Char, Free, Jim, I am doing good to get the choo choo availability I have
now, so I can’t see
you guys. If there was anyway I could have turned back time and slapped the earlier me silly
when she said,
"No that’s all right, I don’t need reservations.." I would.

I am leaving the 7th getting to LA the 8th (going to spend a little bit more time with Darby
than I had
anticipated, hope she is all right with that.) From the 8th till about 1:15 on the 10th I’ll be in
LA. Sherrie
needs to email me and we can work out how I can hitchhike to her house from Darb’s and
back. I’ll be in SF
the evening of the 10th through the 12th, so Dougie and I get together - maybe go to
MacWorld and see a
little of SF. I leave on the 12th, get back home at 2:30 in the morning (if I’m lucky) on the
14th..... WEEEEEE
what a long strange trip it’ll be. Two things I learned:



Last year I said I would take steps not to say this again this year, but since I didn’t, I am
going to have to
say, "This trip is gonna kill me yet..."

If worse comes to worse, I’ll party in the Train Station, (I know, I know, its not the gala shindig
that happens
in airports around the country, but hey, I’m a simple country gal...)

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 09:40pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#306 of 1012)

Even though we disagree on so much, have a nice time Duh. Bring lots of dough & film.

[oldvet] - 09:45pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#307 of 1012)

Duh, Have a nice safe trip.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:55pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#308 of 1012)

Oh, thank you all. Lord knows, I’ll need a vacation from my vacation...

[lara croft] - 09:57pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#309 of 1012)

Are you talking January 7th?????

Good Gawd, you'd better be packing as we speak.

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 09:59pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#310 of 1012)

I'm going to DC on the 20th.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:00pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#311 of 1012)

Packing? All I needs is two pairs o’ underwear and a teethbrush...

[lara croft] - 10:00pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#312 of 1012)

Gonna get to see the swearing in, Glen?

Susan [sjscruby] - 10:01pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#313 of 1012)

TWO pairs???? Why????

[lara croft] - 10:04pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#314 of 1012)

If you didn't wear underwear, you'd be able to cut your packing down by half.

LOL trust me.

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 10:05pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#315 of 1012)

Yup, Lara! I missed the last two (for some reason...) but I look forward to this one. I have
vacation time in
April. I'm thinking Mexico or Italy.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 10:08pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#316 of 1012)

Susan [sjscruby] - 10:01pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#313 of 315)

TWO pairs???? Why????

A pair to wear on my head and a pair to bribe the Kansas Border Guard to allow me to leave
the state.

Man o man. Whahizface is gonna be home with three co-dependant, neurosis ridden doggies
for a whole
week... hahahahh.

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 10:11pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#317 of 1012)

Can't he set them loose?

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:23pm Jan 4, 2001
(#318 of 1012)



Duhoney... I have a cousin in LA who before her marriage to an guy from like,... Indiana, was
a wild one..(We
get along great...LOL)

Let me mail her mom and get her address and see what's shaking... and see if any of my old
buds are in LA
right now...

You wouldn't mind hanging out with some Deadheads would you?


Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:24pm Jan 4, 2001
(#319 of 1012)

And tell Whatizname not to let the doggies eat the vermin!

[lara croft] - 10:29pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#320 of 1012)

Way cool, Glen, and even more cool if your guy's taking the oath.

I highly recommend Italy, but stay out of the big cities unless you are looking for the touristy-
like crowds and
rockin' night life. Woo whooo whoo

Forte dei Marmi, a nifty little beach town, great for relaxation. Virtually no other tourists in
sight, other than
rich Italians on vacation.

Great food, some shopping, and the Italian version of a swap meet in the park on Sundays
with a little night life
in the town square.
Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 10:33pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#321 of 1012)

Well, it's April so the tourists shouldn't be too bad. I went to Ireland last year at the same time
& it was
like having the country to myself! I'll look up Forte dei Marmi. Since it would be my first time in
Italia, I'd
have to see Roma, Venezia & Firenze.

[lara croft] - 10:44pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#322 of 1012)

You're gonna be really disappointed in Venezia, Glen. It's pretty dirty, these days. Stay on
the Lido away
from the crowds and the dirt, and catch a water taxi to San Marcos when you want to go
over. I can highly
recommend a hotel on the Lido. It's awesome.

The Villa Mabapa.

It's a converted Italian summer home and every room is different. It has a large veranda type
area in the
front, across from the beach with a bartender catering to your every wish. (Moreno, was the
bartender when
I was last there). It's a short walk from some good restaurants, and some shopping. It's quiet,
cool, very
clean, very classy and only about 1/4 mile from the water taxi to San Marcos (The main part
of Venice.)

Firenze, ohman, the jewelry shopping on the Ponte Vecci. My favorite part of Florence was
The David. It is
mind blowing. I spent almost two hours just sitting, looking at it, getting up, sitting in a
different spot and
looking some more. Awesome. I could spend hours and hours just looking at the detail, and I
plan on it.

Only reason to go to Rome is to see the Vatican then get the hell out and head somewhere
else, wine country
maybe. LOL

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 10:50pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#323 of 1012)

The Vatican, of course. The other two cities would be for the museums. I assume they drive
on the right side
of teh road? I'd like to pop in on San Marino & see what's shaking in that lil country. I have 8
including travel from JFK so I have tos et up an itinerary quickly if that's my choice.

[lara croft] - 10:58pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#324 of 1012)

Yeah, they do drive on the right side. You can go to like, AAA and get an international
driver's license for
about $10.

What is really cool is that there must be some kind of major punishment for those who drive
on the left side
of the road because no one does. They pass on the left and are in such a hurry to get back
over they will cut
you off. If you get out in the left lane to pass, you'd better get over the minute someone
comes up behind you
or they will be on your ass, honking and carrying on and don't be caught hanging out in the
left lane any
longer than it takes to pass someone.

I love that.

Lots and lots of toll booths, carry small bills.

They have cool roadside rest things, though. You can get gas, go to the restroom, and grab
a bite of something
if you are hungry, all in the same building. Very modern.

I love the Italians. They are great people. Friendly and helpful and they like Americans. If you
don't speak
the language, it's okay, they'll laugh and have a good time, but find a way to get you what
you are asking for.

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your country
into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 11:00pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#325 of 1012)

Re: Italy

The mosaics at Ravenna are well worth a visit.

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 11:00pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#326 of 1012)

I speak very little Italian. I forgot to mention that I might stop in London for a day & a half. I
love London.
Hell, I love AAA! Now, I'm starting to get excited about this trip! Who needs Mexico again?

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 11:00pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#326 of 1012)

I speak very little Italian. I forgot to mention that I might stop in London for a day & a half. I love
Hell, I love AAA! Now, I'm starting to get excited about this trip! Who needs Mexico again? LOL

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 11:01pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#327 of 1012)

Ravenna? I'll add that to the list of possibilities! Thanks!

[lara croft] - 11:04pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#328 of 1012)

What part of the country is Ravenna, Nigel?

You don't need to speak Italian, Glen. It helps, but it isn't required. They don't speak much English, but
that doesn't seem to be a problem. Besides, they are good sports about it. Italian is such an easy language to
pick up that within a day or two you have learned to make your wishes known. It's the most fun language
speak. You get to wave your arms around and the lilting quality of the language is fascinating.

LOL don't try to substitute Spanish for Italian because it doesn't translate as you intended. Trust me on
this one. LOL

The David is a must. Of all things of culture (versus party time) The David is the most awe inspiring thing
I've ever seen.

Yeah, London is my favorite city. I've been there, a zillion times and I never get enough and each time is as
if I'm seeing it for the first time. I love London.

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 11:06pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#329 of 1012)

LOL As long as I learn "bank" "bathroom" & "the check"!

[lara croft] - 11:12pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#330 of 1012)

LOL they have walk up versatel machines ( I know this).

Bathrooms are clearly marked and in Italy they never rush a meal so if you want your check you have to
your waiter and ask for it. They will let you sit at the table for hours without bringing you the check. You
have to almost force them to do that. LOL But, it's not hard to get your point across that you want the

I learned right away the levels of dining in Italy.

Pizzaria, trattatoria and restaurante.

The pizzas are nothing like I've ever seen. I hate pizza, but I loved theirs.

Pizzarias are inexpensive little drop-in cafes.

Trattatorias(sp) are a step up, they have pasta and pizza.

Restaurantes are the expensive, fine food, fine wine, establishments.

And Italy was some of the best eating I've ever had.

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your country
into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 11:13pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#331 of 1012)

What part of the country is Ravenna, Nigel?

It's on the Adriatic coast about a 100km south of Venezia. The only reason to visit are the breathtaking
mosaics that date back to the 400s and 500s.

[Oregon_Jim] - 11:13pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#332 of 1012)


Regarding your inquiry a few posts back about "smoothing out" your Adobe Livemotion animation - try

Open the "Timeline" and then select the various "Keyframe" diamond icons in the specific "Timeline" -
"Shift-Click" to get all of them included, okay?

Once they're selected go up to "Timeline" deal on the "Menu Bar" and first select "Ease In" and then "Ease
Out" - that should help considerably.

Sadly Adobe Livemotion (or Macromedia Flash) do not have a "Tween" command like you find in either
Adobe ImageReady or Macromedia Fireworks - but the process I've outlined should help considerably.

Also go to and look for the Tutorials for Livemotion - there are quite a few good
on getting the animation to look like you are wanting.

Hope that helps.


[lara croft] - 11:14pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#333 of 1012)

100 miles south of Venice? I must have past it quite a few times and never knew.

I'm going to keep it in mind for October (when we are going back, again)

If you return (and I bet you will) Glen, after your initial trip, you have to look into renting a villa in the
wine country. You can use it as your base. It's awesome and if you travel with more than three or four
people, the only way to go.

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 11:15pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#334 of 1012)

And san Marino is right between Firenze & Ravenna! Man, I'm mapping out this trip on TOL!

[lara croft] - 11:17pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#335 of 1012)

You're gonna have a terrific time. Italy rocks.

Just keep in mind that the country closes down about 1 p.m. every day and doesn't reopen until about 4:30
or 5. You can take this opportunity to nap or drink, whatever is your preference.

Dinner doesn't start until well after 9 p.m. and can last until midnight. From midnight on is veranda
drinking, people watching time or for dancing.

The country doesn't open up until after 9 a.m. and in 50% of the case, closer to 10:00.

LOL ohman, that's a lifestyle I could live.

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your country
into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 11:20pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#336 of 1012)

100 miles south of Venice?

100 kilometers... my atlas is metric; that's about 60 miles.

[Oregon_Jim] - 11:20pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#337 of 1012)

1 meter = 6/10's of a mile.

[lara croft] - 11:22pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#338 of 1012)

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your country into
a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 11:20pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#336 of 337)

100 miles south of Venice? 100 kilometers... my atlas is metric; that's about 60 miles.

Ahhhh, closer yet. Cool, I'd like to see that.

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your country
into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 11:28pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#339 of 1012)

I found a website with pictures of the mosaics, but they really don't do them justice. It's really quite
someting to gaze upon beautiful artwork dating back 1500 years.

The visit to Ravenna was my favorite part of that trip which is quite something considering that the
Christian subject matter of the mosaics means nothing to me.
[lara croft] - 11:35pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#340 of 1012)

Those are cool.

Italian artists are outstanding. I love going to the museums of the places I travel, but I REALLY love the
Italian artists. The sculptures are magnificent.

Forte dei Marmi (the little coastal village I mentioned) means Fort of Marble. There is a ton of marble
they like mine it or something, and the artists used the biggest pieces to form sculpture. It's wonderful.

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your country
into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 11:38pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#341 of 1012)

Oh yeah, and I heartily agree about the statue of David. We first saw the fake that sits outside where the
original used to be, and I was thinking to myself, "jeez, what's all the fuss about." But, OHMYGOD! the
original... unbefreakinglievable!

[lara croft] - 11:44pm Jan 4, 2001 EST (#342 of 1012)

Yeah, luckily we wandered onto the fake AFTER seeing the orginial.

I was in such awe I couldn't take my eyes off it. I spent 30 minutes examining the nail beds. Hell I looked
it for almost an hour before I realized he was naked and anatomically correct.

It gave me chills, I couldn't leave. I imagined the model, I imagined the magnificent talent it took to carve
that hunk of marble into something so awe inspiring, so detailed, so wonderful. The more I looked, the
I saw. Just as I was about to leave, I'd discover something I'd missed before and I didn't want to leave
missed one little thing.

After viewing The David, that was all we could talk about for hours. We went over to the Duomo, sat in
square for hours, drinking wine and talking about The David. Wen then retired to the hotel rooftop garden
and continued drinking wine and talking about the David. We talked about it all through dinner and back on
the rooftop bar that night. The next day we still talked about the David. All of us had glassy eyes, faraway
looks and rosie cheeks as if we'd witnessed something truly miraculous and would be touched forever by it,
which we did, and were. To this day I can't think about The David with out getting misty and goose
Truly awesome.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:54am Jan 5, 2001 EST (#343 of 1012)

Tenkq Jim.

***shiver*** tutorials.....
He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:54am Jan 5, 2001 EST (#343 of 1012)

Tenkq Jim.

***shiver*** tutorials.....

I love you all, but could I have my "e" back? [edrieanne] - 04:37pm Jan 5, 2001 EST (#344 of

hi, all! Happy new year!

Have been off boards for a few - working and flu kept me away. Wardaddy, glad all is ok! Haven't been able
to check msn for a bit - not on hard line and can't remember my "assigned" password - so until I get back to
house, no msn for me! Could you send email addy to - I didn't file it on yahoo, only

Duh, Susieque & I are checking to find out if a time and place is set for SF - we still plan to be there to
greet you and Doug. Let me know via yahoo or boards - will be back online tonite to check. Looking
to meeting you both.

Got to go pick up some jewelry being made, so I'll be back later - especially to fulfill that bet to

Enjoy your day, folks, talk to you later.

Susan [sjscruby] - 06:32pm Jan 5, 2001 EST (#345 of 1012)

Good to see you, Edri...we were worried.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 08:42pm Jan 5, 2001 EST (#346 of 1012)

Duh, check your email.

And call me if ya want, I sent ya the number. I'm at home.
NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 08:42pm Jan 5, 2001 EST (#346 of 1012)

Duh, check your email.

And call me if ya want, I sent ya the number. I'm at home.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 01:31am Jan 6, 2001 EST
(#347 of 1012)

Night folks...

Have a good one!

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:38am Jan 6, 2001 EST (#348 of 1012)

Hey ShERRIe I'm home now. Is this a good time to call???

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:44am Jan 6, 2001 EST (#349 of 1012)

Okee doke. I have where we are going to have din-din... Email me and I'll tell ya where... Unless you guys
think I should post it.????

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 03:20am Jan 6, 2001 EST (#350 of 1012)

It is just SCARY how all this trip thingy is turning out!! It's frightening to think just how fun this is.
got off the phone with two of you, and it gonna be sum party...

Three things to remember guys and gals who will be partying with me...
I need to not brawl with strangers.
I need not to go to jail.
I NEED to keep my clothes on...

In the Savage Nation [SV_Doug] - 03:48am Jan 6, 2001 EST (#351 of 1012)

Hi Duh,

Check your mail. All conditions will be met. LOL

I love you all, but could I have my "e" back? [edrieanne] - 05:53am Jan 6, 2001 EST (#352 of

morning, duh.

Just checking in to see if arrangements are set for SF - susie queue emailed me and asked if I knew what
planned. I haven't heard from you so I thought I'd ask if anything has been set, or is this an invitation only
get together?

[BillCostley] - 07:07am Jan 6, 2001 EST (#353 of 1012)

Wh@thell is di@betic ch@t?
NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 01:59pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#354 of 1012)

Go read Duffy and karianne, Bill.

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 04:02pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#355 of

There's a virus hoax going around via email along with a variant of the old Happy99 virus. I just got both,
but Norton AV 2001 sniffed out the real one and my bullshit detector sniffed out the other one.

Don't open any attachments from anyone that you don't know. When Norton told me about the virus
embedded in an attachment, I just directed Norton to whack it without going to the message to see who sent

The hoax is about the "Klingeman virus," a real virus that is supposed to kill you after you opwn the
envelope that it's in. You can read about it here
<ahref=""> and here These are two sites that keep up with internet hoaxes. Mine was
ssent by

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 05:14pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#356 of 1012)

lost your email edrie. send me one and I can tell you where/when we are doing the thinging. I got to go

What a long, strange trip it's been... [M.Rose] - 05:48pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#357 of 1012)

Hey Duh, sorry we haven't been able to keep up w/ your itinerary, and didn't realize you were going to be in
LA for a couple of days until just now when I caught up. Today is the last of the
birthdays/anniversaries/Christmas to-do.

I doubt we can show you anything as far-out as Darby has planned, but Union Station would be a much
cooler place to party than LAX. Phillipe's (home of the original French Dip sandwich,) is right across the
street, and if you want Mexican food, Olvera street is a short block away. I think they put some
fancy-schmantzy restaurant in the station itself, too, but can't vouch for that one.

If you want to meet a couple of your latest Church of Duh members, e-mail us at IMKLROY@aol, or and we'll buy you & Darby lunch or something. And do remember your Actifed.
The Santa Anas have been blowin'. *G* We'll give ya a phone number via e-mail.....

Susan [sjscruby] - 06:13pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#358 of 1012)

uh, Ray---this is what I get when I try your links:

"Improper Call to PicoSearch

You have reached the PicoSearch Search Engine hosting service. Please contact the webmaster for the site
which has called PicoSearch. Their HTML code has not properly accessed any Search Engine account in our
files. Thankyou."

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 06:16pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#359 of 1012)

I have to go now. But, I"ll be back to check email before I leave and send the dinner plans to anybody who
wants them and write down any and all numbers I need to call from people so email me for all this - has to
get to me by 2 am Central time, then I'll answer.

I don't know if I should post the when/where of the restaurant get together. Dougie can do it if it is a
good idea. I don't have good judgement when it comes to stuff like that. But if you email me, I'll send you
all the details!!! I'll email you Rose. Please post before the 11th if you have any inkling on coming to
we can expand the reservations. I'm just doing good to get my ass outta here on time...

Susan [sjscruby] - 06:17pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#360 of 1012)

Have a WONDERFUL trip, duh---and keep us posted (or have someone else do that). ;)

What a long, strange trip it's been... [M.Rose] - 06:54pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#361 of 1012)

Oh, and edrie, it's nice to see you back online. Your legal threads were a godsend when we wanted to keep
and didn't have a whole lot of time to wade through the partisan stuff on other threads. In case we haven't
already thanked you for all the research/transcription, thanks. *G*

Hope you did a better Christmas business than the big guys.

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 07:39pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#362 of

OK, I hear that my links to the places giving the skinny on the "Klinger virus hoax" email thing, so here
they are again - and I checked them out:

I love you all, but could I have my "e" back? [edrieanne] - 07:42pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#363 of

morning - uh, evening? all!

thanks for kind words, mrose, but the real credit goes to wardaddy, serious, cooter, tree, shroom and all who
helped bring some impartial critical analysis! Hope we'll do more threads like that one!

I'm bummed that by the time I got back online, the threads had dropped from the screen. but what a feast
they were!

Christmas selling season for the shortened week that it was actually reaped more than I had expected, but
the real surprise is this week! Hopefully, it will continue - the surprise is that it has been the bigger ticket
items that moved - diamonds, heavy gold and feelers for good pearls to be delivered in a few months.

Offer still stands to anyone who wants a guided tour of the Giftcenter/Jewelry Mart (with PF fringies to buy
wholesale from the place). Just let me know. It opens at 10a and closes at 5p and the "Please don't hit your
head on the glass" sign is still up on the window of the showroom with the 3 1/2 carat diamond ring.

Meantime, I'll hopefully be seeing yall at least a couple of times a week!

later - "breakfast" calls! (JUST getting up after a LOOOooooooonnnnnng nite selling!)

Susan [sjscruby] - 07:44pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#364 of 1012)

Uh, Ray...both links say they are hoaxes---there IS no such virus???

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 07:46pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#365 of 1012)

LOL Edrie, the reason those threads dropped off was becuase the USSC finally ended the whole mess.

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 07:50pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#366 of


That's what they are and that's how I reported them Sorry if there was any confusion.

Susan [sjscruby] - 08:10pm Jan 6, 2001 EST (#367 of 1012)

Sorry, wardaddy...I must have misunderstood. I thought that you were reporting an actual virus. *g*

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:07am Jan 7, 2001 EST (#368 of 1012)

Hey everybody!! I got another fan letter (from a reader/site explorer) who liked my little cyberhome and my
little cyberrants. Cool, ain't it? That makes TWO. I'm averaging one a year. By the time I die, maybe I'll be
up to six....

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:07am Jan 7, 2001 EST (#369 of 1012)

yeah. yeah. I'm supposed to be packing...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 01:13am Jan 7, 2001 EST (#370 of 1012)

then get to packin'.

you coming my way on your return trip? I forgot what you plan on doing. Email me and let me know,
I'll put flannel sheets on the extra bed.
I love you all, but could I have my "e" back? [edrieanne] - 01:20am Jan 7, 2001 EST (#371 of

chooooooooo chooooooooooooooooo!

ridin' the rails
rollin' the track,
keep on forward
ain't no goin' back

rockin' clackin'
swayin' scene
watchin' trees
grass fields green

mountain high
and country grand
nothin' prettier
in all the land

travel fast and
travel slow
ridin' the rails
is the way to go!

Have a GREAT trip! Duh!

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 01:23am Jan 7, 2001 EST
(#372 of 1012)

I think she said she couldn't get a reservation back thru there, Char... or to see Free or JO... She was mad
cause she waited too late not expecting it to get as crowded and expensive as it did...

That was the last I heard at least...

Bill... Chat that makes your teeth itch and a shot or two of insulin required...

Have a safe and fun if you can both at the same timetrip Duh!!

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 01:50pm Jan 8, 2001 EST (#373 of 1012)

Just dropping in from California. BTW, I am NEVER spending 30 hours on a phuking train again...

Don't nibble my raccoon [BARRY F SULLIVAN] - 02:59pm Jan 8, 2001 EST (#374 of 1012)

But it was something to tell your kids about.....

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 03:36pm Jan 8, 2001 EST
(#375 of 1012)


do like I do. Get a compartment. Your meals come with the ticket price, too.

Run Rudolph Run! [ex-glencarr] - 03:59pm Jan 8, 2001 EST (#376 of 1012)

Planes, people, planes!

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:29pm Jan 8, 2001 EST
(#377 of 1012)

The whole idea was to see the scenery, drink and ride in comfort, Glen... that didn't work out?

Glad you got there in one piece hon... Have fun!

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 09:55pm Jan 8, 2001 EST
(#378 of 1012)

Why would anyone go by plane? People on trains aren't in a hurry and are unfailingly pleasant. People in
airposts are in a hurry and stressed. They aren't very plesant - in fact, they are usually a$$holeI'll
continue to travel by train, f**k you very much.

Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 09:55pm Jan 8, 2001 EST (#379 of 1012)

You out there Dusty?

Kewl! Somebody notify the SWAT teams. ;-)
[LaughingBoy] - 12:47am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#380 of 1012)

BTW, I am NEVER spending 30 hours on a phuking train again...

That mean you are flying back...or staying? Glad you at least made it to lala. You are missed already!!
Keep us posted,k? (One big hugnsmooch, and three wet tongues...)

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 12:52am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#381 of 1012)

We are going to see Sherrie tomorrow and stay with her. Darb's making calls and she needs to pack.

Poor Darb is mildly freaking. She is a wild, wunderbar, woman, tho. Glad I made the trip.

Will see Sherrie, and that will more than make up for the trip in Satan's handcart up here...

Thanks for the joy you're giving me [ex-glencarr] - 06:42am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#382 of 1012)

" f**k you very much."

You're welcome, WD.

[kariannhopes] - 06:45am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#383 of 1012)

Glen, I have always thought you were such a gentleman!

Thanks for the joy you're giving me [ex-glencarr] - 06:47am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#384 of 1012)

LOL Kari, check out the quotes marks. Then scroll back.

[kariannhopes] - 07:23am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#385 of 1012)

I have to believe there are some Republicans who are gentlemen! Or is it some gentlemen who are
Republicans! *G*

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 10:32am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#386 of 1012)

The "City of New Orleans," an Amtrak train derailed in Memphis the other day. The ground was hurt but
passengers and crew are OK. A little rattled but not in pieces like after an airplane bumps into it at high

Altitude not good for fragile humans. Besides, airplanes are too damned heavy to hold up for six hours or
more between here and Skedaddle.

Trains be good.

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:34am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#387 of 1012)


The "City of New Orleans," an Amtrak train derailed in Memphis the other day. The ground
was hurt but the passengers and crew are OK. A little rattled but not in pieces like after
an airplane bumps into it at high speed.

Isn't that the train that's the subject of an Arlo Guthrie song?

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 10:48am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#388 of 1012)

That's the one, only Steve Goodman wrote it.

Think I'll try to work on that one while I wait for my "new" 1967 Martin 0-16NY "New Yorker" to get
UPS says that it got to Batesvill at 7:45 this AM. I should have it by 11:00AM or so.

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:51am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#389 of 1012)

That's the one, only Steve Goodman wrote it.

I thought so... Of course, now that song is stuck in my head...

"Good mornin' America, how are you?
Don't you know me? I'm your native son!
I'm the train they call the City of New Orleans
I'll be gone 500 miles when the day is done"

Of course, there are worse songs to have stuck in one's head...

Think I'll try to work on that one while I wait for my "new" 1967 Martin 0-16NY "New
Yorker" to get here. UPS says that it got to Batesvill at 7:45 this AM. I should have it by
11:00AM or so.

Sure, rub it in...

I'll go find my 30 year old Harmony in my attic, the one with only three strings... :)
The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 10:54am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#390 of 1012)


Just how many guitars does one man need?

That is a fine tune...

Dealin' card with the old men in the club car.
Penny a point ain't no one keepin' score.....


Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 10:56am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#391 of 1012)


Now I have to look around for another one. Can't divide seven guitars equally between two grandsons, can

Saw a nice 0-21 Martin 12 fret (Brazilian rosewood) on Mandolin Brothers web site....

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:57am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#392 of 1012)


Now I have to look around for another one. Can't divide seven guitars equally between two
grandsons, can I?

No, adopt me and I'll take the spare...

The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 10:59am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#393 of 1012)

Me, first....

I mean, I'm actually playing these days. Your guitar is still in the attic.


PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:08am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#394 of 1012)


Me, first.... I mean, I'm actually playing these days. Your guitar is still in the attic.

As I said on another thread,


The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 11:09am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#395 of 1012)

I'm following you around today.

Want to catch you sneaking a butt....


PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:10am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#396 of 1012)


I'm following you around today. Want to catch you sneaking a butt....

Now you know that's not true -- I'm still being a "cranky pain in the butt"...

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 11:12am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#397 of 1012)

Hey, guys, there are some great guitar sites on the web. I you want me to, I'll post a few of them. Some
tablature sites, others are guitar makers' sites with pictures of the unattainable.

Here are a few:

Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 11:12am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#398 of 1012)

Nessus, Ray is just trying to find something that will hang in with my 1918 Martin 00-18 that I bought
in the spring.

Ain't gonna happen. *G*
PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:14am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#399 of 1012)


Hey, guys, there are some great guitar sites on the web. I you want me to, I'll post a few of
them. Some are tablature sites, others are guitar makers' sites with pictures of the

You know of any sites for pseudo-pickers? Sites for Guys who used to play years and years ago (and weren't
very good back then). You know, maybe a beginner's site...

The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 11:16am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#400 of 1012)


I've heard tell, tho', that it ain't the axe, it's the lumberjack.

You guys have such great guitars.

I'm jealous....


Thanks for the links.


Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 11:18am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#401 of 1012)

Know how us lumberjacks shave?

Pound our whiskers in with the flat of an axe and bite 'em off inside.

The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 11:20am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#402 of 1012)


The Harmony Central link in Ray's post explains tablature, which would be a good start for flat picking.


The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 11:21am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#403 of 1012)


Just like Dan Tucker - another good banjo tune.


PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:22am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#404 of 1012)


Just like Dan Tucker - another good banjo tune.

Don't think it's a good idea to get him started on banjos... ;)

The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 11:22am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#405 of 1012)

He's got some good banjo jokes....


PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:23am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#406 of 1012)

Those aren't jokes, they're true stories...

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 11:25am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#407 of 1012)


I'll see if I can find the link to the TabWin program. I use it to write tablature and to play back songs that I
don't know. They have a shareware version that you can try. I've used this program for years, beginning
their first version. I'll have to open my other browser.

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 11:42am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#408 of 1012)

Can't find it right now. I'll have to find the manual.

OK, here's the address fromthe TabRite 4.2 manual:

Some more sites: (printable blank tab lines) (Click on the guitar on the right-that's a $5,000.00 pre war Martin D-18
copy) (These are wonderful guitars and cheaper than Martins) Flatpicking Guitar Magazine
The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 11:43am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#409 of 1012)

Thanks again.


PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:46am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#410 of 1012)


Ditto what Nessus said... Thanks.

Thanks for the joy you're giving me [ex-glencarr] - 11:50am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#411 of 1012)

Well, back tp planes, trains & stuff: I've taken Amtrak a few times & it ahsn't been very pleasant. Now, I
never took them for more than a 5 hour train ride but that was long enough. Although I'll grant that the
people were more pleasant (well, the passengers anyway!).

The Boys of Pride and Poise are back!! [Nessus2] - 11:53am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#412 of 1012)

Given the time, the train is best way to travel.

Certainly between DC and New York, I always take Amtrak.

The train folk don't lie to you constantly, you don't have to answer a dozen stupid ass questions that have
purpose other than to enervate you and you make you docile, you don't have to identify yourself, the seats
are comfortable with enough leg room, and, by and large, train stations are much more interesting than


PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:54am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#413 of 1012)


Given the time, the train is best way to travel.

Oh, I'd have to say that a 2001 Honda Goldwing would be the best way to travel, given the time.

But that's just me...

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 11:54am Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#414 of 1012)

If you're looking for a good high end guitar, Larivees are hard to beat. I have a 000 sized Larivee, an OM-10
Deluxe. It is a beauty and plays and sounds like a dream. Very well balanced and loud - if you want to to be.

Seagull makes a very good mid-prcied guitar according to the FLATPICK-L listers. Boomer just bought
and he likes it.

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:55am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#415 of 1012)


What would you recommend for a decent quality low-end acoustical guitar?

Thanks for the joy you're giving me [ex-glencarr] - 11:57am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#416 of 1012)

Nessus, on Long Island, we now have Southwest to BWI. It's $100 roundtrip & it's supposed to be
I'm taking it for the first time next weekend for the Inauguration.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 11:59am Jan 9, 2001 EST (#417 of 1012)

Well, Dusty will be here long about 12:30 and I am running around with a shovel relocating things.

It is a fact that stuff expands to overfill the room you have to put it in.

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 12:02pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#418 of 1012)


Take a look on the Elderly web site,

Ovations - deep bodies - are good buys and play and sound great. Guilds from prior to 1990 are great buys,
too. Fender bought them in about 1990, so I wouldn't recommend the later ones.

If you can find a Guild with a "G" in the model number, you've found a Geroge Gruhn designed guitar. I had
GF-30 that i gave to my son. It's increase in value once the collectors discover them. The Guild that Cooter
has is one that I bought new in 1965 and is a super guitar.

There are some other great buys for a beginner guitar that will also serve well as a pro's guitar. If you want,
I'll look over what Elderly, Gruhn, and Mamdolin Brothers have and let you know what I think.

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 12:03pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#419 of 1012)

UPS just delivered my guitar.

See ya!

It's in one piece, but it's too cold to take out of the case right now. The finish will craze. Have to let it
up in the case for an hour or two before I can play it.

[SusieQueue] - 12:18pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#420 of 1012)

Duh, Edrie, Doug, et. al.....

Sorry. I can't make the gathering in SF on Thursday night. A couple of unexpected out-of-town guests and
"rush" work project have combined to consume my life.

RL happens. *wry grin*

Hope you have a great time....

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 12:23pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#421 of 1012)


Several nice Ovations on the Elederly site and this jewel:

ALVAREZ YAIRI DY90 (1990) EC+, D-size, 15-3/4" lower bout, solid spruce top, 3-piece
rosewood back, rosewood sides, mahogany neck, bound ebony fretboard, fancy ebony bridge
with abalone trim, abalone top trim and around fretboard extension, abalone soundhole
rosette, white body binding, faux abalone trim on sides, diamond shape abalone fretboard
inlays, gold tuners, black pickguard, w-b-w bound headstock with rosewood overlay,
1-11/16" nut width, ~25-3/8" scale, made in Japan, with HSC, on consignment (SN:42586)
20U-7357......$785.00 buy

I used to have one and Cooter has one of these now. Cooter's sounds terrific, mine wasn't so terrific
is was a fine-sounding guitar. I just never played it enough for it to open up. That's real abalone abound the

Their catalog came with the Martin and there's a picture of a Gibson with the old Mother-Of-Toilet-Seat
fingerboard. MOTS is fake plastic pearl shell. Gaudy.

The D25 Guild is one of their ceaper guitars, but like all early Guilds, it's probably a fine-sounding guitar.

Elderly gives you 48 hours to make up your mind if you're going to keep a guitar. banjo, fiddle, or

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 12:32pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#422 of 1012)


Thanks for the info! I've been thinking about picking the guitar back up for a while now (especially with
"the boy" on the way...)

You've definitely given me much to think about!

Enjoy the new guitar!

Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 12:38pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#423 of 1012)

Gruhn Guitars, Nashville

AM4090 Goya S-14 made by Levin in Sweden, mid 1960s, 14 1/8" wide, maple back & sides,
I used a Goya calssical guitar when I first went on the road. Wonderful guitar.

AM4456 Espana flattop made in Finland, mid 1960s, VG, spruce top, mahogany back & sides,

AM4577 Ovation Balladeer model 1111, 1983, NM, natural finish, OHC......$500
AM4655 Ovation Legend, 1985, VG+, factory electronics, natural finish top, OHC......$485

AM4592 Guild D4NT, 1991, VG+, no case......$500 (You can get a hardshell Harp case from Elderly for
$115.00 + $18-00 for shipping. A Harp is what I bought for my 0-16NY. Good looking case, too.)
There are some more fine Guilds there, but they're more expensive. I believe that the D4 is the same as
old D-40 model, but I haven't held one, so I'm not positive about that.

Off to Mandolin Brothers (NYC).
Cats=good jogging partners-you have to carry them. [wardaddy] - 12:45pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#424 of 1012)

Nothing but high end guitars on Mandolin Brothers today.

GUy, check out the Elderly catalog. There are some new Martins discounted to about $500.00 in htere. I've
heard that someof these are really terrific sounding guitars.

Time to do see if the little Martin has warmed up enough to take out of the case.

Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 12:53pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#425 of 1012)

You can also get one of the new lower end Martins for close to half price from the big guitar houses. I've
played a couple, and they are really nice.

Susan [sjscruby] - 07:15pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#426 of 1012)

To all who will be "gathering" on the left coast--hope you have a WONDERFUL time!!!! (and I am
soooooooooooo jealous)

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 07:22pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#427 of 1012)

Yep here we are LOLOLOLOL!!!

Susan [sjscruby] - 07:25pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#428 of 1012)


NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 07:28pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#429 of 1012)

We're gonna check in a bit to see if we can get my webcam running on her site.


Susan [sjscruby] - 07:32pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#430 of 1012)

rubbing?????? hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....think I will pretend that was a typo. LOL

[LaughingBoy] - 09:34pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#431 of 1012)

Sherrie/ know web cams and duhs don't mix, right?...lmao

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:42pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#432 of 1012)

LOL... Hey LaughingBoy... How's it going? You need the shovel yet??

(pssst... UPS me the vermin real quick...*S*)

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:43pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#433 of 1012)


I lost the webcam addy!!
[LaughingBoy] - 09:48pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#434 of 1012)

Hey Dusty...honey, sweetie...hope you are having a great time! The canids are restless. I think they are
beginning to realize you are gone for a while. Afga is hovering, Kodak is doing his whiney thing, and
Milo...well, he is he would storm you if you walked thru the door! And then there's I
think I would Blitzkreig you right about now...heh heh heh...throw me a rope, k?

[LaughingBoy] - 09:51pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#435 of 1012)

lol, surfer...i think sherrie still has a deathgrip on it! I'm keeping things in line

[LaughingBoy] - 09:54pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#436 of 1012)

you want the vermin, surfer?? I think they could be yours, but on a "pick-up" kinda deal only. Rats in the
mail is generally not a good

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:56pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#437 of 1012)

Aww... you miss her... Knew ya would.*S*

Did Duh tell you me and my short one might come visit in the summer?

Send the vermin... tell her Milo ate them.*S*

(Edit... Ok. You're right. mail them and MIlo may as well eat them, huh?*S*)

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:58pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#438 of 1012)

LOL.. I didn't see your post ...

I told her when we come out we'll bring them back if she says she doesn't want them.... We have one
well, one and a half... fat little mouse and the piggie.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:03pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#439 of 1012)

Anyone want to post that webcam addy?

[LaughingBoy] - 10:07pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#440 of 1012)

Yeah she did surfer!! Looking forward to your visit! (Means I can invite my biker buddies down soon as you
leave...lmao!) Sounds as though the mousie may need a friend know...she was kinda
to hear the piggies lived so long...not like gerbils or hamsters...these guys have some relative longevity!
that's if Milo doesen't "get them"

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:10pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#441 of 1012)


This what you're looking for?

[LaughingBoy] - 10:12pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#442 of 1012)

hey guy...I recognize the environs...must be

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:13pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#443 of 1012)

Hey there LB...

You recognize the area?
[LaughingBoy] - 10:15pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#444 of 1012)

heya guy...

I must say I I look to my right, it's almost just the

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:16pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#445 of 1012)

Ahhhhhhh... Gotcha...

Sad part is, that could be my office as well... *G*

(except I've got a real computer, not onna them weenie Macs...)

[ducking and running like hell]

[LaughingBoy] - 10:17pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#446 of 1012)

no, I don't think so guy...lmao

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:18pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#447 of 1012)

Alright, so the picture's a little on the generic side...

[LaughingBoy] - 10:18pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#448 of 1012)

oh damn...didn't see the rest of better duck where i can't see ya and run where duh can't catch ya!!

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 10:19pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#449 of 1012)

[whistling innocently]

Who, me?

Susan [sjscruby] - 10:20pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#450 of 1012)

hmmmmmmmm....not messy enuf for my office. *gg*

[LaughingBoy] - 10:20pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#451 of 1012)

been in this stuff way too long, the puckering for something besides

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:39pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#452 of 1012)

LOL... Thanks Guy.

Say LaughingBoy... Did I ever tell you about the guy I went out with that was asked to leave a bike club
he was *too wild?*

Why wait til I leave?

Oh... Uh yeah... the short person... maybe be best....

And the longevity is why we got the g pig... The Chicklita had a hamster die on her... After she read they
only live to be like 4 years old and hers was 4 she woke it up off and on all day to see if it was still alive.

I think it died of sleep deprivation.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 10:39pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#453 of 1012)

HEHHEHEHEHEHE hey laughing boy yer sweetie says hi, I am fixin to take her to a biker bar for dinner.

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:05pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#454 of 1012)


A Biker bar for dinner?


LB... She says I can't have the vermins... oh well... *sigh*

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 11:12pm Jan 9, 2001 EST
(#455 of 1012)

G'night folks... Have fun!

[lara croft] - 11:23pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#456 of 1012)

Well, I just got off the phone with them. They were talkin about pressing their uppermost parts against the
window when Sher's neighbors walked by.

LOL Probably a good thing I'm not there. I'd have to inject booze into the mix and from the sounds of it,
would make it Ummmm, surreal. LOL

Susan [sjscruby] - 11:24pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#457 of 1012)

More surreal???? *g*

[lara croft] - 11:30pm Jan 9, 2001 EST (#458 of 1012)

Yeah, I know, but trust me, it can be done. LOL

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 12:12am Jan 10, 2001 EST (#459 of

Welll, we're back. I think the reverend duh is warming up in the background here...

Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 07:48am Jan 10, 2001 EST (#460 of 1012)

It appears the Rev. passed o.....uh.....dozed off!

[LaughingBoy] - 02:04pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#461 of 1012)

lol thoughts too (and I waited, and waited...) man, what an offering I had at the ready!... must
have been the sacremental tuaca...heh heh

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 08:23pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#462 of

Hey LB, she got on the train okay this morning, should be in SanFran in about three hours.

(she misses ya like crazy)

You guys are moving out here. LOLOL surprise...

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 08:39pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#463 of


You guys are moving out here. LOLOL surprise...

I think you all need to move east... heheheheheheheh...
NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 08:57pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#464 of

noooooooo thank you, the only white stuff I like lookin at is sand...

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 08:59pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#465 of


noooooooo thank you, the only white stuff I like lookin at is sand...


Heh heh heh...

(I kid. I know you've been out this way, so you know what it's like...)

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 09:05pm Jan 10, 2001
EST (#466 of 1012)

You can't move til I come out... Shoot. I wanted to but can't afford to do LA this year... time or money I

[lara croft] - 09:54pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#467 of 1012)

Did Darby survive?

Come and see the violence inherent in the system! [surferchicklet] - 10:30pm Jan 10, 2001
EST (#468 of 1012)


Lara... Is silence a good sign? Maybe they are sleeping it off?

[lara croft] - 10:34pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#469 of 1012)

Well, you gotta figure Duh is in San Francisco about now, I'm sure, not sleeping.

If Darby went with her, they are out stirring up trouble, if not, Darby must be calling it an early evening.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 10:46pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#470 of

She doesn't get in until 9:30 tonight.

And Darb is right in there agitatin, I'll betcha money.

Comment stupide pouvez-vous être? [surferchicklet] - 10:48pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#471 of 1012)

Cool beans.

Glad you folks had a good time..

Later ladies.

[lara croft] - 11:55pm Jan 10, 2001 EST (#472 of 1012)

Good gawd, a 12 hour ride? LOL lordy, DUH's not going to be a happy camper.

Hopefully there is a bar car and DUH got a compartment.

Lessee, 12 plus 30 equals 42 hours on the choo choo so far. LOL ouch

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 12:44am Jan 11, 2001 EST (#473 of

I think I'd lose what's left of my mind..... way too long in any kind of transportation.
They're selling postcards of the hanging... [DaveGin] - 10:50am Jan 11, 2001 EST (#474 of 1012)

Poor San Francisco.

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:52am Jan 11, 2001 EST (#475 of

ah, you're just green with envy cause you can't be there.

neener, neener!

They're selling postcards of the hanging... [DaveGin] - 11:00am Jan 11, 2001 EST (#476 of 1012)

Well...a little green. Maybe.

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:01am Jan 11, 2001 EST (#477 of

Aqua, perhaps?

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 11:57am Jan 11, 2001 EST (#478 of

perhaps we should plan a convergence upon Dave's humble abode this summer.

I can instigate this.......

we have some family in Texas, could use that as an excuse to migrate temporarily

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 11:59am Jan 11, 2001 EST (#479 of


perhaps we should plan a convergence upon Dave's humble abode this summer.

You know Dave lives in southern TX, right?

Do you really want to go to southern TX in the summer? I know the weather in IA this time of year's
probably got you thinking of hot summer days and all, but this is ridiculous... ;)

Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 12:00pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#480 of 1012)

I know where Texas is, and I understand you can get a cold beer there.

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 01:06pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#481 of

Do you really want to go to southern TX in the summer?

I believe they have modern conveniences like air conditioning, don't they?

PF's resident 'cranky pain in the butt'... [guy montag] - 01:16pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#482 of

I believe they have modern conveniences like air conditioning, don't they?

Not outside they don't...

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 05:46pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#483 of

Not outside they don't...

who said anything about being outside?
The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 06:20pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#484 of

They still got beer? I like beer.

And pickled eggs.

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 06:24pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#485 of

really? I kind of figured you would be a "pickled pigs feet" type of guy, Ray!

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 06:27pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#486 of

Too greasy, although I have eaten a few in my wild youth. :)

Comment stupide pouvez-vous être? [surferchicklet] - 10:23pm Jan 11, 2001 EST (#487 of 1012)

yucko man.

Duhoney... drop me a mail and let me know when you make it home.

Later folks, it's been a real slice.

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 03:15am Jan 12, 2001 EST (#488
of 1012)

here's the latest in the Duh Diary called the "biggest storm to hit San Francisco" since El Nino. Yup!
and Duh hit town!

The ladies did Macworld all day and went to a great little Indonesion Restaurant to meet Doug and me at

Seems the two terrific ones got there early from the Moscone Center and patiently waited for us by
some of our fine California Wine!

I was 1/2 late due to torrential downpours all day and Doug made it about 45 minutes after I did.

Dusty is terrific - she is awesome! Everything her web page indicates her to be and much more. Darby is
forever young! (must be all the LA Goth scene that she wears so well). The skies of LA are a little dimmer
and the nights are a little quieter with her in our fair city.

Doug is MUCH MUCH cute. His pics DEFINITELY don't do him justice, ladies! (I SHOULD use the
"hansome", but since I'm so much older than he is, I hope I can get away with using "cute"!

Look for an update of the get together on the boards some day in the near future! Well worth the skidding
down 280 at 50 mph to make it to meet them!

My only regret is that the two ladies will be heading out tomorrow and we won't be able to properly do the

Stoptime, Susiequeue, you're gonna LOVE meeting Doug! look for a local pf get to coming to a location
you soon!

Duh, thanks for the energy to make this happen. Darby, thanks for throwing caution to the wind and
anyway! Doug, thanks for the GREAT restaurant recommendation!

What a great nite! Missed you all who weren't there. Especially you, Ray. When you come out, we'll make
for it and give you the Royal treatment!

Bush: The Frank Burns of presidents [Hardigan] - 03:20am Jan 12, 2001 EST (#489 of 1012)

"They still got beer? I like beer.

And pickled eggs."

Eggs and beer, Ray? Remind me not to sit behind you on the ride home.


Happiness is a furry lapcat. [CooterBrown] - 06:58am Jan 12, 2001 EST (#490 of 1012)

Don't forget the cracklins!

Hardigan, where is your taste? I suppose you like Miller Lattes and cucumber sandwiches? LMAO!!

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 08:06am Jan 12, 2001 EST (#491 of

Cooter, you culinary twit!

I like cucumber sandwiches, with cream cheese, bit of onion on pumpernickel.

Susan [sjscruby] - 08:12am Jan 12, 2001 EST (#492 of 1012)

Thanx for the update, Edri. When I heard about all the stormy weather, I worried that some of the
get-together might not work. Glad it did!!! ;)
Bush: The Frank Burns of presidents [Hardigan] - 04:07pm Jan 12, 2001 EST (#493 of 1012)

It's not the going in that I have a problem with, Cooter.

It's the resulting upholstery rending sulfur farts.

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 01:40am Jan 13, 2001 EST (#494
of 1012)

sjs, did you REALLY think we'd let a little rain stop us from meeting the one and only DUH! (and Darby,

Wild storms and tornados couldn't have kept us away! I think a good time was DEFINITELY had by all!

Meeting Doug was a pleasure, tho' didn't get to talk with him much - Darby had his ear 'bout PC's -
forward to another get to with more of the Bay locals when the weather isn't as brutal.

Hope Duh is home snuggled with all her aminals by now - and Darby is back giving LA what for!

At least, here in SF, Doug and I are a bit dryer than yesterday.

If anyone finds themselves in the Bay area, please sing out and we'll show ya the sights!

FOX News: "We Fart - You Sniff" [Oregon_Jim] - 06:44pm Jan 13, 2001 EST (#495 of 1012)

You people in SF are certainly whiners - one little heavy rain and it's national news.

Here in Oregon we wouldn't have even noticed.

Just as I was getting used to yesterday ... along came today. [_maggie_] - 07:28pm Jan 13,
2001 EST (#496 of 1012)

Here in Oregon we wouldn't have even noticed.

hehehe - When I was on the mainland, one morning my mother said "We had a good rain last night." I
outside and a not a drop of water, puddle, wet car, or even a wet leaf to be found ANYWHERE.

I asked her how she could tell and she said she "saw it fall". The news reporters on the television were busy
talking about the night's previous "storm" and telling people to *Ahem* be careful on the roads.

A month or so before I had left for California, we had a little rain and received 28 inches of rain in 24

Now THAT'S a rainstorm. Bunch of sissies.

Susan [sjscruby] - 09:02pm Jan 13, 2001 EST (#497 of 1012)

heh, heh, heh, Maggie.

Susan [sjscruby] - 09:03pm Jan 13, 2001 EST (#498 of 1012)

The one bad thing about rains when/where they are not common---they CAN produce slick spots where the
rain mixes with the oils, etc.

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 12:39am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#499
of 1012)

ackchully, folks, it wasn't the rain but the blasted ignorance of the people who pave the roads! They oil
down the newly paved asphalt to make it wear better, so when it rains, it is just like driving on solid sheets
of ice. I had better traction in NY after a major ice storm!

I'm just glad that I had the good fortune to practice in NY before coming out here.

It is common to hear about cars and big rigs that go flying off the roadway down embankments, ravines,
after a rain storm. Cars fly off the main roadway and aren't discovered for days (usually to the death of the
people in them). What amazes me is that there is no understanding by the people who redo the roads that
rain happens! Potholes around here are good for traction!

Anyway, my favorite driving experience was in Boulder, Co., years ago, when several feet of snow hit
overnite. Instead of scraping down the roads, people just drove over the packed stuff. Great traction, easy
going. In NY, they salt the roads and it melts off until the weather warms, water covers the surface then the
temp drops and you get "black ice". The stuff I hit was just like that. Unexpected and unstoppable!

Now I know what it feels to ride the nose of a bullet at close range. Whew! Thank goodness for deflection. I
would have accordianed about seven cars since I didn't even begin to slow acceleration - and with several
tons of motor home, that wouldn't have been pretty, folks.
He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 05:28am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#500 of 1012)

Oh good god. I have never been so happy to see flat dirt, three dogs, two vermin, and a whahizface in all
life. Nuthin like leaving home to make one appreciate it.

I'm going to take a 14 month nap, but before I do, I want to give special kudos to those who made my stay
memorable one - and I'll post more about my trip after I wake up.

Thanks to all who open their homes to me and let me get naked in their showers and eat of their food and
exist in their airspace for just a brief time.

For all of you who don't know, I will tell you she is a warm and loving person. She gives off all the vibes
of a
bitchin' mom, and a down to earth lady with great mind and sense of humor to boot. It made me realize how
much I REALLY love you, and how, now, it can be a tangible thing since you are three dimensional.

Ohmygod, the man is adorable. Just adorable. Screw the picture we have on the picture page, the man is a
phenomenal cutie. After the five glasses of wine (out of five carafs (sp?), I was tongue tied when I got the
chance to speak to him. Goofy I was, so I hope that we can get together again, when I'm not so.... tippsy.

Three dimensions really works for you. To be honest, I had expected a chat-room like sort of person, but
you really proved to be much much more. Your warm and kind and fun. I hope we do this next year too,
provided your still in town.

Please, everybody, I cannot stress how different and better people are in 3D. I was taken aback by the
realness and warmth and kindness from everybody - you cannot begin to judge a person and how they will
be online - you can only get a taste. I'm off to bed. Talk at you more later...

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 06:38am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#501
of 1012)

glad you're home safe and sound, Duh!

Rest well so you can come back soon!

oh, by the way, congrats on being #500! it's only fitting that you hit the half-way mark when you made it
back to Kansas. *g*

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 07:17am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#502 of

We just have to do a midwestern thingie....

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 07:54am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#503
of 1012)

mornin' char.

saw the cutest MAC's at Macworld - looked just like COWS!

Midwestern thing? 'slong as it isn't during blizzard season, or tornado season! Sounds like fun! Wish you
coulda been in SF - if ever this way, give a heads up. uh, does VEGAS count as midwest? *g*

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 08:03am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#504 of

I would have loved to joined Duh on her trip, truly. I know I would have had fun.

Vegas does have restaurants that serve Iowa beef..........

on second thought, no Vegas.

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 08:04am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#505
of 1012)

Hmmmm, how 'bout Denver, Colo? or Tuscon? Gotta find a place that's drive-able. My RV may not make
big hills - definitely not in snow or ice!

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 08:12am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#506 of

who said anything about snow or ice? I'm thinking this summer. After the crops are in, after I get the
on the ground, after the first cutting of hay is done.....

hell, ya think I have room for all of ya? Ya all can camp all over the farm, but I only have one extra

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 08:19am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#507
of 1012)

what the HECK! I can put up at LEAST two SMALL close friends in the RV (the dinette sets down to
make a
cozy double - (the overhead is MINE MINE MINE!!! - Cody's words, of course), if they don't mind the
two pups! (or we COULD sleep in shifts - oh, what the heck, who needs sleep anyway!)
Susan [sjscruby] - 09:42am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#508 of 1012)

Welcome "home," Duh---glad you had a great (if exhausting) time!!!!

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:23am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#509 of

oh, what the heck, who needs sleep anyway!)

I do.

Susan [sjscruby] - 11:01am Jan 14, 2001 EST (#510 of 1012)

meeee toooooo!! LOL

Comment stupide pouvez-vous être? [surferchicklet] - 12:47pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#511 of 1012)

Glad you got home safe and had a good time, Duh!

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 02:24pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#512 of

So ya want me to start sending you the employment opportunities from the Sunday Times?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 05:47pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#513 of 1012)

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!! [SherrieG] - 02:24pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#512
of 512)

So ya want me to start sending you the employment opportunities from the Sunday Times?

Right now, nuthin looks better than the dumb flat dirt of Kansas... maybe here in a couple of weeks tho.

Comment stupide pouvez-vous être? [surferchicklet] - 06:17pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#514 of 1012)


'Bout the time I come out there you'll be gone.

[lara croft] - 07:56pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#515 of 1012)

Hows about a trip to paradise?

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 08:42pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#516 of

Montana you mean????

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 08:45pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#517 of 1012)

So what's been going on in Pathfinder land? Meltdowns? Brownouts? Flamers?

[lara croft] - 08:58pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#518 of 1012)

Of course, Montana, where did YOU think? LOL

Don't know about Meltdowns, etc, Duh, haven't been around a whole lot, lately.

Bush: The Frank Burns of presidents [Hardigan] - 09:02pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#519 of 1012)

Just the usual run o' the mill, freakish hellishness that is the ambiance of PF, Duh.

Welcome back, nyah-ah-aaah!!!

Bush: The Frank Burns of presidents [Hardigan] - 09:07pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#520 of 1012)

BTW, how did you enjoy the city of my birth?

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:12pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#521 of 1012)

I thought it was a WONDERFUL city. People were so nice, and there was so much to do. Wouldn't drive
in it
for a million dollars tho....

[lara croft] - 09:20pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#522 of 1012)

Lombard Street can be fun, without brakes.

Or is that Lombardo Street, LOL no, that's the orchestra guy.

Lombardi Street? No Gennaro was the pizza inventor guy.

Must be Lombard Street. It's a corkscrew, straight down.

He who laughs last, thinks the slowest... [Duh_] - 09:22pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#523 of 1012)

Although I am one of the worse drivers I know, I don't even hold a candle to some of the maniacs WITH
driver's licenses that do the streets of San Francisco.

Bush: The Frank Burns of presidents [Hardigan] - 09:22pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#524 of 1012)

Didja get some I-Ti food up in N.Beach?

Always one of my favorite areas, as well as the lower Haight.

Bush: The Frank Burns of presidents [Hardigan] - 09:24pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#525 of 1012)

"..., I don't even hold a candle to some of the maniacs WITH driver's licenses that do the streets of San

You haven't lived until I've done my impersonation of Steve McQueen in S.F.

Just as I was getting used to yesterday ... along came today. [_maggie_] - 09:26pm Jan 14,
2001 EST (#526 of 1012)

I don't even hold a candle to some of the maniacs WITH driver's licenses that do the streets of San

The secret to driving in San Francisco is to open your window and scream like a banshee at the other
especially if they're in a crosswalk.

That's how you do it in Boston too.
[lara croft] - 09:32pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#527 of 1012)

San Francisco drivers are mild compared to New York drivers or Jersey drivers.

At least in California there is a clear law concerning right-of-way when it comes to motor vehicle v.

In New York, it's every man for himself and he with the biggest balls wins.

In California there is somewhat of an notion that he who gets there first gets the right-of-way, at least.

If New York/Jersey drivers went to California and drove as they do at home, they'd be victims of freeway
shootings in less time than it takes to cut someone off, flip them off, then crowd them into a pylon.

Not to mention honking their horns, and screaming profanities, the entire time.

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 09:41pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#528 of

Nowhere in this country can compare to the St.Louis area for maniacs behind the wheel'n they ain't all
blondes or females yakkin' onna cell phone neither. *G*

[lara croft] - 09:49pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#529 of 1012)

They got laws in St. Louie, Free?

Is an oxymoron really just a dumb bovine? [charolais] - 10:17pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#530 of

Yeah, on occasion us Iowan's have to go down there to enforce them.

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 10:29pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#531 of

lara croft - 09:49pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#529 of 530)

They got laws in St. Louie, Free?

Ain't gonna touch that one, Dave'd ban me for the language it'd bring forth. *G*

[lara croft] - 10:32pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#532 of 1012)


.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 11:44pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#533
of 1012)

AAAACCCCKKKK! Lara put Jersy Drivers and NY drivers in the SAME category!

NO NO NO NO!!! EVERYONE knows that when the dread blue and yellow plates (NJ) are in the far right
lane, they WILL turn left at the next light!

And as for NY drivers, just rent FISH CALLED WANDA for a lesson in how it's done!

BUT, if you know the system in NY, it's easy - anyone with their nose (bumper) an inch in front of your
driver's seat has the right of merge, anyone behind that magic arc has to wait! Just go up in a high rise and
look down at the yellow "snake" that moves in unison! Works beautifully until someone from NJ is in the
right (left) hand lane.

Oh, there is a pecking order, too. Cabs have right of way over cars, buses have right of way over cabs
(sometimes), bicycles have right of way over buses and Cement Trucks RULE!

If you are driving, you have right of way over pedestrians, but the minute you step out of the car, YOU
right of way over motor vehicles. Look and GLARE and they stop (unless they are a Gypsy cab-then you
better have a cemetary plot paid for!)

THAT is the secret of NYC!

SF, on the other hand, those with brakes give way to those without. Streets are very slippery so that the
traffic flow will continue rapidly during rush hour. Pedestrians are considered speed bumps for buses and
cable cars - 10 points for a bicycle and 15 for a motorcycle (since they are motorized, they are harder to
hit). Red lights are pretty decorations. WHAT cross walks? Those are road paintings!

AH~ drivin' - when in doubt - take a cab who will most assuredly take you to the busiest streets to get two
blocks and stay in the middle lanes so you can't get out!

In NY, if the cabbie is stoned, be sure to tell him to let you out three blocks ahead so he'll be able to
negotiate the stop - and never argue with a NY Cabbie with a tire iron!

Thanks for the joy you're giving me [ex-glencarr] - 11:46pm Jan 14, 2001 EST (#534 of 1012)

Jersey drivers lack talent. It's why we have middle fingers, really.
[lara croft] - 12:29am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#535 of 1012)

LOL Glen

While the middle finger salute works on both shores, equally, as well, I still love the horn honking and
yelling best. Reminds me of Mexico, kind of.

He/she with the biggest balls wins, and if you are going to argue with a cabby, be armed or pick the
doorman around, to do the arguing for you.

Once co-mingled, if you don't have a program, you can't tell the difference between a Jersey driver and the
NY driver except for the plates. I know, I know, neither wants to admit that, but it's true.

But facts being facts, as far as Jersey goes, Weehawken, a wee bit of heaven, is the only reason to be in
Jersey. The unobstructed view of the Manhattan skyline is breathtaking, morning, noon, and night; spring,
summer, fall and winter.

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 01:49am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#536
of 1012)

well, funniest Jersey story I have was when I was driving a taxi - one of my fellow hacks had just returned
from a visit to somewhere in the deep south. THink it was Georgia.

He and a friend (also cabbie) were travelling a six lane road during rush hour when traffic ground to a halt
in center lane. When they finally got to near the stop - there was a car making a left turn in front of all the
oncoming traffic. His buddy instinctively yelled out window JERSEY DRIVER! [no other expletive needed,
if you are a New Yorker]. When he remembered where he was, he laughed - that is until they reached the car
- it had Jersey tags!

Oh, one more thing, there are billboards in NJ touting the fewest number of accidents occur to NJ drivers
[but the REAL accidents occur to all the drivers trying to AVOID the Jersey drivers! What a mangled wake
of metal they leave *g*)

And as for the Skyline of Manhattan, yep, Lara, you're 100% on that one! The BEST view if from New
side of the Hudson!

[lara croft] - 01:51am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#537 of 1012)

And what would the view be from the Manhattan side of the Hudson?

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 03:39am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#538
of 1012)

not much! BUT, you do get a good view of the Ferry Boat that is converted into a floating restaurant (name
escapes me for the minute) and a great vista of the GWB at nite. Jersy shore is not too bad a looksee, and
can see part of the NY skyline at an angle, but the best view of Manhattan is definitely from the Jersey
Even Queens and Brooklyn lack the spectacular view. That's the best part of Jersey - the view of the city!
(and cheap rents)

<edit>oops, forgot the splendid view of running the Henry Hudson Parkway at nite! Passing Grant's Tomb
(who's buried there, anyway?) and running the edge of the city along riverside drive is pretty neat. When I
used to take friends on my "manhattan tours", I'd run them around the perimeter of Manhattan, from the
west side, south street, east river drive, through the top of the island along the cloisters and back down
again. It is really a great ride. The next best is to do it via Circle Line - great 3 hr cruise in the summer and
wonderful view of the City from the waterway.

Well, today was a total waste of makeup. [MsRobbie] - 03:58am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#539 of 1012)

Actually, a darned nice view of the lower Manhattan skyline can be had from the Staten Island ferry.

.ain't had this much fun since the <insert> died! [edrieanne] - 04:06am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#540
of 1012)

which is best taken at 4:00 in the morning after a sumptuous repast at Wo Hop's (17 Mott St), the round
with the lovely view of Lady Liberty will end at day break, just in time to walk back uptown leisurely
enjoying all the window shopping along the way!

Been there, done that MANY MANY times!


mornin' MsR.

Well, today was a total waste of makeup. [MsRobbie] - 04:35am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#541 of 1012)

Good morning, Edrie. You're making me nostalgic for New York. I haven't been there in a couple of years,
it's always a fun trip.

edrieanne - 06:47am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#542 of 1012)

mornin' MsR. Me, too! Haven't been back since I moved out west - miss it a lot!

Even though I was born in North Carolina, I always explained to people that I was REALLY a New
Yorker! My mother was the one who made the mistake and had me in North Carolina!

It's amazing how much of my heart remains in the City. Hopefully, I'll get back there within the next
year .....

guy montag - 08:39am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#543 of 1012)

New York/New Jersey drivers?


Buncha pikers.

-- Signed, certified Masshole.

charolais - 08:50am Jan 15, 2001 EST (#544 of 1012)

I have a Dusty (heifer) update.....

She is now 4 mo. old, and of course she was left with her mother to continue to be raised by her.

She is growing exceptionally well (Gracie is a great milker!) and I have to tell ya all- she has the
same calm demeanor of the Hereford line of her grandsire, she has the nice big frame of a Charolais
(her sire) and this heifer was an excellent pick for holding back.

Now, if I can just get Duh here to meet her namesake.....................

Duh_ - 03:58pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#545 of 1012)

I'm a'coming, I'm a'coming.

I'm recovering quite nicely from my trip. Whahizface, dogs and pigs missed me and boy did I miss

Although, next year, I'm bring whahizface and FLYING in, with a quick detour to Ventura. We be
coming to see ya Sherrie, so be ready. As I said, I've learned a lot about what NOT to do, in terms of
vacation planning and execution, so it will be better next year.

I'm looking out the window, and I think even Kansas is glad to have me back. Its a lovely sunshiney

edrieanne - 04:02pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#546 of 1012)

mornin' Duh! Did the pics come through?

Duh_ - 07:32pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#547 of 1012)

Here we go with the very start of the pics...

charolais - 08:02pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#548 of 1012)

all the pics won't load.... dang it.

Duh_ - 08:04pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#549 of 1012)

There's only edries....

CooterBrown - 08:44pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#550 of 1012)

Glad to see ya made it back ok, Dusty.

I see that Char is thinking of inviting the thundering herd for the summer. Little does she

sjscruby - 08:58pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#551 of 1012)

I had the same prob, char...not all the pics loaded---got too many x's. ;(

edrieanne - 09:02pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#552 of 1012)

if we go, do we gotta get branded?????

sjscruby - 09:03pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#553 of 1012)


edrieanne - 09:04pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#554 of 1012)

or, or, or, our ears notched?

charolais - 09:06pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#555 of 1012)

if we go, do we gotta get branded?????

we do not brand here. however.... you might start to get a bit nervous when I pull out the big tags
with large numbers on them.

the device that applies these things is pretty scary, too.

edrieanne - 09:08pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#556 of 1012)

hmmmmmm, the "heifers" get their ears pierced, what do the boys get? 8^O

SherrieG - 09:13pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#557 of 1012)

Turned into steers mostly LOLOLOL!!!

Dusty -- there is a local airport closer than Ventura. email me.

And you guys can hang out in the spare room as long as ya want.

Months even, LOLOLOL

edrieanne - 09:18pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#558 of 1012)

sherrie, ya gotta SHARE!

charolais - 09:20pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#559 of 1012)

Turned into steers mostly LOLOLOL!!!

yeah, any of the guy's start misbehaving out here on this place.... the knife appears.

edrieanne - 09:22pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#560 of 1012)


CooterBrown - 09:32pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#561 of 1012)

Don't you ladies spend too much time on these plans. I ain't exactly helpless. ;-)

edrieanne - 09:37pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#562 of 1012)

uh oh, Cooter KICKS! racing out door to go find food and escape the COOTER!

Bear Armstrong - 09:42pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#563 of 1012)

Well, I was going to post this in the RR, but this looks like a good time for it here.

If Men Truly Ran The World

1. Breaking up would be a lot easier. A smack to the ass and a "Nice hustle, you'll get 'em next time"
would pretty much do it.

2. Birth control would come in ale or lager.

3. Valentine's Day would be moved to February 29th so it would only occur in leap years.

4. On Groundhog Day, if you saw your shadow, you'd get the day off to go drinking. Mother's Day, too.

5. St. Patrick's Day, however, would remain exactly the same. But it would be celebrated every month.

6. Garbage would take itself out.

7. Regis and Kathy Lee would be chained to a cement mixer and pushed off the Golden Gate Bridge for
the most lucrative pay-per-view event in world history.

8. The only show opposite "Monday Night Football" would be "Monday Night Football from a Different
Camera Angle."

9. Instead of "beer-belly," you'd get "beer-biceps."

10. Tanks would be far easier to rent.

11. Two words... "Ally McNaked."

12. When a cop gave you a ticket, every smart-aleck answer you responded with would actually
reduce your fine. As in: Cop: "You know how fast you were going?" You: "All I know is, I was spilling
my beer all over the place." Cop :"Nice one, That's $10.00 off".

13. People would never talk about how fresh they felt.

14. Daisy Duke shorts would never go out of style again.

15. Every man would get four real Get Out of Jail Free cards per year.

16. Telephones would cut off after 30 seconds of conversation.

17. The victors in any athletic competition would get to kill and eat the losers.

18. It would be perfectly legal to steal a sports car, as long as you returned it the following day with a
full tank of gas.

19. Instead of a fancy, expensive engagement ring, you could present your wife-to-be with a giant
foam hand that said "You're #1!"

20. When your girlfriend really needed to talk to you during the game, she'd appear in a little box in
the corner of the screen during a time-out.

21. Nodding and looking at your watch would be deemed as an acceptable response to "I love you"

22. The funniest guy in the office would get to be CEO.

23. "Sorry I'm late, but I got wasted last night," would be an acceptable excuse for tardiness.

24. At the end of the workday a whistle would blow and you would jump out of your window and slide
down the tail of a brontosaurus and right into your car like Fred Flintstone.

25. Hallmark would make "Sorry, what was your name again?" cards.

Duh_ - 10:11pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#564 of 1012)

3. Valentine's Day would be moved to February 29th so it would only occur in leap

They forget to get you something then, too.

surferchicklet - 10:26pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#565 of 1012)

LOL... I don't know Duh... Most of those work for me too...

So Bear... I'm thinking you'd look ok in a pair of *Daisy Dukes.* LOL

Duh_ - 10:47pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#566 of 1012)

Mine forgets to bathe or set his alarm, when I'm out of town... poor bastard.

spoonbill - 10:52pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#567 of 1012)

Daisy Dukes? Hot Pants?

lara croft - 11:07pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#568 of 1012)

That's the best part of Jersey - the view of the city! (and cheap rents)

Yeah, I can't think of anywhere else where it only costs you $3,500 a month (and up) for the
privilege of looking at the Manhattan skyline.

Whatta bargin.

lara croft - 11:12pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#569 of 1012)

6. Garbage would take itself out.

It doesn't, already?

SherrieG - 11:17pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#570 of 1012)

No. Generally dave does.

Sometimes it brings itself back though.

Right, Lizzard?

Dorothy Parker - 11:38pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#571 of 1012)

Hey Duh, do you think a coup has just occurred or not? Your answer will tell me wither to respect you or

lara croft - 11:39pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#572 of 1012)

Oh God, Duh, now you've got to come up with the right answer to an insanely cryptic question, posed by
a freakin' loon, or you will lose the loon's respect.

Catch 22

Make lemonade

Dorothy Parker - 11:43pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#573 of 1012)

A loon? Well, in your world perhaps I am a loon. At least I'm an American.

ex-glencarr - 11:44pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#574 of 1012)

Who is Dorothy Parker? (The poster, not the wit...)

Dorothy Parker - 11:44pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#575 of 1012)

Loon or not, I still want an answer.

lara croft - 11:45pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#576 of 1012)

Well hell, why didn't you say so. American loons are some of the looniest.

I underestimated you.


lara croft - 11:47pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#577 of 1012)

Want in your right hand and . . .

Well you know the drill.

Dorothy Parker - 11:48pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#578 of 1012)

Dorothy Parker was a a writer of the Algonquin Round table of New York. I'm a writer, and I live in New
York. That's all you need to know.

ex-glencarr - 11:49pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#579 of 1012)

No, honey, I need to know a lot more. Stats...

lara croft - 11:49pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#580 of 1012)

You're wrong. That's way more than I ever wanted to know.

charolais - 11:50pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#581 of 1012)

Doroty Parker was a a writer of the Algonquin Round table of New York. I'm a writer,
and I live in New York. That's all you need to know.

Excellent, can't even spell your own name.

lara croft - 11:51pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#582 of 1012)

LOL, it's the booze, doncha know.

ex-glencarr - 11:51pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#583 of 1012)

LOL I knew she wasn't the "writer" she claimed to be. Good catch, charolais.

Dorothy Parker - 11:54pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#584 of 1012)

So you got me on a typo, would you like to debate me on facts? Forget it.

lara croft - 11:56pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#585 of 1012)

Bear was right, too many turkeys around heyah. LOL

lara croft - 11:57pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#586 of 1012)

[>Dorothy Parker] - 11:54pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#584 of 585) So you got me on a typo, would you like
debate me on facts? Forget it.

Yeah forget it Glen, LOL she's not about to try.

Duh_ - 12:01am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#587 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 11:38pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#571 of 586)

Hey Duh, do you think a coup has just occurred or not? Your answer will tell me
wither to respect you or not.

I have no idea what you are talking about. You want some sort of answer? To what?

Dorothy Parker - 12:02am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#588 of 1012)

I guess I'm one of the 'birds'. I still don't understand your gist. Is it racist, is it sexist, or is it just
stupidity? Am I wrong and you guys are the intelligent ones? I doubt it, but there is always the

ex-glencarr - 12:03am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#589 of 1012)

The chance wins again.

charolais - 12:03am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#590 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 11:38pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#571 of 587)

Hey Duh, do you think a coup has just occurred or not? Your answer will tell me
wither to respect you or not.

Wither?...... oh, you're withered, that's for sure.

that makes 2 blatant typos
Duh_ - 12:05am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#591 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 11:54pm Jan 15, 2001 EST (#584 of 590)

So you got me on a typo, would you like to debate me on facts? Forget it.

Oh Lara, they do come out at night, don't they? Who could it be? FDG? Liz? Some other newly
discovered loon?

ex-glencarr - 12:06am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#592 of 1012)

Lawd, I hope it ain't Liz. I'm just about to sign out. I always miss Lizz's appearances...

charolais - 12:07am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#593 of 1012)

I guess I'm one of the 'birds'.

Your attitude definitely expresses the intelligence of a bird. Sorta like an emu.

Duh_ - 12:08am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#594 of 1012)

Hey Dorothy, you didn't just finish a vat of wine, didja?

Dorothy Parker - 12:08am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#595 of 1012)

I’m sorry, I have been here a few times and this is not the most progressive site on the web. The
opinions that I have observed here are some of the most right wing, stupid opinions that I have ever
heard. You guys think I need a shrink…you need a shrink.

edrieanne - 12:09am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#596 of 1012)

hmmmmmmmmmmm, wonder who our NEWBIE is?

charolais - 12:10am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#597 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:08am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#595 of 595)

I’m sorry, I have been here a few times and this is not the most progressive site on the
web. The opinions that I have observed her are some of the most right wing, stupid
opinions that I have ever heard. You guys think I need a shrink…you need a shrink.

Find that third typo, kids!!!! She's on a roll!

Dorothy Parker - 12:11am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#598 of 1012)

Duh, do you have a boyfriend?

edrieanne - 12:13am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#599 of 1012)

her? DO I WIN THE PRIZE!!!! YiPEEEEEE! - uh, but NOT HER, that would be the booby prize. ick!

SherrieG - 12:13am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#600 of 1012)

You applying for the job?

ex-glencarr - 12:14am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#601 of 1012)


lara croft - 12:14am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#602 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:02am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#588 of 598) Am I wrong and you guys are
the intelligent ones?

Well now, you've finally caught on to something that isn't liquid. LOL

Dorothy Parker - 12:15am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#603 of 1012)

I don’t mean to be cruel, but I see women who are cruel as unloved. I could be wrong, it’s just a guess.

Duh_ - 12:15am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#604 of 1012)

So DORoTHY, you didn't answer my questions:

A) Whatthell are you talking about?

B) Did you just drink a bottle of white wine sitting in your fridge?

lara croft - 12:15am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#605 of 1012)

Dorothy isn't a newbie, Dorothy's been around for a little while.

Dorothy is just plain nuts.

You know when people talk about rightwing loons and left wing loons? Well Dorothy is one of those.
She's one of the presidents of the loon club.

Nigel - 12:18am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#606 of 1012)

Why is she obsessed with Duh?

Duh_ - 12:18am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#607 of 1012)

but I see women who are cruel as unloved.

Okay, Dottie, I'll bite - how am I cruel? Would it be to little Duffy, or would it be some other heart that
I have eaten lately? Say in the last.... week?

lara croft - 12:18am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#608 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:15am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#603 of 605) I don’t mean to be cruel, but I
see women who are cruel as unloved. I could be wrong, it’s just a guess.

Awwwwwww, are you feeling unloved?

Get thee to a very tall building, keeping in mind, you can fly, you really can fly.

Duh_ - 12:20am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#609 of 1012)

I vote that she is jealous or drunk, Nigel. Maybe both. Can't be Liz. She's got enough on her plate from
what I hear. Could be Sundance - although its early in the week for him to be drinking...

charolais - 12:21am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#610 of 1012)

I vote that she is jealous or drunk, Nigel. Maybe both.

Probably both.

Yeah, that's it.

lara croft - 12:21am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#611 of 1012)

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your
country into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 12:18am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#606 of 608)
Why is she obsessed with Duh?

She's not obsessed with Duh, she's just obsessed and she happened onto Duh this time.

She's a certified fruitcake, including the part where nobody wants her. LOL

edrieanne - 12:21am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#612 of 1012)

dunno. just plain weird. never know how it's gonna manefest itself - and why Duh? who's next? what
is the meaning of life? is there life after.........

poor duh, guess it's her rotation.

lara, you beat me to the punch there!

Duh_ - 12:22am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#613 of 1012)

Now, who here believes I'm a right winger? Raise your hands high...

I'm intrigued, Dot, what is the coup your talking about?

Dottie? Dot? Are ya there? Did you pass out already?

Dorothy Parker - 12:24am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#614 of 1012)


A) I think you know

B) Insulting me wont make you anymore the hero of this thread (this is your thread isn't it?).

C) I Really don’t care what you think.

charolais - 12:26am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#615 of 1012)

She's a certified fruitcake, including the part where nobody wants her. LOL

fruitcake does suck.

SherrieG - 12:26am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#616 of 1012)

From where I sit, you may be a little coup-coup, there, Dotty.

Duh_ - 12:26am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#617 of 1012)

I think you know

A) Good god Dottie, no, I don't know.

B) If you really don't care what I think, whyja ask?

C) There are some really good treatment programs in the New York area, and if you need a referral...

lara croft - 12:27am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#618 of 1012)

LOL jibberish. Dorothy is the master of jibberish.

Well, hell, everybody's gotta have a calling. LOL

She THINKS you know, Duh. Imagine that, Dorothy thinking. Isn't that somewhat of an oxymoron, or
mutually exclusive, Dorothy, thinking? LOL

charolais - 12:27am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#619 of 1012)

A) I think you know

Hell, we all know, tell us something we don't know.

B) Insulting me wont make you anymore the hero of this thread (this is your thread
isn't it?).

what's heroism have to do with your bullshit?

C) I Really don’t care what you think.

then why are you here?

Blackricco - 12:29am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#620 of 1012)

Captain Ricco reporting as ordered Colonel Duh! I'm afraid we have a dissenter in our skinhead
ranks, Ma'am. A subversive that goes by the screen name, "Dorothy Parker". I fear she mistakes our
deeply held love of proper spelling and the Fuhrer for a lack of passion and intimacy, Ma'am.

Shall I deal with her in the usual way?

Nigel - 12:29am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#621 of 1012)

Questions I demand Duh answer:

1. Do you replace the toilet paper with the paper coming out up over the top or do you mount it the
wrong way?

2. Do you like okra?

3. Do you smell your own farts?

Duh_ - 12:31am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#622 of 1012)

LOLOL.... oh golly. What fun do I miss when I go on vacation. Ricco, strip our young (I'm assuming)
intoxicated subversive down to her skivies, cover her with honey and toss her out into the Texas
desert near those giant red ant mounds. Then come in, and will have a little sponge cake and a little

Dorothy Parker - 12:32am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#623 of 1012)

Haha. All very creative. You guys might not make it in NY, but I give you an E for effort.

charolais - 12:33am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#624 of 1012)


ex-glencarr - 12:34am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#625 of 1012)

C) There are some really good treatment programs in the New York area, and if you need a referral...

Sorry, I'm not contacting this fruitcake! LOL

Duh_ - 12:34am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#626 of 1012)


Finally, someone making more sense that Dottie.

In answer to your relentless hounding:

A) I don't usually have a preference. Sometimes we just put it on the shelf next to the potty.

B) Love Okra...

C) No, but the dogs can permeate the house with stinkers so bad, smelling our own would be a breath
of fresh air....

charolais - 12:37am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#627 of 1012)

Haha. All very creative. You guys might not make it in NY, but I give you an E for

I made it in NY years ago, and used my brain and made it out.

Who gives a flying ratsbutt whether or not anyone can make it in NY?

What's that got to do with the price of bacon, eggs are not getting any smaller.

lara croft - 12:38am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#628 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:32am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#623 of 626) Haha. All very creative. You
guys might not make it in NY, but I give you an E for effort.

Try it one more time, Dorothy, this time in English.

Duh_ - 12:39am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#629 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:32am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#623 of 627)

Haha. All very creative. You guys might not make it in NY, but I give you an E for

Maybe you are just frustrated with our abundance of creativity? It probably would help yours
imensely if you didn't garner yours from a bottle, eh? You sound very much like someone who is
angry, drunk and unloved.

Dorothy Parker - 12:39am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#630 of 1012)

Do we have a dominance here? Some reason that Martin Luther King day would cause you stress?

edrieanne - 12:39am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#631 of 1012)

I LOVE NY, I lived there for years. DP, you definitely can make it in NY, for about $20 on the corner of
37th and 11th. Doubt you can get much more than that, tho.

i LIKE fruitcake! especially Klaxon.........

lara croft - 12:41am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#632 of 1012)

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your
country into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 12:29am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#621 of 626)
Questions I demand Duh answer:

1. Do you replace the toilet paper with the paper coming out up over the top or do you
mount it the wrong way?

2. Do you like okra?

3. Do you smell your own farts?

Over the top

Love it

What's a fart?

edrieanne - 12:41am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#633 of 1012)

what the heck has mlk got to do with someone coming on and flaming another person got to do with
this! what MUCK! Char, are you missing a load of it down at your place, perchance?

I've a feeling it's in "NY"

Nigel - 12:41am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#634 of 1012)

DP, ya just gotta ask the right questions, that's all.

charolais - 12:41am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#635 of 1012)

Do we have a dominance here? Some reason that Martin Luther King day would cause
you stress?

are you daft? or are you just daft?

Duh_ - 12:42am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#636 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:39am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#630 of 631)

Do we have a dominance here? Some reason that Martin Luther King day would cause
you stress?

You know, the more you try, the more I'm just not getting it. If maybe you would type S L O W E R...

Dorothy Parker - 12:42am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#637 of 1012)

edrieanne, Duh calls me a drunk and you call me a whore. Nice. Are you proud of yourself?

charolais - 12:43am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#638 of 1012)

Char, are you missing a load of it down at your place, perchance?

Nope, animals are still producing plenty.

edrieanne - 12:44am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#639 of 1012)


nope, still doesn't help.

_maggie_ - 12:45am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#640 of 1012)

edrieanne, Duh calls me a drunk and you call me a whore. Nice. Are you proud of yourself?

Well, here. Let me round it off for you. I'll call you a bitch.

Now, what bug flew up your ass?

ex-glencarr - 12:45am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#641 of 1012)

People smell their own farts? Ewwwwwwww...

TP should go over the top.

Okra Winfrey is great. I just wish she'd do softer shows.

charolais - 12:46am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#642 of 1012)

DAMNIT!!! Maggie beat me to it!!!

I wanted to call her a bitch!


Duh_ - 12:47am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#643 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:42am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#637 of 642)

edrieanne, Duh calls me a drunk and you call me a whore. Nice. Are you proud of

Yes. Yes, I find your posting style similar, if not exactly like, someone who's had a vat of wine.... and
yes, yessiree, I am sooo proud of myself....

edrieanne - 12:47am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#644 of 1012)


don't give MY hometown a bad name! SNARRRRRRRL!

lara croft - 12:47am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#645 of 1012)

[Dorothy Parker] - 12:39am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#630 of 640) Do we have a dominance
here? Some reason that Martin Luther King day would cause you stress?

I was wondering the same thing about you. Care to share (they love that word) why Martin Luther
King day has you drinking again?

charolais - 12:47am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#646 of 1012)


DaveGin - 12:48am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#647 of 1012)

Dotty is dandy but Dave is quicker.


Dave McLemore/TIME Online

_maggie_ - 12:48am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#648 of 1012)

DAMNIT!!! Maggie beat me to it!!!

I had a nap today.

Duh_ - 12:50am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#649 of 1012)


Dave's up....

ex-glencarr - 12:50am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#650 of 1012)

The ghost of Ogden Nash strikes again...

charolais - 12:52am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#651 of 1012)

I had a nap today.

I didn't. I'm jealous.

edrieanne - 12:53am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#652 of 1012)

dang! and we were just having fun here...... oh well, back to the usual crew of flamers.

and it's been SOOOOOOO long since I've been called a "girl-puppy"!

lara croft - 12:54am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#653 of 1012)

What crawled up her butt?

Normally, when someone attacks like that, they have a history with the attacked and somewhat of a
reason to attack.

Who was that masked beeotch, anyway?

Gooood eeeee-ven-ing, David.


charolais - 12:55am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#654 of 1012)

What crawled up her butt?


gotta go, nitey nite.

Duh_ - 12:56am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#655 of 1012)


lara croft - 01:03am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#656 of 1012)

Nite Char

Love you, Dave.

surferchicklet - 01:07am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#657 of 1012)

G'night guys...

Oh Dave... BTW, How come when one of *Us guys* mention something that happened last year the
*war is over* but when *certain people* go on ad nauseum about how they were repressed by *us
guys* and how they are a victim of society and they aren't going to let TheMan get them down it's

Just wondering...

Love yas...

surferchicklet - 01:08am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#658 of 1012)

Oh, and Lar... Bear is always right... or RightWW... He'll be the first to tell you in either case..*G*

{ducking and running}

lara croft - 01:10am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#659 of 1012)

Of course Bear is RWW, it's very much part of his charm.

CooterBrown - 06:43am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#660 of 1012)

I always miss all the fun......well, that's not entirely accurate. It just seems that way! LMAO!!

Bear Armstrong - 09:05am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#661 of 1012)

Awww, c'mon, I'm quite liberal (in the true sense of the word) from a social stand point.

Riona - 11:57am Jan 16, 2001 EST (#662 of 1012)

But, you're always right in correct... Correct?

And I know you have your liberal points... You're just a sweetie, that's all.;^)

Later folks...


freeindividual - 01:37pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#663 of 1012)

Top Ten chapters for HILLARY!'s next book:

1. A Carpetbagger's Guide to New York

2. Chappaqua Memories -- My Life's Shortest Chapter

3. My Winning Cookie Recipes

4. Creative Real Estate and Commodities Transactions

5. 900: A File Number, Not a Phone Number

6. How to Turn that Empty Guest Room into a Cash Cow!

7. 101 Vulger Terms of Endearment

8. What This Country Needs is a Good 5¢ Cigar

9. More About "Those F*****g Jew B******s!"

10. Being Senator Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry!


11. 101 Ways to Lie On 60 Minutes

12. 101 Ways to Live Fashionably at Taxpayers Expense

13. 101 Tips for "Plausible Deniability"

14. Health Care -- A Crisis Looking for a Nation

15. Why My Kid Should Go to Private School and Your Kid Should Not

16. Carpet Cleaning -- The Basics

17. The Aerodynamics of Household Furnishings

Duh_ - 07:03pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#664 of 1012)

Well you know, when we get visits like Dotty’s, it just moves the thread along a little faster

lara croft - 07:17pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#665 of 1012)

Dotty is the crossdresser, right?

surferchicklet - 07:28pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#666 of 1012)

I think so...

It's full of it whatever it is.

surferchicklet - 07:38pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#667 of 1012)

he he he... The Post of the Beast...


sjscruby - 09:32pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#668 of 1012)

DAMN...I always, I always miss the fun stuff. LOL

Bear Armstrong - 09:38pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#669 of 1012)

Yes, sometimes it amazes even me at how often I'm correct. LOL ! Not always, afterall I am human.

Just when I think I'm a good conservative someone has to come along and post how God hates fags.

I'm very conservative in my personal life, but I say live and let live.

surferchicklet - 10:06pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#670 of 1012)

Oh, Bear?

God hates...?

Okeydokey... dude must be back...

Personally I always thought God must hate intolerence...

DaveGin - 10:22pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#671 of 1012)

Chicklet, was it here you asked the question of why I urge you guys to stop fighting old battles while
others unnamed get to make hyper-generalizations about race?

If so, the answer is simple. You know better. Or should.

Duh_ - 10:35pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#673 of 1012)

HA HA!!!!

Talk to my boss today (the big boss), and he is interested in buying my old G4!!!
WHOOOOPEEEEE.... which means that now I can buy one of those new, bigger, better

(((((yes, I know that this computer is only a year old in February.)))))


DaveGin - 10:36pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#674 of 1012)

I just never get tired of the happy dance.

Duh_ - 10:37pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#675 of 1012)

You know, one of these days I‘m going to create a DUHDANCE page, like that Hamster Dance page...

dyno-mite - 10:38pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#676 of 1012)

Hi everyone, newbie here.

lara croft - 11:09pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#677 of 1012)

[Bear Armstrong] - 09:38pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#669 of 676) ...Just when I think I'm a
good conservative someone has to come along and post how God hates fags. *sigh*

"Good" conservatives don't say that, nor do they think that.

You're still a good conservative. LOL

Blackricco - 11:53pm Jan 16, 2001 EST (#678 of 1012)

Duh, your link to the ‘Frisco pictures was f***ed up... have you fixed it yet?

And btw, the "Man Show" rules!

charolais - 12:03am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#679 of 1012)

You know, one of these days I‘m going to create a DUHDANCE page, like that Hamster
Dance page...

Then again, there are the dancing cows

spoonbill - 12:04am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#680 of 1012)

What ever happened to the "Archies" and that "Safety Dance"?

spoonbill - 12:11am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#681 of 1012)

Char..that site is a real Hoot...or moot?

Duh_ - 12:25am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#682 of 1012)

Now, dudes, this thing works perfectly on my computer...

edrieanne - 12:54am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#683 of 1012)


LOVE the beads! Duh and antique silver beads! works for ME!

Mornin' Duh and all! Don't know what was going on with other thread, but NOW it works...

FUN in SFrancisco!

GOD! I love this little bar! nothing like listening to Desert Rose by Sting over the jukebox!

Blackricco - 12:59am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#684 of 1012)


Er, ahhh... you know what I mean.

edrieanne - 01:04am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#685 of 1012)

NEXT time, I promise to bring a digital camera that costs more that $135 and has an LCD preview!

Blackricco - 01:10am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#686 of 1012)

Yeah, and don't forget that 82A filter next time, Edrie!

MsRobbie - 01:20am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#687 of 1012)

Well, this time they all loaded. Unfortunately, they're all so dark I can't make out a thing. *sigh*

Duh_ - 01:21am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#688 of 1012)

Well, KREEERIST... I did the best I could with what Edrie gave me. Mebbe its your monitor???

Duh_ - 01:22am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#689 of 1012)

Now folks, if you are having problems, email me and I'll send copies of the pics to ya. :0)

edrieanne - 01:49am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#690 of 1012)

sorry, folks, that's the best a little ol' IOMagic cheapie will do! I'll try lightening resending 'em to ya,
Duh. If anyone else wants em, I finally got that attachment thing working on my email!

jest email me, too, at and I'll send ya the unadulterated but lightened versions,

Blackricco - 01:55am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#691 of 1012)

They looked fine on my monitor. Outside of the fact they were way too yellow.

edrieanne - 03:04am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#692 of 1012)

damn cheap camera!

Duh_ - 03:36am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#693 of 1012)

Paregi familiare, nui fai amore? [Blackricco] - 01:55am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#691 of 692)

They looked fine on my monitor. Outside of the fact they were way too yellow.

Well, hon, drag your ass and your camera equipment down next time....

edrieanne - 03:41am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#694 of 1012)

yeah! BR - YOU get to be the designated photog! ;^}

I'll throw those back in the printshop editor and lighten em up and resend em to ya tomorrow, duh.

Duh_ - 03:41am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#695 of 1012)

I see, who I think is Mickey Roarke on Leno. If it is Mickey, I would like to ask, WHAT THE HELL

Duh_ - 03:46am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#696 of 1012)

Edrie, I have Photoshop 6, and I tried to bring out the color without washing them out. The pictures
you sent me were really washed out so, I don't think lightening them will do much good. There was
no color saturation and they were WAY yellow. I don't know how your printshop editor will help
them (no offense.)

Although, they are probably all going to look better/lighter on some monitors than others - also I've
heard that graphics and photos will look better on Macs, anyway.

edrieanne - 03:46am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#697 of 1012)

I'm getting Sue Darling (makeup artist in LA)

egads, did you hear? we had a double rig semi try to drive into the State Capitol building tonite in
Sacramento - hit it at 70mph going up the steps - blew the heck out of the truck, killed the driver.

Was carrying a load of powdered milk......and whoever said cows were docile! CHARLOIS!!! does that
stuff explode on impact? The whole area (outside) was in flames - damage to structure is
undetermined, but doesn't appear to have done too much damage at first look.

Guess he didn't like the gas prices in california!

edrieanne - 03:48am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#698 of 1012)

probably not much. the flash washes everything out, in the dark of the restaurant, the colors don't
read well either. I can take five shots on a tripod with exact same lighting conditions and come out
with five drastically different pics.

Like I said before, damned cheap camera!

I'll send you the unedited (dark ones) ones and maybe with photoshop you can get better results than
I got with printshop.

Look for them sometime tomorrow.

kariannhopes - 03:50am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#699 of 1012)

What is the best type of camera to use in an uneven or dark setting? Often pictures taken in a
wedding hall will be very dark, especially if there is a high ceiling. The film I use is 400.

Duh_ - 03:53am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#700 of 1012)

I put the crappy web cam in a different place. Although every once in a while, I can see my legs (I
have no pants on)...

Kinda wanted to avoid a direct shot, in case sometimes I don't look so good. I really got to get a better
web cam.

edrieanne - 03:53am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#701 of 1012)

NOT an IOMagic! that's for SURE!

OMIGOD!!! I recognize that HAIR!!

MsRobbie - 04:16am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#702 of 1012)

(Found online.)


God would like to thank you for your belief and patronage. In order to better serve your needs, [S]He
asks that you take a few moments to answer the following questions.

1. How did you find out about your deity?

__ Newspaper
__ Bible
__ Torah
__ Television
__ Book of Mormon
__ Divine Inspiration
__ Dead Sea Scrolls
__ My Mama Done Tol' Me
__ Near Death Experience
__ Near Life Experience
__ National Public Radio
__ Tabloid
__ Burning Shrubbery
__ Other (specify):____________________________

2. Which model deity did you acquire?

__ Jehovah
__ Jesus
__ Krishna
__ Father, Son & Holy Ghost [Trinity Pak]
__ Zeus and entourage [Olympus Pak]
__ Odin and entourage [Valhalla Pak]
__ Allah
__ Satan
__ Gaia/Mother Earth/Mother Nature
__ God 1.0a (Hairy Thunderer)
__ God 1.0b (Cosmic Muffin)
__ None of the above, I was taken in by a false god

3. Did your God come to you undamaged, with all parts in good working order and with no obvious
breakage or missing attributes?

__ Yes
__ No

If no, please describe the problems you initially encountered here. Please indicate all that apply:

__ Not eternal
__ Finite in space/Does not occupy or inhabit the entire cosmos
__ Not omniscient
__ Not omnipotent
__ Permits sex outside of marriage
__ Prohibits sex outside of marriage
__ Makes mistakes
__ Makes or permits bad things to happen to good people
__ Makes or permits good things to happen to bad people
__ Looks after life other than that on Earth
__ When beseeched, doesn't stay beseeched
__ Requires burnt offerings
__ Requires virgin sacrifices
__ Not infinitely plastic (incapable of being all things to all creations)

4. What factors were relevant in your decision to acquire a deity? Please check all that apply.

__ Indoctrinated by parents
__ Needed a reason to live
__ Indoctrinated by society
__ Needed focus in whom to despise
__ Needed focus in whom to love
__ Imaginary friend grew up
__ Hate to think for myself
__ Wanted to meet girls/boys in church
__ Fear of death
__ Wanted to displease parents
__ Wanted to please parents
__ Needed a day away from school or work
__ Desperate need for certainty
__ Like organ music
__ Need to feel morally superior
__ Thought Jerry Falwell was cool
__ Thought there had to be something other than Jerry Falwell
__ Thought the sky was falling
__ My shrubbery caught fire and told me to do it

5. Have you ever worshipped a deity before? If so, which false god were you fooled by? Please check
all that apply.

__ Baal
__ The Almighty Dollar
__ Left Wing Liberalism
__ The Radical Right
__ Amon Ra
__ Beelzebub
__ Bill Gates
__ Barney The Big Purple Dinosaur
__ The Great Spirit
__ The Great Pumpkin
__ The Sun
__ The Moon
__ The Force
__ Cindy Crawford
__ Elvis
__ The Internet
__ A burning shrub
__ Psychiatry
__ Other: ________________

6. Are you currently using any other source of inspiration in addition to God? Please check all that

__ Tarot
__ Lottery
__ Astrology
__ Television
__ Fortune cookies
__ Ann Landers
__ Psychic Friends Network
__ Dianetics
__ Palmistry
__ Playboy and/or Playgirl
__ Self-help books
__ Sex, drugs, and rock & roll
__ Barney T.B.P.D.
__ Biorhythms
__ Alcohol
__ Marijuana
__ Bill Clinton
__ Tea Leaves
__ EST
__ Amway
__ CompuServe
__ Mantras
__ Jimmy Swaggert
__ Crystals
__ Human sacrifice
__ Pyramids
__ Wandering around a desert
__ Insurance policies
__ Burning shrubbery
__ Green Tea
__ Other: ________________
__ None

7. God reputedly employs a limited degree of Divine Intervention to preserve a balanced level of felt
presence and blind faith. Which would you prefer?

__ More Divine Intervention
__ Less Divine Intervention
__ Current level of Divine Intervention is just right
__ Don't know
__ What's Divine Intervention?

8. God also reputedly attempts to maintain a balanced level of disasters and miracles. Please rate on a
scale of 1 - 5 your opinion of the handling of the following (1 = unsatisfactory, 5 = excellent):

a. Disasters:

1 2 3 4 5 - flood
1 2 3 4 5 - famine
1 2 3 4 5 - earthquake
1 2 3 4 5 - war & holocausts
1 2 3 4 5 - pestilence
1 2 3 4 5 - plague
1 2 3 4 5 - Spam
1 2 3 4 5 - AOLers

b. Miracles

1 2 3 4 5 - rescues
1 2 3 4 5 - spontaneous remissions
1 2 3 4 5 - crying statues
1 2 3 4 5 - water changing to wine
1 2 3 4 5 - walking on water
1 2 3 4 5 - coincidence of any sort
1 2 3 4 5 - getting any sex whatsoever
1 2 3 4 5 - stars hovering over tiny towns & previously unknown hamlets

9. From time to time God reputedly makes available the names and addresses of His followers and
devotees to selected reputedly divine personages who provide quality services and perform
intercessions in His behalf. Are you interested in a compilation of listed offerings?

__ Yes, please deluge me with religious zealots for the benefit of my own mortal soul
__ No, I do not wish to be inundated by religious fanatics clamouring for my money

10. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for improving the quality of God's services?
(Attach an additional sheet if necessary)

kariannhopes - 04:30am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#703 of 1012)

Good one!

_maggie_ - 04:32am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#704 of 1012)

Hey, Dusty! Don't you get tired of just sitting there with your tongue out? I thought web cams were
supposed to let us watch you move around?

_maggie_ - 04:33am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#705 of 1012)

And clean up that desk, young lady! *s*

CooterBrown - 06:32am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#706 of 1012)

Hi, dyno. Welcome to the zoo.

Dusty and guys have my email addy, so if you could just email me the pics......*G*

I have $2500 to spend on a new puter for my office! With the state contract prices, I should be able to
get some pretty good!!

Nigel - 07:58am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#707 of 1012)

The only pic that was too dark for me to see was the one of Duh with the beads in her teeth. Cranking
up the brightness and gamma did wonders for it.

dyno-mite - 11:27am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#708 of 1012)



Duh_ - 07:04pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#709 of 1012)

There is no coincidence, nothing by chance; all you encounter is part of The Dance.
[_maggie_] - 04:32am Jan 17, 2001 EST (#704 of 708)

Hey, Dusty! Don't you get tired of just sitting there with your tongue out? I thought
web cams were supposed to let us watch you move around?

My web cam only updates when the computer is on, so the last time I was on the computer I was
sticking my tongue out. WHEEE. I develop my pictures tonight. There are not a lot of fun people
photos - there are a ton of scenery and MacWorld... oh and a bunch of a cat.

charolais - 07:06pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#710 of 1012)

oh and a bunch of a cat.

whose cat?

wardaddy - 07:11pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#711 of 1012)

What part of the cat does the 'bunch' come from?

And while you're at it, what part of the chicken does the nugget come from?

Duh_ - 07:12pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#712 of 1012)

Darby’s cat.

Duh_ - 07:12pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#713 of 1012)

Nuggets only come from boy chickens.

wardaddy - 07:14pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#714 of 1012)

Roosters am tough.

edrieanne - 08:54pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#715 of 1012)

oughta try an "old hen", wardaddy!

Cooter, will send pics - can't wait to see Duh's - member, I get VETO power! *g* (that is, if your camera
isn't busted).

May have to abruptly exit, am on Sprint computer as I change out my fone for one that works.....LOVE
finding a way around the "adverts" for Sprint into my favorite locations ;^)

SherrieG - 08:56pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#716 of 1012)

Hey Robbie!

Lizzard really liked your god post. She put it up over at AAR.

surferchicklet - 09:13pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#717 of 1012)

God post?

Yeah, Dave ... this was the thread.

Aw shoot. So I'm supposed to be all responsible and ... *stuff*?

*sigh* Ok....

dyno-mite... Haven't I seen you here before? Your nick is familiar...

CooterBrown - 10:42pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#718 of 1012)

Edrie, what's this veto power? Look....just send all the ones where there is at least one nekkid woman.

I have no idea what any of you look like (except for Dusty, who I've seen nekkid), so everyone but
her is safe!

Hmmm....duh....guess she is too!!

Duh_ - 10:55pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#719 of 1012)

(except for Dusty, who I've seen nekkid),

That’s cuz Cooter’s my SPECIAL friend....

freeindividual - 10:56pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#720 of 1012)

Duh nekkid???? Whar, whar????

In the bathroom, an accountant, a lawyer and a cowboy were standing side-by-side using the urinal.
The accountant finished, zipped up and started washing and literally scrubbing his hands...clear up
to his elbows....he used about 20 paper towels before he finished. He turned to the other two men and
commented, "I graduated from the University of Nebraska and they taught us to be sanitary."

The lawyer finished, zipped up and quickly wet the tips of his fingers, grabbed one paper towel and
commented, "I graduated from the University of California and they taught us to be environmentally

The cowboy zipped up and as he was walking out the door said, "I graduated from Montana State
University and they taught us not to piss on our hands."

Duh_ - 10:57pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#721 of 1012)

What part of the cat does the 'bunch' come from?

Oh DUH! I thought you were asking who’s cat... that’s why they call me Duh....

CooterBrown - 10:57pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#722 of 1012)

Well free, I'm just one of the very few who are lucky! ;-)

freeindividual - 11:24pm Jan 17, 2001 EST (#723 of 1012)

Sniff, sniff, gonna pout all nite, c ya lucky. *G*

Duh_ - 01:04am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#724 of 1012)

Free, didn't you get the mass emailing of my nudie picture? The one with me holding the rifle?

Blackricco - 01:07am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#725 of 1012)

Where are the pictures?



Duh_ - 01:21am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#726 of 1012)

I got to get them developed. I just took them to Osco tonight... I'll gettem Friday...

lara croft - 01:23am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#727 of 1012)


Blackricco - 01:25am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#728 of 1012)

You took pictures with film??? Not digitally???

The technology police will be by shortly to confiscate your G4's.

Film... a least they weren't gum-bromide!

lara croft - 01:26am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#729 of 1012)

film is cool.

It can be scanned.

Duh_ - 01:26am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#730 of 1012)

Osco Drug Store...

Film is the ONLY way to go.... at least right now, since I broke my digital camera...

lara croft - 01:27am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#731 of 1012)

Ahh, a drug store.

You should be ashamed. No one should EVER treat film that way.

Nigel - 01:35am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#732 of 1012)

They say film is the equivalent of an 8 megapixel camera. I don't think they even make digital
cameras that good.

Duh_ - 01:36am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#733 of 1012)

Wellll. I could hold up my broken camera, and say, "clik".

Duh_ - 01:37am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#734 of 1012)

I could have had our photographer develop them but that would have cost around $100 even with my
employee discount. Anyway, our photog said that commercial processing wasn't so bad - and that if I
needed enlargements, he could do them...

edrieanne - 01:38am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#735 of 1012)

dang it, dusty, I DID warn ya fore ya snapped that I break those damned things - they just can't
handle my face *g*

Nigel - 01:39am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#736 of 1012)

Ahh, a drug store. You should be ashamed. No one should EVER treat film that way.

I once asked the former wife of David Hamilton, the photographer, if he sent his film off to special
labs for developing, and she replied that he would just take it to whatever local developing was

Blackricco - 01:41am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#737 of 1012)

Nigel, go to Kodak's web site and check out the 660 camera. I'd set up a link, but I've tried in the past
and they don't work.

Blackricco - 01:42am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#738 of 1012)

David Hamilton???

Kiddie pornographer David Hamilton, Nigel?*G*

Nigel - 01:50am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#739 of 1012)

Yup... the kiddie pornographer artsy youth photographer. His photos of flowers (the plant kind) are

lara croft - 01:51am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#740 of 1012)

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your
country into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 01:39am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#736 of 738)

Ahh, a drug store. You should be ashamed. No one should EVER treat film that way.

I once asked the former wife of David Hamilton, the photographer, if he sent his film
off to special labs for developing, and she replied that he would just take it to whatever
local developing was available.

EEEEEK!!! that's blasphemy.

The chemicals they use are substandard, even if they use Kodak, Agfa or even Russell, by virtue of
the fact they seldom drain their tanks, so the chems are stale and contaminated, at the very least, so
your negs will never be true.

With good negs you can always find a way to enhance the picture if the printer sucks.

He was funnin' you, or he's a bloomin' idiot.

Blackricco - 01:51am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#741 of 1012)

So are his diffused photos of fourteen year-old pussy, Nigel.

lara croft - 01:53am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#742 of 1012)

14-year-old pussy

Talk about something being stale.

Blackricco - 01:56am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#743 of 1012)

LOL, lara!

Duh_ - 01:57am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#744 of 1012)

Well. Its too late now, pictures be in a big locked box at the drug store...

Nigel - 01:57am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#745 of 1012)



Now, professional photographers can shoot digital anywhere and get the portability, performance,
and quality they expect and their clients demand. The newest addition to Kodak Professional's
portfolio of innovative digital cameras, the KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 660 Digital Camera captures
commercial-quality images with the speed, ease, and flexibility of digital imaging. The DCS 660 offers
a six-million-pixel CCD sensor, a burst rate of one image per second, a flexible ISO of 80 - 200, a
metal-frame NIKON F5 Camera body, and many other unique features designed to meet the
requirements of professional photographers.

Blackricco - 01:59am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#746 of 1012)

YeeHaw... hell of a camera hey, Nigel?*S*

Duh_ - 04:11am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#747 of 1012)

Phuk. I don't game. I hate gaming. A friend got me TOMB RAIDER II. I hate life. I am on the
beginning obstacle course to train you how to use the game and what not. Now I'm stuck in the hedge
maze. Kill me. Kill me now.

Duh_ - 04:12am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#748 of 1012)

Nope. A hell of a camera is the Nikon D1. That's a hell of a camera.

_maggie_ - 04:36am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#749 of 1012)

I hate gaming.

I'm not a game player either BUT I've wanted to learn how to play chess for a very long time.
Soooo....since I'm here by myself for the most part and have so much time on my hands, I decided to
order ChessMaster 8000. It was delivered two days ago. I'm hooked and I'm still in the tutorial. YIKES!

Nigel - 10:13am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#750 of 1012)

YeeHaw... hell of a camera hey, Nigel?*S*

You bet! Film quality without all the film and developing... that puppy will pay for itself in no time at
all! :)

freeindividual - 10:57am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#751 of 1012)

Duh_ - 01:04am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#724 of 750)

Free, didn't you get the mass emailing of my nudie picture? The one with me holding the rifle?

If I had it'd be a poster selling out within 5 minutes at gun shows, I'd go to'em then so the initials
could photograph "everything." *G* As for film, there's only one, Fuji for color and Ilford for
B&W, all the others belong in that drugstore.

Now, for all those loving the IRS, take a look here and place your orders. I'm betting BR'll be first in
line! LMAO

Blackricco - 11:02am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#752 of 1012)

Now is the time to buy, Nigel. Kodak slashed the price from $22,000 to $13,000 in anticipation of new
chip techology. In fact, they have a deal right now that includes a free G4 with the purchase of a 660.

Yo, Free.. whaddup?

Blackricco - 11:06am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#753 of 1012)

Now, now, Free... let's not denigrate a well respected government agency like the IRS. {snicker}

Got my order in!

freeindividual - 11:12am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#754 of 1012)

If your voting could really change things, Congress would make it illegal.

guy montag - 11:17am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#755 of 1012)


If your voting could really change things, Congress would make it illegal.

I like it...

Right up there with "Government will never solve a problem that will put itself out of business"...

freeindividual - 12:01pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#756 of 1012)

They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

wardaddy - 02:57pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#757 of 1012)

Olympus makes the C-2500L digital which sells for less than $1,000.00. It listed for about $1,300.00
when I bought mine, but I paid $950.00 for it since this was my first order from that company. It
comes with a lens doubler and a battery charger. The only downside is the cost of the batteries, about
$60.00 for four.

The picture of my grandson Raymond with all of the macaws (Duh's site) was taken at Parrot Jungle
by my son and he had never used that camera before. I sent it to my other son and he went ape over
it. I had never heard him use the word "magnificent" before.

Also, our Episcopal bishop made a visit to our church a few weeks ago and I was able to take a lot of
available light photos that turned out beautifully. I pushed the speed to its highest setting and I
would guess, being the old photography hobbyist that I am, that the equivalent ASA would be about

I get about 50 photos per card and I can download them into my laptop, clear the chip and get another
50. I have a spare card and I can buy one with twice the capacity. I also bought a Flash Path adapter
which allws me to slip the card into it and put in in the 3.5" floppy disk slot. Handy.

From looking at the catalogs, I believe that Olympus may have an improved version out.

I have a Cacnon A1 that I've used for years. Its shutter is broken and I may not get it repaired. This
Olympus is a terrific camera. Light, too.

Nigel - 03:02pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#758 of 1012)

Kodak slashed the price from $22,000 to $13,000 in anticipation of new chip techology.
In fact, they have a deal right now that includes a free G4 with the purchase of a 660.

That's a screamin' good deal and very hard to pass up, but I think I'll just stick with my cheezy little
Olympus D-490 Zoom.

oldvet - 03:37pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#759 of 1012)

Digital Photo Review at: is about the best place to look up and research digital
cameras. Lots of links and forums with the pros. After researching digicams for about 2 months I
narrowed it down to the Nikon CoolPix990 (which I bought) Canon PowerShot G1 and the Olumpus
UZ2100 with a stabilized 10X zoom. Keep checking there as good deals are posted often. Igot the Nikon
for $634 delivered from Mercata.

wardaddy - 03:40pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#760 of 1012)


What impressed me about the Olympus - before I bought it - was a 23 page review of it that I found on
the web.

I've had it for several months now and I wonder ow how I ever did without it.

oldvet - 04:51pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#761 of 1012)

wardaddy, That's how I feel also. I just take it everywhere I go, knowing if I shoot something that
comes out lousy I can just delete it without it costing anything not already spent.

Oregon_Jim - 05:14pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#762 of 1012)

Nude Photos of Cooter & Ray!!

Nigel - 05:25pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#763 of 1012)

Yeah, I know... it's in poor taste, but I just stumbled upon Tourette Syndrome Barbie. Requires Flash

Duh_ - 06:36pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#764 of 1012)

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 10:57am Jan 18, 2001 EST
(#751 of 763)

Duh_ - 01:04am Jan 18, 2001 EST (#724 of 750)

Free, didn't you get the mass emailing of my nudie picture? The one with me holding
the rifle?

If I had it'd be a poster selling out within 5 minutes at gun shows,

Well, then we‘ll just get that in the email to ya.... I gave it to anybody who wanted it, which turned out
to be a bunch of girls and GUY (I just sprang it on Cooter, cause he was lamenting about how he
wanted a nudie picture of somebody)...

freeindividual - 09:35pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#765 of 1012)


Gonna be another tossin'n turnin' sleepless night if I don't see'em. *G*

Also, Paging Cooter'n Wardaddy to room #663 in RR. Cooter, it's about that e-mail earlier. LMAO

lara croft - 09:37pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#766 of 1012)

Fuji for color and Ilford for B&W, all the others belong in that drugstore.

Ilford for B&W alright, but Fuji sucks hind tit. Only thing worse than Fuji is 3m.

Agfa, now that's film, rich colors that will develop under any and all chemicals.

lara croft - 09:39pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#767 of 1012)

Endangered species...........................a [freeindividual] - 12:01pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#756 of
766) They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.


lara croft - 09:47pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#768 of 1012)

The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 02:57pm Jan 18, 2001 EST
(#757 of 766) Olympus makes the C-2500L digital which sells for less than $1,000.00.

Olympus makes a very nice camera, for under $1000. I have a little D400 Zoom that I only paid $700
for, and I toss in the glove box, or in the overnight back or the purse without worry. It creates very
good pictures and I like the ease with which it loads on your computer. I hate those cameras that
have to have a permanent cord coming out of the back of your computer if you use it very often and
the hassle of hooking and unhooking if you don't have room to leave it in permanently.

My Olympus has a wee chip, 8megs (holds max, 130 pictures) that fits right into a flopply like device
that goes right into your floppy drive to upload. Poof, 30 seconds and 100+ pictures are uploaded.

Olympus makes the best 35mm point and shoot, too, IMO.

Canon rules in 35mm, though.

Nigel - 09:53pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#769 of 1012)

We've had a couple Fuji point'n'shoot film cameras, and the auto-focus died on both of them.

lara croft - 10:00pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#770 of 1012)

Yeah, I'm not a Fuji fan. Their equipment is substandard and their film is sucky unless it's printed on
Fuji paper, using Fuji equipment amd developed with Fuji chemicals.

As much as I hate Kodak, for what they've tried to do to the small labs, (and I thrill at the troubles
they've been having) but at least their film can be put through anyone's chemicals. printed on
anyone's paper and come out looking good.

Agfa is the best film on the market, for prerolled film. Forgiving, and it cleans up real nice,
regardless of the brand of chemicals or paper or equipment. Class act.

Nigel - 10:08pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#771 of 1012)

What's your opinion of Photoworks (formerly Seattle Filmworks) film?

freeindividual - 10:09pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#772 of 1012)

lara croft

Olympus makes the best 35mm point and shoot, too, IMO.

On this we agree, I've got a little point'n shooter that's great. Also got an Olympus I, II and IV, but the
little one equals'em unless I need different lenses. Just wish I could hook up my Tamron 300mm 2.8 on
the little one.

Agfa's good, but nothing compares to Fuji for color as far as I'm concerned and I tried'em all. One
thing tho, don't waste the time or money using Seattle Film Works film, not if you want any quality.
See if I'm quick enough here for Nigel. Example of what I'm talking about, I shot a once in a lifetime
sunrise photo of the Seattle skyline, a seagull crossing beside the Smith Tower with the sun peeking
around the Tower. Film was 100 speed, slowest they had. Three times I returned it to them to re-do an
8"x10" enlargement because the quality looked like it'd been taken on the worst 3200 speed film you
could find. Ended my use of that excuse for film.

'Course we all know, Crayola can't be beaten by any of'em!!!!!!! *G*

lara croft - 10:22pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#773 of 1012)

Well, it's been a couple years since I've dealt with any Seattle film but if they are still the same, then
they offer it free and tell you to send it back to them for developing. They charge too much for the
value you get and they aren't interested in quality, just quantity. Besides, I don't think their film is
designed for duffer snapshots. You'd be surprise how many people figure they'll take the free film
and show them by taking it to any ole lab they want, locally, cheaper. It doesn't work that way.
Seattle (and another one in Dallas) buy up unused movie footage and roll it. It needs a different
developing process than C-41, (the industry standard). So if you want to see your pictures you have to
send them back to Seattle Film and pay their price and wait.

If you run a roll of Seattle through a developer using C-41 processing it may turn out okay with little
emulsion damage and maybe no chemistry contamination about one in every 100 or 200 times, but in
most cases it will erase the images or turn them a yucky yellow and contaminate about $400 worth of
chemistry in the C-41.

Although the quality isn't as bad as Fuji (LOL) it isn't as good as you'd expect for the price and then
there's the waiting for the mail to go and come. I like dropping my film off, hanging out for 20
minutes or so, then having my pictures.

I think they stay in business because most people really don't pay attention to the color quality,
density, clarity or much of anything else about their pictures. They just want to see the faces, or the
landscape and they really don't see whether the color is true or not. I've looked at people's pictures
from vacation and have been put off by the poor job done by the lab in processing. When I've
pointed out that the printer obviously moved the neg while printing it because the picture was
blurry, they didn't see it. When I mentioned that lawns aren't blue, they hadn't really noticed. People
automatically assume those squigglies and spots must be on the film, or their camera, if they notice at
all, instead of dirty lenses on the printer. It's always amazed me.

surferchicklet - 10:37pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#774 of 1012)


Bet you like the Far Side huh?

I think the Barbie thing is hilarious and am sending it to some similarly warped friends.LOL

freeindividual - 10:41pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#775 of 1012)

lara croft

At least we agree about Ilford. I think it's hilarious to take it somewhere to be developed and they've
never seen it before. I've had a couple of'em run it a second time 'cause they thought they'd ruined
the photos 'cause of the orange, purple, blue, whatever tint was appearing in parts of the photo.
Then take the negs to a B&W lab for enlargements and they're downright beauties. I used a photo one
year of a snow covered driveway and trees for a Christmas card and everyone thought it'd been taken
on color film, altho the cards were printed at a B&W lab. Kodak has NOTHING to compare.

lara croft - 10:42pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#776 of 1012)

Shockwave kept telling me I needed the upgrade to shockwave, even when I was trying to download
the upgrade.

I think that's the only drawback to Win2000pro, a few things, here and there, aren't able to install.

Soon, though

Nigel - 10:47pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#777 of 1012)

Thanks guys! Ya see, my dad got two rolls of their film in junkmail, and he gave them to me. I shot
them and sent them back for developing with no order for more film, and another 4 rolls of film
arrived with the prints. Free film seems to be their way of snaring repeat business. I think I'll toss
those rolls.

CooterBrown - 10:50pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#778 of 1012)

Jim, I was expecting to see a shot of Moby Dick and his mother, but all I got was that the web site was
trying to close the window.

Blackricco - 10:51pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#779 of 1012)

Fuji sucks hind tit.

I Couldn't disagree more, Lara, at least when it comes to transparency film. Fuji Velvia is the best
thing out there next to Kodachrome. It's got an ISO of 50, twice as fast as Kodachrome with color
almost as vivid. But, unlike Kodachrome which has to be sent to special labs that do Kodachrome
processing, (a patented Kodak process) Velvia can be processed in E-6, your standard transparency
process that any local lab can do. I shot a national ad for Fuji Velvia. I sent it to Dusty... she calls it my
"pot" shot.LOL

Agfapan APX 25 is the best Black & White film going. It's slow, ISO 25, but razor sharp and extremely
fine grained.

Kodak T-Max 100 is the best medium speed B&W film, but must be processed in T-Max developer for
optimum results.

Ilford makes the best B&W paper by far. Their Gallery Exhibition paper has Blacks so rich and whites
so clean, you'd swear you can reach into the print it has such depth.

I agree Canon rules 35mm. I have three F1Ns. All metal, built like tanks, completely manual. They're
reminiscent of the old Nikon F2AS Photomics. Real workhorses.

lara croft - 10:55pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#780 of 1012)

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your
country into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 10:47pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#777 of 779)
Thanks guys! ... Free film seems to be their way of snaring repeat business.

Yep, that's how they pull em in.

I think I'll toss those rolls.

Probably the best decision you'll make today. LOL

Nigel - 10:56pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#781 of 1012)

Shockwave kept telling me I needed the upgrade to shockwave, even when I was
trying to download the upgrade. I think that's the only drawback to Win2000pro, a few
things, here and there, aren't able to install.

Uh-oh... I'm toying with the idea of upgrading my mobo/cpu at the office and running Win2000, but
if it's not yet ready for primetime I should probably wait a bit.

lara croft - 10:57pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#782 of 1012)

I agree Canon rules 35mm. I have three F1Ns. All metal, built like tanks, completely
manual. They're reminiscent of the old Nikon F2AS Photomics. Real workhorses.

Mine are all metal bodies, too, Ricco. I went to buy another one a little while back, as a gift for a
budding photographer friend of mine and discovered that they are all made of plastic now. Light
weight sure, but man, don't drop one or even bump it or it's gone - powder.

Blackricco - 11:02pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#783 of 1012)

You have to buy used if you want a metal camera today, Lara. Damn shame. What models do you have?

lara croft - 11:04pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#784 of 1012)

I love it, Nigel, it's the most stable of any of Microsoft's endeavors so far.

I've had a problem with a few programs, other than that, it's dynomite.

The people who made my scanner have gone out of business so there are no drivers for Win2000Pro.
Usually that's not a problem because the plug and play will take over or the Win98 will work, but not
in this case. I had to buy another scanner.

McAfee doesn't have a virus scan that will scan email for Win2000Pro, yet and there is no ISSscript
for McAfee's installation for Win2000 Pro, yet.

Those are just my two biggest gripes. There are a couple other little ones, but all in all, I have had
this OS for about 4 months now and it has crashed once. Win98se, on the other hand, crashed several
times a night, every night, 365 nights a year.

WinPro hasn't even frozen up, once. Win98se froze up everytime I forced it move faster than it
thought it should have to move.

Nigel - 11:07pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#785 of 1012)

I don't know jack shite about Win2000, but I just found this on the Flash support page:

Q. How can permissions affect installing the Shockwave and Flash Players with Windows NT
and Windows 2000?

A. If you don't have administrator access to your Windows NT- or Windows 2000-equipped
computer, you may not be able to install the Shockwave and Flash Players successfully.
Permissions can be tricky, but, in general, you should be able to install and use the
Shockwave and Flash Players if your administrator gives you full access to the Macromed
directory (C:Winnt\System32\Macromed\).

If this does not allow you to install and access the Shockwave and Flash Players, your
administrator may need to experiment with varying levels of restriction to determine what

lara croft - 11:16pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#786 of 1012)

Paregi familiare, nui fai amore? [Blackricco] - 11:02pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#783 of 784)
You have to buy used if you want a metal camera today, Lara. Damn shame. What
models do you have?

Yeah it is a shame.

Right now I only have two little hobby cameras, an Elan and a Rebel.

I Don't do much complicated shooting anymore to justify any of the larger format cameras. I just
need something durable that I can toss in the glove box or trunk,. Great utility cameras, typical
Canon clarity and when someone manages to talk me into something I no longer want to do, then
these are perfectly capable of doing the job.

lara croft - 11:19pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#787 of 1012)

LOl thanks Nigel

I just happen to be the administrator, so all I have to do is give myself permission, eh?

Dang. It can't be that simple.

Blackricco - 11:28pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#788 of 1012)

I think the top of the line Canon EOS cameras are pretty sturdy, but they've got all that auto-focus,
auto-exposure crap. Battery dependent, and more stuff to go wrong at the wrong time.

I get the impression from your posts that you used to be into photography quite seriously, Lara. Is
that correct?

lara croft - 11:36pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#789 of 1012)

Auto exposure and auto focus are easily cured by turning them off and operating manually.

The battery thing is a problem in that you have to keep several paks of batteries on hand because
they are always going dead and the batteries the EOS uses is as expensive as hell.

BUT the EOS and the SLR have their place.

They have their advantages when you are on the move, not in the studio in a posed setting or on a
tripod somewhere, stationary.

Auto exposure and auto focus is a major plus when you are in a hurry, don't have time to adjust focus
and exposures for every shot because you want to catch something in running frames, as many as
you can get, as fast as you can go and immediately, suddenly.

Yeah, I used to live photography, it was my life and I made a very very good living at it. I don't do it
anymore, I rarely pick up a camera. I only do it now as a tourist, only when no one else will take the

Speaking of which, those damned little disposables sure do take good pictures.

spoonbill - 11:36pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#790 of 1012)

If I can add my $.02....I take pictures everyday at work with nearly every camera known to man.

Tourists ask me to take thier pictures with my horse. The new point and shoot with auto focus saves
time but they all seem to have different firing time.

I'll stick to my Cannon AE1 and Yashika TL manual. When the shutter fires, there is now doubt about

My CAnnon ELPH is nearly as clear as a 110 instamatic. The disposables are great.

lara croft - 11:38pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#791 of 1012)

You just need to settle on one, get used to the firing time and viola, LOL there you are.

My CAnnon ELPH is nearly as clear as a 110 instamatic

LOL 110 instamatic. Can you buy 110 film and if so, can you get 110 developed anywhere, anymore?

Nigel - 11:43pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#792 of 1012)

The only SLR camera I have is an old Pentax K1000 that I bought on the recommendation of a friend
who said I should learn on a completely manual camera.

lara croft - 11:45pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#793 of 1012)

And is that friend still among the living? LOL

spoonbill - 11:45pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#794 of 1012)

I swear I saw it at Wal-mart. Great little Christmas present for those on a budget.

To bad they are no longer made. I have my Dad's Argus 35mm. 1948 or 49. All the gears and wheels are
on the outside.

charolais - 11:48pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#795 of 1012)

I have both a Canon SLR (T50) and a Canon SureShot w/zoom.

Canon's are great cameras and I started out with a Olympus, which really had problems- it was a hand
me down, so I could not complain too much. But, when I finally bought my own SLR, I went for a
Canon. That particular camera is over 15 years old and still works great.

I use the SureShot more than anything, easier to carry around.

lara croft - 11:50pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#796 of 1012)

To bad they are no longer made. I have my Dad's Argus 35mm. 1948 or 49. All the gears
and wheels are on the outside.

I had one of those, Spoonbill. I had a rather large collection of old cameras.

Blackricco - 11:53pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#797 of 1012)

For sports photography or photojournalism, you can't beat auto-focus and auto-exposure. Everything
I do is tightly controlled, whether studio or location. I like to control everything. I take incidence
meter readings, reflective meter readings, and spot meter readings. Auto-exposure is like voodoo to
me. LOL I guess I'm just old-school.


That AE1 is a hell of a camera. My first real 35mm camera was a Canon A1. I was about fourteen or
fifteen at the time. That was the coolest camera around. LOL LED readouts in the viewfinder, 6 mode
cybernetic in-camera meter. I had that camera for fifteen years. It never let me down.

MsRobbie - 11:59pm Jan 18, 2001 EST (#798 of 1012)

Sherrie: Lizzard really liked your god post. She put it up over at AAR.

G-g-g-golly. I probably can't describe fully precisely how I feel about that. I mean, the honor of it
all, y'know.

lara croft - 12:03am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#799 of 1012)

I've done studio settings with the lights, the meters, gels, filters etc. Too danged much stuff getting in
the way of the purpose and it all covers up who the subject really is. Which, I believe is really the
purpose there. LOL

And I've done action shots and I like those, a lot.

But I prefer to just wander and snap candids. Posed can be beautiful and artful, but candids capture
the soul.

Nothing more fantastic than to catch someone unposed, unaware of the camera. I loved using lenses
to bring someone into the camera where it looked deeply into their eyes, searched their face and
captured the innocence, and/or emotion there, with incredible and sometimes startling clarity.

spoonbill - 12:05am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#800 of 1012)

AE-1 is versatile as it is apperature or shutter priority. Users choice and great flexability.

Yashika TL is all manual except for the exposure meter that informs over or under exposure but it is
still the operators choice.

I froze my AE-1 in -50 weather in Canada ice sculpture venue. Tore the shutter and I didn't notice
except for the funny click. Sadly, I shot 4 other rolls in East Berlin in the 70s and all were ruined.

$80 repair and it is still the best.

Oregon_Jim - 12:11am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#801 of 1012)


RE: Seattle Film Works/Photoworks.

This is pretty mediocre film - and I'm being kind. They opened 4 or 5 of their stores around Portland a
couple of years back and 3 have closed.

If you have COSTCO in your area you might want to try their house brand "Kirkland" which is
manufactured by Agfa out of Germany - a very warm film and a favorite with some photographers.
COSTCO sells 10 rolls for about $1.10 per.

lara croft - 12:14am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#802 of 1012)

Agfa is the best film on the market. LOL has been for a long while. It's like the best kept secret.

They made a move on Kodak about 6 years ago. Hit a lot of small labs, set them up with Agfa
equipment and film like Kodak does. Looked like they might do it but then for some unexplained
reason, they faded again. Too bad.

Oregon_Jim - 12:15am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#803 of 1012)


That site has a bad "plug-in" sniffer for Flash on Windows2000 and Mac OS X - I had the same problem
trying to download the file also and I have Flash 5 plug-in as well as the commercial version of

Oregon_Jim - 12:16am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#804 of 1012)


Just buy Kirkland brand at COSTCO - just do NOT have COSTCO do the developing.

To say the least.


lara croft - 12:20am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#805 of 1012)

Yeah, I know about Costco developing.

It's just like all the chain stores.

Very sucky, no quality, but hey, you gets what you pays for.

Blackricco - 12:26am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#806 of 1012)

There's not too much room for candids in what I do, Lara. The ad agency comes in with a layout, and
being the anal types art directors are, they don't take kindly to changes and variations.LOL

Actually, I've probably shot about fifty to one hundred rolls of 35mm in the last ten years, and most
of that was personal.

Most of the stuff I do is 2* and 4x5. I love shooting 8x10, but there's not much call for it anymore.

Nigel - 12:28am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#807 of 1012)

And is that friend still among the living? LOL

I don't even remember which friend recommended a manual camera, but it was the camera salesman
who recommended the K1000. It's actually a pretty rugged unit, and I've been very satisfied with it.
But then, I'm not a serious photographer. It could be the Packard-Bell of SLR's and I'd never know it.

That site has a bad "plug-in" sniffer for Flash on Windows2000 and Mac OS X

Ahhh... that's good to know. Thanks.

edrieanne - 12:43am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#808 of 1012)

my favorite is a Minolta XE-7 - only one to have a full information view finder, auto or manual, easy
bayonet mount for quick lens changes and, most important, VERY quiet shutter.

used to take alot of "in the theatre" dance shots - shutter noise was a definite no-no. other patrons
hated the distraction during the ballet and the management became quite huffy - illegal to take
performance shots, and all that. (course, SAME management bought the 8x10's if they were good

Also liked the camera for taking horse shows, ice show performances, etc.

Still my favorite camera of record. you couldn't PAY me to have an auto wind - I used to time the film
advance with the choreography to get the dancer at the peak of her "ballon" (height of the jete that
makes her/him look like they are defying gravity).

also, for timing with a horse's refusal, my manually choosing my "advance" I could plan when to
snap. Absolutely HATE autofilm advance!

Oregon_Jim - 12:46am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#809 of 1012)

I bought a Nikon CoolPix 990 Digital Camera. Pretty amazing piece of technology - resolution is
overkill with the current level of file formats that will work on the WWW GIF and JPEG.

When browsers will address PNG file format the resolution and color accuracy will force the
discontinuation of JPEG and hopefully the GIF format for vector-based graphics as it will also support

Blackricco - 12:51am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#810 of 1012)

I don't want to burst your bubble here, Edrie... but the Canon F1N is the only camera I know of with a
"full information viewfinder".

Nigel - 12:55am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#811 of 1012)

There's a guy in town selling an almost new CoolPix 990 with accessories for $800 firm. I seriously
considered the 990, but it's total overkill for my needs, and I wanted a smaller camera. My wife wants
a digital camera to have in Germany so she can email me photos, but I think I'll get her that cute
little digital ELPH camera.

Oregon_Jim - 01:02am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#812 of 1012)


The "300" and "400" series from Olympus is an outstanding value with great quality for what you're
wanting to do.

You should find the "300" series (either 340 or 360 I think it is) for under $250.00

Rated very high by several publications.

Blackricco - 01:03am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#813 of 1012)

CoolPix a little overkill, Nigel?

You may want to check this out!

edrieanne - 01:03am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#814 of 1012)

br, my Minolta XE-7 has one. the next model minolta came out with didn't have it, nor did the prior
ones. that is the reason these little babies are so damned hard to find in used camera shops. I've only
seen one in probably 20 years.

it's a real sweetie of a camera - light exposure/shutter speed runs on left side of viewfinder and the
aperture is on the bottom. when you adjust aperture, the light/shutter speed lever corrects
accordingly. if you ever spot one, take a look. has both auto or complete manual. I've had quite a few
photogs try to buy it off me, but NO sale! *g*

Crimson - 01:07am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#815 of 1012)


Just buy Kirkland brand at COSTCO - just do NOT have COSTCO do the developing.

Can you get Kirkland brand film developed anywhere?

Oregon_Jim - 01:09am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#816 of 1012)


Hi there!

Can you get Kirkland brand film developed anywhere?

Yep - no problem.

If it's really high-quality shots just tell the clerk (but they probably already know) that this COSTCO
film is actually AGFA film.

You'll love it - nice warm tones with high saturation. I used to have mine put on CD so that I didn't
have to scan them and lose quality .

Blackricco - 01:10am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#817 of 1012)

Does the viewfinder not only tell you what exposure you should be at, but what exposure you are
actually at?

Does it show a match needle metering system that shows the correct exposure, and at the same time
show you what aperture and shutter speed you're actually at?

Crimson - 01:11am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#818 of 1012)

Is the Pentax K1000 no longer being made? I have two of them, (and son, who's degree is in
photography also has one), and when I mentioned that recently, someone who also does some
photography asked me to let her know if I ever wanted to sell. I have an automatic 35mm, but I just
don't care for it.

Oregon_Jim - 01:12am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#819 of 1012)

Does Pentax still have that weird "screw-mount" for it's lenses?

Crimson - 01:14am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#820 of 1012)

Thanks OJ. I'll try Kirkland the next time I set up a still life. I've been using Kodak and the photos can
be warm one time, and cool the other. Just not much consistancy.

'Course, it could just be me. ;)

Crimson - 01:17am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#821 of 1012)

"weird" screw mount? I don't know. I've never had anything but my Pentax(s) in 35mm, (until the
little auto, but it's a fixed lens camera).

Duh_ - 01:18am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#822 of 1012)

Good God, I leave for just a bit, I have to catch up on 30 or 40 posts.

I'm SOOO disappointed, I thought I would have at least $1000 for a refund because last year I had about
$900 back for federal. I'm only getting $666 and some change (no lie - spoookkkkyyyy). Is it because
I'm making more this year? Bummer.

On the K1000. My first camera, and the best one. I dropped it from a second story window and it
bounced once and still worked. Damn thing only has two moving parts in it I think. My favorite
camera, the Nikon FM2 - the most versatile non-automatic camera I've seen. I like T-Max, thicker
emulsion than TriX.

Oregon_Jim - 01:20am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#823 of 1012)

Have you ever shot Ilford film? From England I believe - great black & white film and an interesting
line of photo-paper.

Blackricco - 01:23am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#824 of 1012)

Yeah, Crimson... Pentax used to have thread mount lenses.LOL You'd screw them on like bolt in a nut.

Blackricco - 01:27am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#825 of 1012)

Ilford had a weird B&W film a few years back that was processed in C-41, a color process. I don't know
if it's still made.

Duh_ - 01:28am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#826 of 1012)

I shot that Illford C-41 BW. I have no idea where I got it from. Love the paper, iffy on the film....

Nigel - 01:28am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#827 of 1012)

The "300" and "400" series from Olympus is an outstanding value with great quality for
what you're wanting to do.

Other than its not so great indoor performance, I'm very happy with the D-490. The panarama
feature is particularly nifty.

SV_Doug - 01:30am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#828 of 1012)


You are beginning to learn why some of us are RWW's. LOL

Blackricco - 01:33am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#829 of 1012)

Love the paper, iffy on the film...


Duh_ - 01:35am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#830 of 1012)

In the Savage Nation [SV_Doug] - 01:30am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#828 of 829)


You are beginning to learn why some of us are RWW's. LOL

?????I am????? Oh, I get it Doug... about the refund thing...

And people, I've asked this a hunnerd times, what does RWW mean? Right Wing W???

Crimson - 01:37am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#832 of 1012)

Have you ever shot Ilford film?

I haven't. And I don't shoot much B&W since I don't paint in those shades. ;) Son's preference is B&W
though. I'll have to ask him if he's tried the film and paper.

Duh_ - 01:39am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#833 of 1012)

I think I got the Illford film from a teeny tiny newspaper I shot for in '89. Small on budget - had to
get it processed at the local drug store. I started shooting TMAX so I could develop my own prints.

Now, Doug, honey, I'm pretty moderate on fiscal matters, but a purely lefty liberal on social issues...

(((((man, is this thread gittin some exercise, or whut))))

Nigel - 01:44am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#834 of 1012)

Right Wing Wacko

Duh_ - 01:45am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#835 of 1012)


Blackricco - 01:45am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#836 of 1012)

Yeah, howzabout puttin' some ‘Frisco pictures up? Put my "Pot" picture up... put SOMETHING up!

Duh_ - 01:46am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#837 of 1012)

Okay, folks, my employer is 80% convinced to buy my computer....


Duh_ - 01:47am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#838 of 1012)

I put some up. I got more from Edrie. I am developing more as we speak. I don't got your pot no more

edrieanne - 01:51am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#839 of 1012)

ricco, yep, the viewfinder has that needle that lines up with correct exposure and aperture settings
and BINGO! your shot is PERFECT!

am getting cut off at two, will be back with more info.

Blackricco - 01:53am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#840 of 1012)

I didn't see anything else, Duh...


Man, you are brutal!

Blackricco - 01:55am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#841 of 1012)

Edrie, go back and read my post.. this time for comprehension!

edrieanne - 01:57am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#842 of 1012)

ricco, remember me? I'm in a BAR, ferchrissakes!!!!! I'm posting and watchin' silver simultaneous
while shielding the computer from the drunks!

I'll read it in a few - but cut me some slack, here, ok?

mornin' duh!

Blackricco - 01:59am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#843 of 1012)

Have a shot of Goldschlagger on me, Edrie!

Duh_ - 03:00am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#844 of 1012)

I thought you were going to send me a picture Ricco. I'll make a pot for you and put your name one

CWebb2 - 03:13am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#845 of 1012)

Crimson 1/19/01 1:11am

" someone who also does some photography asked me to let her know if I ever wanted
to sell."

Tell your friend that there are currently 2 at Ebay.

I have one, also. It was my son's "first" SLR, he has since outgrown it. LOL.

CW (edited)

Blackricco - 03:23am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#846 of 1012)

Nigel, I sent you to that Phase One sight as a gag. It's a $24,000 capture back. A capture back... no
camera! You have to buy a 2* camera, preferably a Hasselblad, which with a lens is another $10,000.

Seriously, forget about the Nikon coolPix.. it's an oudated piece of crap.

If you want a great moderately priced digital camera, Olympus kicks ass!

If you've got $1,600 to spend, go here!

If you've got $1,200 to spend, go here!

These are two totally kick-ass digital cameras!

edrieanne - 06:04am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#847 of 1012)

shay, thangs, RB, i reeely NEEDED that!

glug glug glug glug!

REESE - 06:40am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#848 of 1012)

Hey Duh.....How bad does Kansas suck for an escaped inmate to get there, see it, and then call the law
to come pick him up and take him back to the prison?


I just think this is funny as Hell!!

wardaddy - 10:50am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#849 of 1012)


I saw your post about Win2000. Talk about serendipity. The weekly computer column in the
Commercial Appeal had an inquuiry about using Win2000 today and here is what it said:

Q - I want to upgrade the operating system on my home computer from
Windows98... should I get Windows Me or Windows 2000?

A - If you need the added security Windows 2000 brings to the table, it is worth
considering but NOT if you intend to play games on the box. Windows Me is aimed at the
home market and has lots more device drivers for things like scanners, cameras,
sound cards, joysticks, etc. Windows 2000 is a business system and thus is not intended
for that market. Also, plan to have at least 256MB of memory to have Win2000 be a fun

wardaddy - 11:05am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#850 of 1012)

Back in 1969 when I got to Subic Bay, I bought a Canon 35mm. Damned thing was built like a tank. I
bounced it all over Vietnam, in helicopters, bunkers, etc., and it worked perfectly every time. I
bought a 75-205mm zoom for it when I got back stateside. Heavy b**tard, but I could compose righ in
the camera and I got some wonderful pictures in the Italian Market in Philadelphia. Like lara said, I
could zoom in and get unposed pictures.

I gave it to my son when I bought my Canon A-1 and the movers stole it from his mantle when he
moved from New Orleans a couple of years later.

The A-1 is a great camera. Fires in all modes but I kept it on manual. Shutter's broken now, but since I
bought the Olympus digital, I wonder if I'll ever use it again. I'll probably get it fixed because my
first love for pictures is B&W.

The cost of a Hasselblad cheated the world out of another Ansel Adams.

freeindividual - 12:38pm Jan 19, 2001 EST (#851 of 1012)

No camera needed to picture this one.

"School Days... School Days"

Little Johnny came home from school one day and walked into the kitchen. His grandma asked him,
"Johnny , what did you learn in school today?"

Little Johnny replied, "Well, we learned about penises, and vaginas, and sexual intercourse, and

Grandma hauled off and slapped Johnny, hard. He ran up to his room, crying. Little Johnny's mother
walked in and cried, "Ma! Why did you go and hit Johnny!?"

Grandma replied, "Well, I asked him what he learned in school today. He started talking about sex, and
penises, and masturbation!"

Little Johnny's mother said, "Ma! That's what they learn. It's called sex education!"

Well, Grandma felt bad about hitting Johnny, so she went upstairs to apologize. When she opened his
bedroom door she found him on his bed masturbating. Without a blink, she said, "Johnny, when
you're finished with your homework, come downstairs and talk to me."

Duh_ - 06:30pm Jan 19, 2001 EST (#852 of 1012)

REESE - 06:40am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#848 of 851)

Hey Duh.....How bad does Kansas suck for an escaped inmate to get there, see it, and
then call the law to come pick him up and take him back to the prison?


I just think this is funny as Hell!!

See.... now you all know the hell that I live...

Picking up pictures tonight...

sjscruby - 06:38pm Jan 19, 2001 EST (#853 of 1012)

Thanx for all the camera info...I will pass on the knowledge to friends who can afford real cameras.

I live with an Olympus Stylus, but it's all I need for now. ;)

Actually, my bro has a digital camera (one of the early ones)---possibly a Kodak. Takes great pics of
my nephew that he can post online.

surferchicklet - 11:10pm Jan 19, 2001 EST (#854 of 1012)

Well, Duh... You do have to consider the fact that the inmate was from Oooooklahoma...

(That ought to bring Avie out...*S*)

Avie? Avie where are you?

Duh_ - 11:49pm Jan 19, 2001 EST (#855 of 1012)

Heya, Slurpy, howszit going?

Duh_ - 11:50pm Jan 19, 2001 EST (#856 of 1012)

Actually, my bro has a digital camera (one of the early ones)---possibly a Kodak


surferchicklet - 11:51pm Jan 19, 2001 EST (#857 of 1012)

Ok Duhoney.... Howzit with you?

edrieanne - 12:02am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#858 of 1012)

hi, duh, just a WEE reminder veto power?????

How's it goin'?

lara croft - 01:43am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#859 of 1012)

Paregi familiare, nui fai amore? [Blackricco] - 12:26am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#806 of 858)
There's not too much room for candids in what I do, Lara. The ad agency comes in with
a layout, and being the anal types art directors are, they don't take kindly to changes
and variations.LOL

I worked a week, long side a guy who did stuff for the tupperware layouts. I was astonished at how
long it took to set up a shoot of just one tupperware bowl. They'd take hours to shopt one bowl. I was
major bored and turned down the offer.

Actually, I've probably shot about fifty to one hundred rolls of 35mm in the last ten
years, and most of that was personal.

Most of the stuff I do is 2* and 4x5. I love shooting 8x10, but there's not much call for it

I've used 4x5 format in the studio. It beats 120, IMO for portraits, still, etc.

I just can't stay still long enough to work in the studio, or a studio setting, for very long. My passion
is to capture the souls of people and barring that, at least capture a moment in their life where they
are unprotected, unguarded and you can see deep inside. The camera can be magical.

lara croft - 01:47am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#860 of 1012)

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your
country into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 12:55am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#811 of 858)
There's a guy in town selling an almost new CoolPix 990 with accessories for $800 firm.
I seriously considered the 990, but it's total overkill for my needs, and I wanted a
smaller camera. My wife wants a digital camera to have in Germany so she can email
me photos, but I think I'll get her that cute little digital ELPH camera.

Nigel, get her an Olympus point and shoot. IMO novices can't go wrong with an Olympus point and
shoot. Doesn't matter what model (unless you start getting up there in price) any Olympus point an
shoot is a good bet.

lara croft - 01:51am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#861 of 1012)

Gimme a BIGGER, BADDER G4 PULEZE, & a large fry. [Duh_] - 01:18am Jan 19, 2001 EST
(#822 of 860) I'm SOOO disappointed, I thought I would have at least $1000 for a refund
because last year I had about $900 back for federal. I'm only getting $666 and some
change (no lie - spoookkkkyyyy). Is it because I'm making more this year? Bummer.

Until you are paying triple digits quarterly, over and above what you might have already sent in, I
dont want to hear you bitch.

lara croft - 01:53am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#862 of 1012)

FOX News: "We Fart - You Sniff" [Oregon_Jim] - 01:20am Jan 19, 2001 EST (#823 of 861)
Have you ever shot Ilford film?

I used it because it was a superior film AND because I could put it through C-41.

_maggie_ - 01:55am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#863 of 1012)

My passion is to capture the souls of people and barring that, at least capture a moment in their life
where they are unprotected, unguarded and you can see deep inside.

Oh great. You come anywhere near me with a camera and ... and ... I'll ... do something.

SherrieG - 01:58am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#864 of 1012)

LOLOLOL and on the second day did you create the heavens and the earth?

(There is NOTHING this woman does not excel at. NOTHING.)

_maggie_ - 01:59am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#865 of 1012)

She's scary. *lol*

_maggie_ - 02:57am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#866 of 1012)

Hey Sher, BTW, did you see where there was ANOTHER medical miracle in southern California?

lara croft - 02:57am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#867 of 1012)


The world is already overcrowded - Go home! [wardaddy] - 10:50am Jan 19, 2001 EST
(#849 of 863) lara

I saw your post about Win2000. Talk about serendipity. The weekly computer column in
the Commercial Appeal had an inquuiry about using Win2000 today and here is what it

Q - I want to upgrade the operating system on my home computer from Windows98...
should I get Windows Me or Windows 2000? A - If you need the added security Windows
2000 brings to the table, it is worth considering but NOT if you intend to play games on
the box. Windows Me is aimed at the home market and has lots more device drivers for
things like scanners, cameras, sound cards, joysticks, etc. Windows 2000 is a business
system and thus is not intended for that market. Also, plan to have at least 256MB of
memory to have Win2000 be a fun experience.

I have Win2000Pro. It's a home version of Win2000, which is a business NT version desigen for

WinME is Win98 with a service pak and all the problems of win95, win98, and win98se live within.

I do very well in Win2000Pro with 128mB Ram. I love it, it is the most stable system I've ever tried.
Except for the odd unavailable program, it's well worth the experience, considering drivers will be
added to catch up, pretty soon, I'm a hoping.

I'm one who has to have what is hot, now, regardless of availability of the amenities.

lara croft - 03:11am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#868 of 1012)

There is no coincidence, nothing by chance; all you encounter is part of The Dance.
[_maggie_] - 01:55am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#863 of 867) My passion is to capture the souls of
people and barring that, at least capture a moment in their life where they are
unprotected, unguarded and you can see deep inside.

Oh great. You come anywhere near me with a camera and ... and ... I'll ... do something.

LOL actually, I do my best work when no one knows I have a camera, or when no one knows I'm

It's is simply amazing what you can capture through the lense when no one is expecting to be caught
on film.

LOL I'm not talking sleezy cheesy shit. I'm talking people who are being people. It's awesome.

lara croft - 03:13am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#869 of 1012)

It Ain't the Load, it's How You Carry It! [SherrieG] - 01:58am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#864 of
867) LOLOLOL and on the second day did you create the heavens and the earth?

(There is NOTHING this woman does not excel at. NOTHING.)

DUH? You bet.

Duh_ - 06:58am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#870 of 1012)

Good golly, finally got a lot of this stuff up.... AAARRRUUUGGGGHHH!!! Now, I'm going to sleep...
new pics....

Duh_ - 07:01am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#871 of 1012)

_maggie_ - 02:57am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#866 of 870)

Hey Sher, BTW, did you see where there was ANOTHER medical miracle in southern


Oregon_Jim - 10:11am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#872 of 1012)


A friend sent me this link to a place where you can look at how your web site appears on different
browsers, HTML versions, etc.

Hope you find it helpful.

Nigel - 10:49am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#873 of 1012)

Nigel, get her an Olympus point and shoot. IMO novices can't go wrong with an
Olympus point and shoot. Doesn't matter what model (unless you start getting up there
in price) any Olympus point an shoot is a good bet.

Lara, I'm delighted with my Olympus point'n'shoot, but she just came home with a new point'n'shoot
film camera: a Canon IXUS II. That just goes to show how well I know her because I was thinking of
getting her the Canon digital camera that looks just like it. She's an artist and puts more emphasis on
form than function; the small size of the Canon is more important to her than the ease of use of the

Duh_ - 03:25pm Jan 20, 2001 EST (#874 of 1012)

Jim. Is that a hint that my vacation site looks less than stellar?...

Oregon_Jim - 03:27pm Jan 20, 2001 EST (#875 of 1012)


No - not at all.

Just a cool resource to see how others are seeing it.

I ran into that this past week creating a "form" on a web site.

What a nightmare!

Duh_ - 03:43pm Jan 20, 2001 EST (#876 of 1012)

ahhhh.... Okeydoke, hon...

lara croft - 08:22pm Jan 20, 2001 EST (#877 of 1012)

America: We can't count worth a damn, but we have enough nukes to turn your
country into a puddle of molten glass. [Nigel] - 10:49am Jan 20, 2001 EST (#873 of 876)

Lara, I'm delighted with my Olympus point'n'shoot, but she just came home with a new
point'n'shoot film camera: a Canon IXUS II. That just goes to show how well I know her
because I was thinking of getting her the Canon digital camera that looks just like it.
She's an artist and puts more emphasis on form than function; the small size of the
Canon is more important to her than the ease of use of the Olympus.

Canon makes a fantastic camera, except, up to a couple years ago, not in the point and shoot category.
Theirs was kind of grainy and out of focus.

Of course, I've been out of the biz a few years and they could have really improved that end of their
product line.

surferchicklet - 10:40pm Jan 20, 2001 EST (#878 of 1012)

Nigel... I like your handle... meant to tell you..

Later folks...

freeindividual - 11:48am Jan 21, 2001 EST (#879 of 1012)

Couldn't resist this one...LMAO

From: <> To: <undisclosed-recipients:> Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:34
Subject: A Political Thought.About Democrats...(Terry Fontaine)

> FOOD FOR THOUGHT: > > If Democrats believe that hanky panky without > penetration does not
as sex, why should a ballot without > penetration count as a vote? > > Just Wondering...........

wardaddy - 11:51am Jan 21, 2001 EST (#880 of 1012)


Bobbyc - 04:20pm Jan 21, 2001 EST (#881 of 1012)

I just recieved this and thought it worth sharing:



We got off the Titanic first.

We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.

Taxis stop for us.

We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival The Speedo.

We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves.

If we forget to shave, no one has to know.

We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear.

We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.

We have the ability to dress ourselves.

We can talk to people of the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.

If we marry someone 20 years younger, we're aware that we look like an idiot.

There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.

We'll never regret piercing our ears.

We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.

We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence, because they aren't listening

lara croft - 04:35pm Jan 21, 2001 EST (#882 of 1012)

We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival The Speedo.

Whoooo, LOL loved these.

Forgot one:

We have the ability to look you in the eye, while having a conversation, and not be distracted by your
hair, parted just below your ear, pulled up the side of your head, coming to rest piled on top of that
bald spot you think no one notices, without even so much as a twitch at the corner of our mouths.

Duh_ - 01:09am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#883 of 1012)

I like it in here.... all quiet and peaceful....

lara croft - 01:14am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#884 of 1012)

Yeah, huh.

The echo doesn't even bother me much.

surferchicklet - 01:24am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#885 of 1012)

What echo..?*S*

Howzit going? Can I get a DustyBeer in here?

Duh_ - 01:29am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#886 of 1012)

I'm watching Marlo Thomas, and I must say, that I admire her in a big way. Manoman.

***sliding Dustybeer toward Surfy****

MsRobbie - 01:34am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#887 of 1012)

Chicklet, have you recovered from your earlier fainting spell?

lara croft - 01:35am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#888 of 1012)

LOL actually no, I've had to pick the lass up off the ground several times tonight.

Maybe a scotch.

MsRobbie - 01:41am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#889 of 1012)

Lara, I'm worried, in that case. If she goes to the LARA BUSH thread, she's likely to faint again.

lara croft - 01:47am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#890 of 1012)

LOL wouldn't that be the 'LAURA Bush' thread?


Nope, Not going to go there. LOL

MsRobbie - 01:56am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#891 of 1012)

LOL!!! I can't even call it a typo. More like a thought-o.

surferchicklet - 01:56am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#892 of 1012)

Yeah.. A scotch and a DustyBeer...

Marlo Thomas? Wasn't she ThatGirl? I liked that one...

surferchicklet - 01:59am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#893 of 1012)

LOL, MsR...

Drinking DustyBeer and wandering over to check out the La u ra Bush thread...*S*

Had to take the short one's temp... looks like we'll be stuck in the house again tomorrow..*S*

She has slept most of the day... *sigh* and I have been back and forth between this and video

Duh_ - 03:07am Jan 22, 2001 EST (#894 of 1012)

Marlo Thomas has done a buttload for women's causes and I just thinks she great.

Duh_ - 08:23pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#895 of 1012)

WEEEE. Duh getting a new G4. Just sold my old one today. Now I’m feeling the pressure.... which one....

surferchicklet - 08:37pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#896 of 1012)

The best one?


LaughingBoy - 08:40pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#897 of 1012)

Hey Duhoney...will sell ya mine...$1500 sounds about right, heh heh...even have all the original
packaging...think about it. When you buy your new one, we'll almost have enough G4 boxes for us to
tape together and live in ; ).

Duh_ - 08:42pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#898 of 1012)

Slurpy, can’t get the best one, unless Powermax is willing to do creative financing and let me have

LB, don’t worry, it will be alright.... I won’t do anything really monetarily stupid .... really. But I NEED
a new machine.... really... mine is SOOOOOOOO slow...

Duh_ - 08:43pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#899 of 1012)

Anyway, when did you start hanging out here, LB? I thought it be too much typing for your taste....

I’m hungry. Can we stop by Spangies on the way home?

surferchicklet - 08:44pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#900 of 1012)

Uh... I think she had yours...

(Your G4 I mean of course..LOL)

LaughingBoy - 08:44pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#901 of 1012)

Just kidding...way to go, Dusty! Hope ya got a great deal so ya can buy lots of

LaughingBoy - 08:45pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#902 of 1012)

lol surfer...uh huh...sounds like she may be wanting to use it again for a while...heh heh

LaughingBoy - 08:47pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#903 of 1012)

Duh, "too much typing"? That's a joke...not as instantly gratifying, perhaps, but alot less typing than
I am used

LaughingBoy - 08:50pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#904 of 1012)

Spangies, huh? must be hungry! I put the fettucini in a few minutes ago...

surferchicklet - 08:50pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#905 of 1012)

Hmmm.. Be careful she doesn't use it too much...

No wait... that'll just makes clear complexions and stuff...

carry on..*S*

surferchicklet - 08:50pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#905 of 1012)

Hmmm.. Be careful she doesn't use it too much...

No wait... that'll just makes clear complexions and stuff...

carry on..*S*

Duh_ - 08:51pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#906 of 1012)

Okeydoke. BTW, RAM for the NEW G4s is like $100 for the 256 chips.

Also, we couldn’t GET $1500 for your G4...

LaughingBoy - 08:53pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#908 of 1012)

not a bad price...let's just hope there's not another natural disaster in Taiwan's immediate future

surferchicklet - 08:53pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#909 of 1012)

How about the *best one you can afford right now?*

Is Spangies BBQ?

LaughingBoy - 08:53pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#910 of 1012)

know we couldn't get that much...but that was my price to you, heh heh

Duh_ - 08:55pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#911 of 1012)

Oh, Surf, the best I can afford right now is not to get a new one... but that never stopped me before.
Spangles is greasy-burger chain.... I WISH bbq... The way the value on my present computer is
dropping, I’d be lucky to trade it in for a donkey and a cart.

LaughingBoy - 08:55pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#912 of 1012)

seems I italicised by virtue of a (lil i) maybe I'll read the HTML info

Duh_ - 08:56pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#913 of 1012)

Po‘, po‘ Laughing Boy....

LaughingBoy - 08:57pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#914 of 1012)

awww...BBQ sounds good too. Passed by Pig-In-Pig-Out getting the dog food this afternoon...we'll get
some Miller's later in the week, k?

ex-glencarr - 09:01pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#915 of 1012)

Omigod, you people really eat at restaurants like "Pig-In-Pig-Out"? And drink Miller?

LaughingBoy - 09:01pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#916 of 1012)

If you get a really good cart and donkey, we could take them to Mid-town and sell them...might make
out like a

LaughingBoy - 09:03pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#917 of 1012)

glen, the restaurant is real (and distant 2nd choice, at that). Millers beer?? ACCCKKKKK!! Miller's is
the best bbq in these here parts, bar none.

Duh_ - 09:05pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#918 of 1012)

Nah, we gots food. Remember, bills coming up...

ex-glencarr - 09:08pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#919 of 1012)

LOL LB, you're bringing up my none-too-fond memories of living in the Midworst. There was a
restaurant called Pig-in-the-Poke or some such nonsense. Michelob was the swill of choice. Nope,
green acres ain't for me. LOL

LaughingBoy - 09:08pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#920 of 1012)

...bills coming up...and a new G4...haha

LaughingBoy - 09:09pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#921 of 1012)

lol at these restaurant sure the beer was not Duff's?...a bit Simpsonesque...heh heh

guy montag - 09:10pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#922 of 1012)

lol at these restaurant sure the beer was not Duff's?...a bit
Simpsonesque...heh heh

Could be worse -- could be Fudd... All those hillbillies goin' blind and all..

Duh_ - 09:11pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#923 of 1012)

Well, it will take me at least a couple of weeks to figure out which G4 and who to get it from, and how
to con someone at Powermax to give me a bit o’ credit....

surferchicklet - 09:13pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#924 of 1012)

Hmmm.... I guess LB will have to share...

Pig In and Pig Out*... *Snicker*... ok... I have to at least get a pic of the sign..LOL

LaughingBoy - 09:14pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#925 of 1012)

well, duh...since you have been such an outstanding customer of PowerMax, I can't see why they
would not help you out a bit

Duh_ - 09:16pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#926 of 1012)

Man, if I could do that, I‘ d be cruising on that 733 with the superdrive....

After this computer, I’ll be happy. I’ll be satisfied. I promise. No more machines....

LaughingBoy - 09:17pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#928 of 1012)

ok, surfer...will get you a need to see the backside of the place where they have all the wood
and the It's such a quaint lil re(sty)

LaughingBoy - 09:18pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#929 of 1012)

lmao, want me to tell everyone how many times you've said that before? Boy, do I luv ya!!

Duh_ - 09:19pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#930 of 1012)

No really. This will be it for a while.... truly. Cross my heart...

And no more trips to San Francisco. I’ll make‘em all come here...

LaughingBoy - 09:21pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#932 of 1012)

You are going to make the MacExpo come really are funny!

Duh_ - 09:22pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#933 of 1012)

nononon. Sherrie and them.... they can stay here instead... I donnna needin to go to no mo‘ expos.....

LaughingBoy - 09:24pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#934 of 1012)

ok, duh...we can go to New Zealand instead of San Fran next

LaughingBoy - 09:25pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#935 of 1012)

...tour all the Xena battlefields, lol

Duh_ - 09:28pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#936 of 1012)

If’in I get a new computer, I won’t be going to NZ, cuz’in I won’t be able to afford new shoes....

LaughingBoy - 09:28pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#937 of 1012)

we'll go to the shoes

Duh_ - 09:30pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#938 of 1012)

Sharing your puter????? (Just caught that...) Hey now, who gives you free tech support??? Plus,
groovy software.... and access to neato peripherals??? And washes your dirty skivves????

LaughingBoy - 09:32pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#939 of 1012)

just think...we could go there in the dead of winter, like this time of year, and it would be the heighth
of summer there...would be cheap too, once we got there...

LaughingBoy - 09:32pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#940 of 1012)

oooooooohh! had to throw in the skivvies...lmao

Duh_ - 09:35pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#941 of 1012)

Hey. Man. Cleaning skivvies is an important chore.

LaughingBoy - 09:35pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#942 of 1012)

I suppose I won't grumble too much...besides, we've been thru this

LaughingBoy - 09:36pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#943 of 1012)

well, it's not like you are rubbing your knuckles raw on a washboard... *wink*

LaughingBoy - 09:40pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#944 of 1012)

what was that you said in the email?...I couldn't quite make it out??? lol

Duh_ - 09:41pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#945 of 1012)

Funny. Reel Funy.

surferchicklet - 10:13pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#946 of 1012)

I'll try and figure out a way to bring you guys some NC BBQ...

Maybe freeze it, pack it in a cooler... and it'll just thaw by the time we get there...


New Zealand.. yeah I'll go..LOL

freeindividual - 11:44pm Jan 22, 2001 EST (#947 of 1012)

Subject: FW: Clinton's Last Pardon

Mr. John Hinkley

St. Elizabeth Hospital

Washington D.C.

Dear John,

Hillary and I wanted to drop you a short note to tell you how pleased we are with the great strides you
are making in your recovery.

In our country's new spirit of understanding and forgiveness we want you to know there is a
bilateral consensus of compassion and forgiveness abroad throughout the land. Hillary and I want
you to know that no grudge is born against you for shooting President Reagan.

We, above all, are aware of how the mental stress and pain could have driven you to such an act of

As such, as one of my lasts acts as President of the country, I hereby issue you a full pardon and
ordered your release from the hospital as soon as possible.

Hillary and I are confident that you will have made complete recovery and that you should return to
your family to join the world again as a healthy and productive young man.

Best wishes,

Bill Clinton

P.S. George Bush is banging Jodie Foster!

freeindividual - 09:56pm Jan 23, 2001 EST (#948 of 1012)

Now this is a BIG spoon's turn. I'm just not the author. *G*

Subject: Please board the ship...

I was wondering when someone would remember that a lot of entertainers had promised to leave the
country if Bush became President. This was just too good not to pass on....

MOVING CRUISE Attention all disenfranchised liberals:

Would Alex Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell, Cher, Phil Donahue, David Gephin, Barbara Streisand, Pierre
Salinger, and all other liberals who previously announced they would leave the country if George
Bush was elected President, please report to Florida for the sailing of the Good Ship Lollipop, which
has been commissioned to take you to your new home.

The Florida Supreme Court will sponsor a Farewell Parade in your honor through Palm Beach,
Broward, and Miami-Dade counties prior to your cruise. Please pack for an extended least four

Your captain is to be Bill Clinton and your cruise director will be Al Gore. Joe Lieberman will be your
purser and Monica Lewinsky will be your recreation director. Your primary job, while self-exiled,
will be to pound sand until such time as you realize the worthlessness of your bleeding-heart-liberal
ways and gain a grasp on reality - which may be never for some of you.

If you have any questions about your final destination, please direct your comments to Hillary. She's
staying behind and will be in charge of nursing whining liberals for the next four years.

Cheers, PS to the travelers - if you invited her, maybe Jane Fonda would go along to provide some
class. How can you go wrong with one of the 100 finest women of the year as a traveling companion?

I may not have been the best president, but I sure had the most fun. ---Bill Clinton

"I'm sorry I ever invented the Electoral College." --- Al Gore

Duh_ - 12:44am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#949 of 1012)


Oh help. This is not a joke. One of my guinea pigs has some sort of blockage. Can someone get surfer to
email me? Or someone with guinea pig knowledge. I've called all the vets, and nada... HELP....

OR CALL.... get Surferchick to call....

edrieanne - 12:48am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#950 of 1012)

try calling your local veternary teaching college. They might have some knowledge.

University of California, Davis, has a help line, they charge for the information but they're good. I'll
look up their site and get back to you.

surferchicklet - 12:50am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#951 of 1012)

I got the message hon... emailing

Duh_ - 12:52am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#952 of 1012)

I've given the pig a little gasx for babies and we've given him a warm water flushing, and a bit of
yogurt. I don't know what else to do. How long would it take the gasx to work? He did some piggie
stinkies. I'm suppose to get him to pooh. I'm about to cry he is very still but still breathing... should
he be moving around? should I let him be still? The 911 vet here is not an expert on exotic pets...

I'm also forcing fluids. How much fluids? how much is too much?

edrieanne - 12:52am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#953 of 1012)


here is the link....they bill you for the information, but if you are really stuck, they are superb!

UCDavis Vet Clinical Services

damn! that is the appointment line, will keep looking for the telephone service.

lara croft - 12:55am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#954 of 1012)

Just listen to SCs in email, she knows this shit.

Pru - 12:56am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#955 of 1012)


HILARIOUS and...just great.

edrieanne - 12:57am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#956 of 1012)

Dusty, here is their small animals emergency phone number. Might be worth a call:

Out-of-hours (Emergency) calls (530) 752-0186

edrieanne - 12:58am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#957 of 1012)

pru, you are a first class ASS!

Pru - 12:59am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#958 of 1012)

Duh, if you've called all the vets and not one can help, your town is in big trouble.

Vets who tend to such little critters are said to treat exotics.

edrieanne - 01:01am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#959 of 1012)

pru, many towns don't even HAVE emergency nite clinics, much less, vets who can treat small
animals like guinea pigs.

please keep out of this, ok? it's hard enough to deal with a sick pet, having a heckler ..... well, go play

edrieanne - 01:05am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#960 of 1012)


try the "mother" trick, gently massage his stomach like the mother does the newborn. Sometimes will
help break up gas bubbles or help the blockage pass.

Pru - 01:06am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#961 of 1012)

Edrieanne, wasn't heckling. What is your major problem anyway?

Duh_ - 01:07am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#962 of 1012)

got surfy. thanks..

Duh_ - 01:08am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#963 of 1012)

piggie looks like he's dying. vet said to give him little yogurt. and gasx. I didn't give him an warm
water enima but I did put him in a warm bath and put his butt to the facet. he had pine shavings and
stinkies. I think he ate pine shavings and he's blocked...

Duh_ - 01:10am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#964 of 1012)

last night he seemed fine. so whatever this is probably has been happening all day? He's been eating
mangos. Are mangos alrght to feed him??

Duh_ - 01:12am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#965 of 1012)

is gasx bad to give too much of? How do I know if has workd?

edrieanne - 01:13am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#966 of 1012)


did you get the vet number of Davis? I don't think that is their billable line. might be worth a try.
This is the top vet teaching hospital in California.

they are 24/7

Duh_ - 01:15am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#967 of 1012)

hold on. can't find?

edrieanne - 01:15am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#968 of 1012)

sorry, Pru, seemed that way, but I'll take your word for it....... been that kinda week.

Duh_ - 01:16am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#969 of 1012)

There's a little green liquid coming out of my that good?

_maggie_ - 01:16am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#970 of 1012)

is gasx bad to give too much of? How do I know if has workd?

He'll fart. Sometimes all you can do is wait, Dusty.

edrieanne - 01:17am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#971 of 1012)


Out-of-hours (Emergency) calls (530) 752-0186

Duh_ - 01:19am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#972 of 1012)


edrieanne - 01:21am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#973 of 1012)

hang in, Dusty, guinea pig prayers comin' your way!

Duh_ - 01:25am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#974 of 1012)

the lady on the phone said it isn't there policy to give animal advice if they haven't seen the
animal??? GAWD??

Duh_ - 01:30am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#975 of 1012)

some bullshit about me being in kansas and crap.

edrieanne - 01:33am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#976 of 1012)

damn, I'm sorry, Dusty. I'll try to find another phone emergency service. I used one when one of my
dogs ate something he found that I thought was poisonous.

edrieanne - 01:35am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#977 of 1012)

if the 2am time cuts in, check your email. I'm searching.

Duh_ - 01:43am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#978 of 1012)

i think he's dying, and i cna't help him...

Duh_ - 01:44am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#980 of 1012)

he's in pain. what do I do?

Duh_ - 01:45am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#981 of 1012)

I've laid him down in the cage, and he's in pain... i can't help him.

MsRobbie - 01:46am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#982 of 1012)

Dusty, do you have anything you can use to give him an enema? A turkey baster?

edrieanne - 01:47am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#983 of 1012)

just gave davis hell. FINALLY, agreed, because I'm in California, they'll give me advice. go to email
and send me symptoms, or type fast. I'm on hold while they are getting the vet. She is going to get the
vet to come to phone.

Duh_ - 01:48am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#984 of 1012)

I put him in the tub earlier and ran the warm water on him. it seem to help a little, but he got so
tired.. Now he can't move, and if I try to lift him he screams.

Duh_ - 01:50am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#985 of 1012)

He's having convulsions or spasms or something...

MsRobbie - 01:51am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#986 of 1012)

Oh geeze, Dusty, I'm sorry.

edrieanne - 01:52am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#987 of 1012)

type all the symptoms he has had.

She is looking up a kansas number -

for medical teaching hospital the number is 785 532-5690 -

Dr. Jandry suggested you call them as they are closer.

_maggie_ - 01:52am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#988 of 1012)

Dusty, email your phone number.

Blackricco - 01:53am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#989 of 1012)

Kill him! Kill him now. Quick and painlessly. Stomp on him. I'm serious. If you can't help him, put the
poor thing out of it's misery.

MsRobbie - 01:53am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#990 of 1012)

How about a warm washcloth on his tummy?

edrieanne - 01:54am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#991 of 1012)

dusty, can you call the kansas number, they are on another call and the exotic vet can't come to the
phone. do you want me to call?

lara croft - 01:54am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#992 of 1012)

Ohman, Dusty

babblingbrook - 01:56am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#993 of 1012)

Guines pig health - emergency care

Duh...hope there's something here to help - it's almost shut down time and wanted to get this out to
you quickly so haven't read it all. Thoughts are with you.

edrieanne - 01:57am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#994 of 1012)

dusty, there is a possibility that there were some toxic woods mixed in shavings (black oak? I think
was one that hit one of our horses at the barn). they are extremely toxic and occassionally get mixed

You may not be able to do anything but hold him and make him as comfortable as you can. Hang in
there, ok? prayers are with you.

edrieanne - 01:59am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#995 of 1012)


785 532-4100

surferchicklet - 02:33am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#996 of 1012)

Dusty... I am sorry..

I emailed the exotics experts... I know with dogs mineral oil can shift some.

Send Maggie your number honey... or can I??

Duh_ - 02:39am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#997 of 1012)

He died. Maggie called me and after I hung up the phone he started convulsing and he died. He
stopped breathing and i couldn't feel his heart anymore. I know he was a rat. Just a small little
animal with not a big brain and pretty much was't a real pet or anything. But I couldn't stop his pain.
I could only sit there and I couldn't help him. he was hurting so much, and there was nothing I could
do. I didn't even think to kill him, I was not very

Duh_ - 02:40am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#998 of 1012)

I should have done something. I should have helped him. I didn't know what to do, or where to go.

SherrieG - 02:43am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#999 of 1012)

Aw, sweetie, you did the best you could.

Guinea Pigs and hamsters only have a finite timeline, Dusty.

You did everything you could think of to do. And you were with him.

Duh_ - 02:46am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1000 of 1012)

I don't know. I'm a grown woman, and I can't stop crying. It was only a guinea pig. I always said that
I know they are going to die, but it is only right that you help them, and keep them from pain
because you take them and make them pets. I couldn't stop the pain, he just kept convulsion and
crying.. He was in pain, and all the things I tried to do, probably just made him feel worse. The other
one is hiding or something. I think he knows the other one is dead. he's never been this quiet before.
I feel like I should have eased his suffering, instead, with the tub of water and the gasx and that
bullshit, I just made it worse.

_maggie_ - 02:48am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1001 of 1012)

I should have done something.

You did, Dusty. You loved him and, like Sherrie said, you did your best and you were with him.
Sometimes that's all you can do, darlin'.

Duh_ - 02:52am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1002 of 1012)

I'm sorry to worry everybody. Really. I just was kupset. I guess I'm still am. God, I made it seem like
the worst thing in the world..

Duh_ - 02:54am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1003 of 1012)

I've never dealt with ANY death before... anyone or anything close to me. Except for pets.

_maggie_ - 02:56am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1004 of 1012)

've never dealt with ANY death before... anyone or anything close to me.

You're doing just fine, darlin'. It's not an easy thing to handle.

Duh_ - 03:03am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1005 of 1012)

I can't iimagine what's its going to be like, when its kodak or afga...

MsRobbie - 03:10am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1006 of 1012)


I'm so sorry.

Of course you're crying. Of course you're upset. He was your pet, and you cared about him. Seeing him
in pain would be awful, but you tried to help him. It's all you can do, sweetie.

babblingbrook - 06:56am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1007 of 1012)

oh, Duh...I'm so sorry. Take it easy on yourself - you did everything you could. Wish we could all come
give you this F2F...{{{{{{Duh}}}}}.

guy montag - 08:50am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1008 of 1012)


I'm sorry to hear about your g-pig. Even though it was "a rat", it was a rat you loved and cared about.

And don't knock yourself about doing something -- you did something very special, you cared for and
loved this animal in its last hours.

That this animal lived in a home filled with such love is one of the greatest things I can imagine.

Dusty, you are truly one in a million.

God bless.

SherrieG - 08:52am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1009 of 1012)

Dusty, you are truly one in a million.

And that's a pity. The world needs more people like her. I can't tell you how lucky I feel to be friends
with her.

guy montag - 08:54am Jan 24, 2001 EST (#1010 of 1012)


And that's a pity. The world needs more people like her. I can't tell you how lucky I
feel to be friends with her.

Ditto. About X 100,000,000.

charolais - 07:03am Jan 30, 2001 EST (#1012 of 1012)

Ah, Duh- reading about your G-Pig was truly a bummer. I'm sorry you had to watch it die.

I've been working at my friend's office for the last week or so, finishing up the year end stuff on the
books (and cleaning up a god-awful mess!) and got to watch her take bladder stones out of a 9 year old
guinea pig. The owner really liked her little critter and I was thinking of you all day.

Unfortunately, the pig did not survive the surgery- she came out of the surgery (anesthesia) but
suffered a heart attack later. My friend told me it was because she was so old, her kidneys could not
filter the anesthesia and it caused her heart to stop.

The owner was truly devoted to the little critter, because I was there that evening after the surgery
was done- and she was there holding and talking to her pet. She died the next day, tho- and when I
learned this yesterday, I thought of you.

We all love our pets, Duh- every one of them is special.